Keep in mind when you and your friends "stack" a lobby, Match maker keeps this into account and aims to match your mmr with similar skill levels.
It doesn't.
It just forces me to be an overglorified babysitter when I just wanna play a normal game but can't when half the ships crew (or even just one), stand around staring at cool downs of the hull, camp guns or just literally do nothing.
And thats not even the lobby side when they decline loadouts to even stand at least a chance from an equipment stance.
I'm good at this game, but I'm not a miracle worker. I can handle a noob I can fully show the ropes or even one thats entirely useless (I can definitely pull off that miracle sometimes). But a full ship of scrubs that won't do anything to ACTUALLY PLAY THE GAME?
Naw... no one is having a good time on that ship. No one is having a good time on that team.
That gg at match end is just a load of crap and an outright lie. I'll take a loss when I know everything that could have been done was done. Not one that occurs because NOTHING was done.