This idea is for either completely new ships, or modified current ships (though only a few would apply).
The idea is to introduce a completely new class of guns and mounts based around WWII era ball turrets. The guns themselves could have the same stats (other than arcs and moment) of light or heavy guns, depending on if there would be more than one class of turret.
One unique aspect of these guns is that they all have a 360 degree relative horizontal arc, meaning they can rotate completely around their axis. A second unique aspect is that they can be placed in any orientation on the ship, top, bottom, or any side, including any angle. The vertical arcs would be limited by relative positioning of the turret, and would always have near 0 degrees negative arc. Each gun would have its own positive vertical limit. The combination of these would create a lot of possibilities.
As illistrated here, different guns would have different abilities. A gun with 'full' range of motion would be able to shoot at anything in one direction with no limits. Guns with this level of motion would have to be substantially weaker than other types. They can be placed on any mount and have great arcs.
'Lifted' and 'Flat' arc guns would be more powerful, but have more limited use. Most guns would likely fall into the 'Flat' range of motion.