Within the walls of a UFO mothership on the outskirts of the Tadpole Galaxy a crowd gathers around an old, badly damaged yet playable upright instrument.
Amused by the encore of music, many depart and take seats at the tables dotted around the main room. H2O supply begins to flat and more is consumed. Stories begin to be told.
(Random Alien #1)"I heard another rumor today, Mechtoidor, entering the great Northern District, annihilated by an unknown defender."
(Random Alien #2)"How strange, I heard a similar tale not too long ago, same location except this time, Bath Halls, from the northern district."
(Mutador)"These are not tales. these are real events, seen them myself!"
The instrument music begins to play faster, sharp and flats become more prominent. the mood of the music begins to become dark.
(Mutador)"These are the works of the tyranny in the clouds. The Sectoidor."
(Random Alien #1) "Who is this 'Sectoidor'.?"
The instrument music stops as the Mutador moves to the table to sit with the random aliens.
(Mutador) "You hear these true tales and know no names? There are many tales of this Unknown Sectoidor. Let us begin with my story."
*Anyone is welcome to make up a legendary story of The Sectoidor. There will be no "Super Powers" Just happy people creating fun and interesting Role Play based on a legend. "Think of it like. Zorro.".*