Community > The Cantina

Uncharted Skies

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The known world is in shock after hearing the news of what has transpired in both the Guild and Empire capitals. Many believe that the attack on Vystorg was a way for the Yesha Empire to expand and eliminate one of the dominating Factions of the region. While both governments try to cover most of the details and state that it was a rouge coalition of marauders that initiated both attacks, the public is close to the truth that they doubt even themselves. But as the month pass on, a cloud of normalcy has drop over the world and the recent attack fades quickly into history of the battle torn world.

4 Weeks Later, Cathedral

In Cathedral, what damage that transpired from the Spring Festival has been patched up and the city is up and running. Down at the docks, by an old, worn building, a man comes out and pins several job availability papers on a bulletin for those looking for a ship, one of them catches many people's attention.


Captain looking for able-bodied men for an expedition to unknown and exotic lands. Funded by a wealthy benefactor, those who apply will be paid a hefty sum of 10,000 gold crowns. We will be exploring the lands south pass the Guild Borders into the unknown just as the Great Gabriel did to thrust us into the Age of Air. The journey ahead maybe mysterious and hazardous, and the weak need not apply, but those willing will be greatly remembered as those who courageous the wild frontiers. To those who want to apply, meet at the center of the city. Located at the Militia Docks, a medium transport will be docked and waiting. [/font]

“An expedition.  To the south? Who ever made this posting must be insane," cries out one of the onlookers.

"But look at the amount of money they are offering," says another.

"Bah, I wouldn't risk my life for that in uncharted skies. I'm out."

As several argue about the pros and cons, some shrugs and walk off thinking nothing of it, while a few are taken by the offer. Whether for the money or the spirit of adventure, these individuals walk off into city looking for what lies ahead.

A man walks to the post board from the docks. A large, well-balanced axe on his right hip, and an old .45 caliber revolver on his right. Wearing a red shirt over body armor comprising of tungsten plating over kevlar, he wears a thigh length black flak jacket over it all. A light grey armadillo helmet on his head, and a sand devil mask concealing his face. A sheath in the small of his back is angled so he can draw a large fighting knife with his right hand, and there are numerous leather pouches on his belt, along with three empty loops designed to carry grenades. A tactical rifle is slung over his right shoulder, and a large duffel bag over his right. By all accounts, he looks like a professional soldier carrying everything he owns.

Silently looking at the post board, he sees the one to head south. Then he silently jogs off down to the center city militia docks.

After seeing the place, he gets in line to apply. Many are being turned down...........

City's Center, Militia Docks

"This mission sounds ridiculous!"

As a small line forms out in front of the transport, a heated argument erupts inside the main control room. Standing in the middle of the room is the mission's captain, a freelance pilot, Cathedral's Baronies representative, and a Baron Air Navy Commander.

"But Captain Erwin," pleads Councilman Enger, "You readily agreed on this mission."

"I agreed to the money, but seeing the real picture, sign me out."

Giving a heavy sign and pinching the bridge of his noes, the Councilman turns to his liaison, "You have anything to say to change his mind Commander?"

The Baron Commander leans his weight on the cane that he his currently using as he muse over an answer. Suited in the standard blue of a Baron military officer, he has seen better days as his face has a few scars still healing from a recent battle while his left arm is in a sling, followed with a heavy brace on his right ankle.

"Let him leave," he finally answers.


"Finally a reasonable military stick. Now since I'm taking my leave, how about some partial payment."

"Oh no, you are not seeing a single crown Captain," says Enger as he turn around a points a finger to him.

"An assistant will be in my office to help you retrieve your payment. Now have a good day Captain Erwin."

With a smirk on his face, Erwin leaves the room with a dumbfounded Councilman and a calm Commander in his wake. Limping towards on of the windows, The Commander watches as he steps of the gangplank and is escorted into one of the buildings. Behind him Enger slams his fist onto the control panels.

"Thank you Commander, you just let our only pilot walk off from the job and with the money. What do we do now? The Council is not willing to send any of our officers as well as the Baron Command. Is this expedition worth it?

"Let him go, not like he is going to be any use on this mission, too cocky and ill-mannered," he says as he turns to face the Councilman and motions him to follow.

"And yes, this mission is important, but we are not ready to commit military resources yet."

"So I'm assuming that this is for some speculation? But we need is a new pilot."

As they arrive on the edge of the gangplank, the Commander look out into the line and sees a man in ready.

"I think I have ourselves a new Captain," he says to Enger as he finish assessing the man.

Seeing the now ex-captain leave, the man turns to the two men who appear to have some sort of official capacity.

"I saw an old squid for sale down at the docks. If the council will foot the bill, I'll command the job for 2/3 of the set price."

(Isaac) a man walks to the to the back of the line behind a man in a red shirt and ridiculous amount of arsenal..... he wore a white and black war room suit with it's tassels swinging along side his arm..a mask (avas demon) was on his face making it difficult to see his eyes... a captains hat with a metallic pin shaped like a raven was on the side of his hat. The man was thin and fit and had black trim proper hair. He talked to the man in front of him "...god almighty this line is long huh?"


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