Author Topic: 50 Players in Game  (Read 31668 times)

Offline -Anakin-

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50 Players in Game
« on: December 04, 2015, 06:47:53 am »
Take out this information, or at put it somewhere less obviously visible.

It seriously turns off new players.


Offline The Mann

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 07:38:33 am »

I suppose it could make sense.

I always see "This game is dead" and so on in Global  :'(

Offline -Anakin-

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2015, 08:37:52 am »
Exactly, they can't complain or be worried about low player numbers if they can't see them. I think it would still be good to have the number available to see, but perhaps in a menu.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2015, 09:03:48 am »
Exactly, they can't complain or be worried about low player numbers if they can't see them. I think it would still be good to have the number available to see, but perhaps in a menu.

community tab.

but yus I do actually need to see it personally so I can prepare for what to expect.

Plus it informs players on roughly how long MM will take seeing as we no longer have server browse.

Offline Celti

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #4 on: December 08, 2015, 11:57:17 pm »
I totally agree with this! Everytime "what happened to this game?" etc etc should probably move it to Community Tab as suggested above.

Offline Celti

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #5 on: December 09, 2015, 03:13:16 am »
I totally agree with this! Everytime "what happened to this game?" etc etc should probably move it to Community Tab as suggested above.

Or maybe the key you use to check FPS and all that could show the number of people online?

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #6 on: December 09, 2015, 10:13:58 am »
It does seem to be an issue with new players. It seems like the catalyst for a lot of "is this game dying?" posts in the steam forum. Kamboda and I just love those.

Offline Hoja Lateralus

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #7 on: December 09, 2015, 11:35:19 am »
Hiding the number won't change the fact, that there are only 50 players in the game at that time. People will probably notice is anyway (long search wait, playing with the same people, etc.) and "smarter" ones will find the number in no time at all (steamcharts, anyone?). I believe it is just fair for player to know how many players are in the game and to act accordingly, whatever that means for him/her/it*.

Instead let's think about why people leave so quickly after sales and try solving that problem. I bet many of us already have given 'some' feedback and we're sure as hell to give some more if needed.

*on the internet no one knows you're a dog

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #8 on: December 09, 2015, 04:19:13 pm »

Instead let's think about why people leave so quickly after sales and try solving that problem. I bet many of us already have given 'some' feedback and we're sure as hell to give some more if needed.

Blame social media and freebie gaming. Lots of short attention spans and GOIO does not feed into it. Sadly Muse has been editing the game to feed these sorts of players. MM, CP changes, and now a splash screen.

Feeding casuals never works for longevity. Look at MMOs, whenever they stop catering to their core audience and start "content for everyone" or "casual gamer" pushes, the games suffer. The core players get disgruntled and start looking to other games, the casuals, while large in number, consist of social media gaming players who do not contribute to the community. They come and go even quicker. They are just not invested enough into the game to care.

Silly gametypes and such that will come with private servers may help some of this. Then players can turn GOIO into more of the game they want to play.

Offline SiepeAssassina

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2015, 04:22:13 am »

Instead let's think about why people leave so quickly after sales and try solving that problem. I bet many of us already have given 'some' feedback and we're sure as hell to give some more if needed.

Blame social media and freebie gaming. Lots of short attention spans and GOIO does not feed into it. Sadly Muse has been editing the game to feed these sorts of players. MM, CP changes, and now a splash screen.

Feeding casuals never works for longevity. Look at MMOs, whenever they stop catering to their core audience and start "content for everyone" or "casual gamer" pushes, the games suffer. The core players get disgruntled and start looking to other games, the casuals, while large in number, consist of social media gaming players who do not contribute to the community. They come and go even quicker. They are just not invested enough into the game to care.

Silly gametypes and such that will come with private servers may help some of this. Then players can turn GOIO into more of the game they want to play.

Last time I said guns was moving towards a casual gameplay (and not in a good way) I got pointed as a "nerd" who only cares about its stats and stuff like that...
"Core gamers" ore more commonly "THE community" is what makes a game what it is. Period. If someone won't stay there's no way to force it. Not even giving him free "kills".
Hopefully some more people share my idea. Thanks.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #10 on: December 10, 2015, 07:04:39 am »
Should just go with the philosophy behind Japanese/asian game design.

I'm sorry my game is too hard for you. We look forward to your next purchase.

I mean imagine dark souls becoming easier just because people were too dumb to play the game. When a game is hard but fair (that being said guns isn't that hard), it shouldn't be made easier since the fairness becomes a joke.

Guns fundamentally stresses the importance of efficiency. That won't be taught via handholding with game modes and match making because the moment the match starts. You have to learn to get good in the first place.

Plus most vets do have a sense of fairness as they see fit.

Offline Cancaro

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #11 on: December 10, 2015, 07:51:02 am »
Hiding the number won't change the fact, that there are only 50 players in the game at that time. People will probably notice is anyway (long search wait, playing with the same people, etc.) and "smarter" ones will find the number in no time at all (steamcharts, anyone?). I believe it is just fair for player to know how many players are in the game and to act accordingly, whatever that means for him/her/it*.

Instead let's think about why people leave so quickly after sales and try solving that problem. I bet many of us already have given 'some' feedback and we're sure as hell to give some more if needed.

*on the internet no one knows you're a dog
Quote everything.
On why people leave, besides the missing of the brain or the concept of teamwork required by this game, I will give my opinion.
Stacked matches
I know newbies could be irritating and many of you like to play with (and not against) your friends, but this thing actually kills the game because there is too much gap between experienced players and new players. Sometimes there isn't even the option because there are too few people online and sometimes you just want a relaxing match, I know, but I think that's frustrating for new players. Only way to resolve this is being helpful with new players (there are some who listen) and spread the high level players if the lobby is too unbalanced. I include myself in this, even though I usually try to not leave low level crews or already lost games (I do when it's like the fourth in a row, charity has his limits  :P)

Old game
Face it. It's been out for years, games nowdays lasts months at best. Unless they are MMORPG or MMOFPS, but that's just because you don't need brain, you just have to farm 22h a day or just camp&kill.

What could be done in MY opinion? Just an idea who comes into my mind.

Produce new maps (not reuse old ones), themes, clothing (that without saying ships and guns because I suppose they are busy with the co-op, and those things need to be balanced). Workshop could be a great help if only material could get approved faster. Constant new material is something that keeps the game alive, more than paying a youtuber that will just bring a boom of 400 new (stupid) players that will just fill the game with monkeys and discourage the smart one because too much kids. Those 400 will also leave the game in few months. I understand the money, but it isn't a solution. We've seen it with the teaching tournament.
Put space invaders or snake in lobbies lol

Offline Coiler

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #12 on: December 10, 2015, 08:21:41 am »
Don't know if something went wrong somewhere, what with Alliance -which I'm sure will be a great product for the work being put into it- being developed for some time now, but let's face it.
No actual new 'content' but a new gun and recycled maps for about a year and a half won't do justice to any game. Much less for one that needs players to be teached and handheld through the first 10 or 20 hours.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #13 on: December 10, 2015, 07:48:17 pm »
Don't know if something went wrong somewhere, what with Alliance -which I'm sure will be a great product for the work being put into it- being developed for some time now, but let's face it.
No actual new 'content' but a new gun and recycled maps for about a year and a half won't do justice to any game. Much less for one that needs players to be teached and handheld through the first 10 or 20 hours.

Bigger question here is what department loses some muscle so that other like in-game content development/approval, gets a boost?

Its a small core development team, going for an ambition project and sticking with it. And apparently interns are coming in to do intern stuff. But its not expanding anywhere fast enough to keep up with itself, to maintain its life span.

So the BIG question will be, when all the new stuff thats promised is done. Will there be a playerbase to play it by then?

So muse's current course of action is as follows.

Focusing on a whole new mode, with the small team it is time consuming and slow and likely lacking in funds to outsource testing or other plebeian tasks for development.

Meanwhile to stave off the necrosis of the playerbase, they have resorted to padding out the playerbase with dumb ideas like vet games and arbitrary achievements and very obvious pyramid schemes (novice partnership-get more novices to get useless titles, because you can't just grind that stuff with 1 set of novices, you must perpetually do so).

Let's also not forget the dumbing down of many aspects of the game for accessibility which has clearly failed to work as player retention has not really changed. The cycle of losing vets for "new vets" with deteriorating skill with each generation is still apparent. And we the players (at least a faction of the community), think its OUR fault for crushing newbies/being frustrated and angry with them and generally "forcing" these special little flowers to leave the game.

So... what muse do that isn't unreasonable, yet not some cheap ass gimmick that will fall flat on its face. What simple change will magically make things better?

My answer? Some goddamn back peddling. I mean a major rebalance overhaul, THAT will appease the vets. We've discussed the solutions of each issue thoroughly, so they don't even have to worry about discussing internally. A big first step in the correct direction of this game  is to get what is currently out COMPLETELY RIGHT, before you throw more into your "to sort" pile by adding more garbage to the pile.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: 50 Players in Game
« Reply #14 on: December 11, 2015, 01:08:58 am »
I completely agree Jazz. I think we have been hearing hints of this from Matt and Howard. From what I've heard in recent firesides and personal convos, at least those two seem to be on the verge of realizing it.

The major issue to what your saying is Eric. There's no way around it. I think he is the major problem for GOIO, and I think he is a bad influence on it. He holds a lot of power, sometimes more than Howard. When the lead designer is contradicting the CEO in firesides, or flat out saying "no, that's wrong", then you know you can't get around this guy. He does not care what the community wants. He doesn't care (or doesn't see) what GOIO needs. He cares about what he wants. Any back peddling will be minimal or rejected while the status quo sits. He is the responsible party for a lot of the changes over the years that have driven away the majority of vets. Where is Zill, sammy, salous, captain roy? Leaders of the old clans have all given up or been driven away. The bedrock of this game is the clans, and back peddling will help, but not without the source of the friction changing.

Honestly, I think Matt should have his job. I don't know what technical skills he has, but he is a good manager, he knows what's really happening in-game and in the community, and he does listen to feedback.

« Last Edit: December 11, 2015, 01:11:50 am by Byron Cavendish »