Author Topic: A new Game mode  (Read 9948 times)

Offline Lu Lu

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A new Game mode
« on: March 01, 2016, 06:57:20 pm »
This idea came to me a while ago, and after some thought, I think it might be pretty cool.  The Basic idea, is that this would be like a fleet and crew's morale in battle, if morale is low enough, a crew will flee (lose) rather than fight.  I think the best way to present it would be in a list.

My proposed Game Mode:

-There are 3-5 continually active points on the map

-The Score Board is Replaced with a Domination Bar the starts split 50/50 red and blue with the extremes of 0/100

-Victory is achieved when A team is losing by a margin of 85/15 for a duration of 45 seconds, and they lose instantly if they drop down to 0 points

-Points are passively gained by holding points, but can be offset if the enemy holds the same number

-Constantly being disabled and damaged would lower a teams morale, and the net disable amount of  red and blue would affect the score

-A team experiencing a rapid string of deaths would see moral drop faster

- If a team holds no points, morale would drop faster

-Killing the enemy's "flag ships" (their most successful killing ship) would provide a moderate boost in morale

This is just my idea to add a game mode, I'm hoping to maybe e-mail the devs this idea, but i wanted to fine tune it here on the forums and get some more opinions on this idea.  Sometimes what i think may be an amazing idea may not be as nice as what it'd really be like.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: A new Game mode
« Reply #1 on: March 01, 2016, 08:11:56 pm »
... this is call of duty domination...

except it has a blatant death match focus where points will be ignored entirely for kill grinds.
novices can't even handle king of the hill... this just isn't viable.

Offline Newbluud

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Re: A new Game mode
« Reply #2 on: March 01, 2016, 08:28:51 pm »
CoD or not, it could be fun - I also hate completely shutting down an idea before at least discussing it. Not sure I like the morale system, seems to needlessly complicate what could be a simple but fun game mode.

I'd say three points maximum, all with double the standard cap rate. There should be a set time limit and no point cap. A ballpark figure could be twenty minutes (possibly more) to not break attention spans too hard and it is tried, tested and functional as the competitive time limit. Points are gained passively by holding a point, the more you own, the faster you gain points. So locking down one point completely won't serve you much benefit. Points can also be gained actively through kills, the standard 13 we see in current KotH and CK matches.

Okay, so to prevent the last ten minutes of the game being ragequit city when it becomes impossible to overtake the amount of points gained by one team, there should be a system. Owning two of the three points grants a ninety second (subject to change) countdown to a win condition for the team in possession. Owning all three at a given time should give a thirty second win condition.

Additionally, an overtime mechanic would be beneficial. I'd say that, if a team holds two of the three points and enters the ninety/thirty second win timers, the match can extend beyond the time limit unless said team is currently ahead in points. Also, the ninety second/thirty second timers should be frozen when a point is contested. Unsure of whether this should be while a point is being decapped or whether an enemy is in the cap zone at all. Given how harsh ninety seconds is in a game where getting from A to B can take just as long, I propose the timer should be paused if an enemy ship is being registered in the cap zone at any point.

A rough draft, derivative from your idea.

Offline Kingsania

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Re: A new Game mode
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2016, 05:20:34 pm »

I'd say three points maximum, all with double the standard cap rate. There should be a set time limit and no point cap. A ballpark figure could be twenty minutes (possibly more) to not break attention spans too hard and it is tried, tested and functional as the competitive time limit. Points are gained passively by holding a point, the more you own, the faster you gain points. So locking down one point completely won't serve you much benefit. Points can also be gained actively through kills, the standard 13 we see in current KotH and CK matches.

Okay, so to prevent the last ten minutes of the game being ragequit city when it becomes impossible to overtake the amount of points gained by one team, there should be a system. Owning two of the three points grants a ninety second (subject to change) countdown to a win condition for the team in possession. Owning all three at a given time should give a thirty second win condition.

Additionally, an overtime mechanic would be beneficial. I'd say that, if a team holds two of the three points and enters the ninety/thirty second win timers, the match can extend beyond the time limit unless said team is currently ahead in points. Also, the ninety second/thirty second timers should be frozen when a point is contested. Unsure of whether this should be while a point is being decapped or whether an enemy is in the cap zone at all. Given how harsh ninety seconds is in a game where getting from A to B can take just as long, I propose the timer should be paused if an enemy ship is being registered in the cap zone at any point.

An interesting derivative! I would say fiddling with the respawn timers as well so the losing team can get into the game quicker than the dominating team. I am a fan of this overtime method, always made an exciting game for me in Team Fortress 2.

Honestly I'm not a fan of gaining points through kills as that's already present in the three modes we have. I'd like a gamemode where killing ships themselves isn't an objective and only helps your team in the tactical sense.

One thing I am curious about is the map layouts for this game mode. Do we want a line of CPs from 'red base' to 'blue base' so that both teams have an advantage over one cp and equal grounds for the middle cp? Or maybe do we want a line perpendicular to the previous line, so that all three CPs are equal distance from both spawn groups? I ask because the former would favor more armored ships and would act more as a tug of war. (Reverse tug of war? Hopefully you guys understand where I'm going with this) Whereas the latter would favor ships with increased speeds.

Maybe you can think of a layout where the type of the ship doesn't matter as much.
« Last Edit: March 03, 2016, 05:23:35 pm by Kingsania »

Offline Newbluud

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Re: A new Game mode
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2016, 06:06:16 pm »
An interesting derivative! I would say fiddling with the respawn timers as well so the losing team can get into the game quicker than the dominating team. I am a fan of this overtime method, always made an exciting game for me in Team Fortress 2.
I actually meant to mention that! I knew I had forgot something. Yes, I agree entirely. Maybe 1/2 them to keep the game fast paced.

Honestly I'm not a fan of gaining points through kills as that's already present in the three modes we have. I'd like a gamemode where killing ships themselves isn't an objective and only helps your team in the tactical sense.
Perhaps not, I guess the only thing it encourages is to stop people just ramming someone off the point for long enough to cap without trying to finalise that kill. It'd make the game much more of a disable slapfest that can be more frustrating than just being outright killed.

One thing I am curious about is the map layouts for this game mode. Do we want a line of CPs from 'red base' to 'blue base' so that both teams have an advantage over one cp and equal grounds for the middle cp? Or maybe do we want a line perpendicular to the previous line, so that all three CPs are equal distance from both spawn groups? I ask because the former would favor more armored ships and would act more as a tug of war. (Reverse tug of war? Hopefully you guys understand where I'm going with this) Whereas the latter would favor ships with increased speeds.
I do like your idea about a tug of war, as that makes for more options for ships. The only problem I see with that is it makes the vast majority of the map completely pointless, which is boring. I kind of like there being a reason to be in different places and use the terrain to your advantage. Perhaps have them spaced out with one point having a clear advantage to each team, but in more of a triangle formation. Armoured ships would still provide a defensive advantage on different points, and with it not being like CK where ships have to mass migrate every three minutes, there is more reason to have a less mobile setup.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: A new Game mode
« Reply #5 on: March 06, 2016, 11:44:48 am »
3-5 points with max 4 ships per side?
Not gonna happen

I'd rather see 3v3/4v4 King of the Hill map with 2 active points with close proximity.

But asking for new maps or game modes is unrealistic, especially given VIP mode which is known and liked within community and is not (going to?) be implemented.