Perfect analysis, you were spot on about the Dover's build issues. We didn't foresee corvus staying back and simply sniping us and we paid dearly for it. As you said, we could neither approach or stay back.
The only argument I would make would be for the efficacy of the artemis. The mercury is by far the superior sniper tool. However, I don't have the artemis for sniping, I have it primarily for brawling. The atemis unlike the mercury has a very large turn radius, enough so that it is relatively easy to get a "trifecta" wherein we have have a chain gun, a flak cannon, and an artemis rocket launcher shooting the enemy. Unlike the merc, the artemis can be effectively used in mid and even close range. It has a fairly quick swivel in addition to its large arc.
There are many things I would have changed before that match. Honestly I am still feeling very down about it. However, the artemis is not among them.