Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468500 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #900 on: March 21, 2013, 06:44:40 pm »
*Zill blankly looks at Yiski and PapaP.*

I have as much reason as anybody to despise the Council. I didnt go in there to gain permission to track these feathered idiots down. I was going to do it regardless. However, with the Council letting us take the lead, we dont have to worry about them throwing Elites at us, and I can summon half the Anvalan fleet to bury these birds into the dust if I see reason to.

Since id rather not have Council goons breathing down our necks, I can detach troops to Port Tar Barrel. Any supplies we need can come from me or PapaP.

*Directly looks at Yiski and puts a hand on his shoulder.*

The Council isnt our fight right now. The people who shot Roland are.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #901 on: March 21, 2013, 07:15:33 pm »
*Zankif is working closely with his men trying to find any information pertaining to the seal he recieved from BdrLine*
*He and a few other are in his warehouse with different books and files out in the open*
*A few feet from them, a table with various radios are running, each being operated by some more personal*

*From one of these radios, a person is quickly writing on a parchment*
*He gets up and heads to Zankif*
Boss, think we found something

*Zankif looks up from the file he is reading*
Really? What is it then.

Well one of our teams has spotted the seal on what looks like an old factory north west of Selogarod.

*Confused by this, Zankif takes the parchment from him and reads the message*
North west of Selogarod? The only thing there are the craters. There is no information about anything being built on those lands on the files we have. Are you sure this is accurate?

Yes this came from our best scout team and you know how good they are in the field.

Very well then, i pass this along to BdrLine

*Zankif then goes to the radio and dials in BdrLine's frequency*

*Niko is at the Archives of the Scholar's Palace*
*He is at the Pre-World Section of the Archives*

*As he looks through a book, he is thinking to himself*
*Sigh* Don't know how Azn gets himself into this much trouble. I mean another attempt on the Empire, what nut case tries to take it over?

*As Niko was arguing with himself about the topic, something in the book caught his eye*
*It was the symbol that he received the other day from BdrLine, he takes a closer look*

"The Birdmen is a Pre-Great War extremest group set on uniting the world under their banner. The creators of this organizations are unknown as most information pertaining them has been lost through time. The only relevant information about this mysterious group is the distinct bird mask that its members wore. The group originated in what is now the Capital of the Yeshan Empire, Chang-ning" What this group came from the Capital!! ", their original headquarters is still standing on the outskirts of the Imperial City. During the Great War, The Birdmen saw an opportunity as the First Imperial Emperor has pledged troops to fight with his allies in the distant battlefields. As the majority of the Imperial Military Might focus on the War, The Birdmen, launched their attack on the Capital. Almost being overwhelmed by the sudden attack, the Imperial Emperor himself rallied the remaining forces left in the Capital and pushed the extremest out. After the defeat and being oust from the Empire, no further information has surfaced pertaining to this group and is assumed that it has dissolved."

*As Niko finishes reading the excerpt, he turns to the next page and finds a map to the original Birdmen headquarters as well as different excerpts from the battle and official reports*

Hmm this may just be useful.

*He takes and checks out the book from the Achieves and heads back to his manor to continue reading the different reports*
*Eventually, Niko heads towards to the old headquarters to see if anything has survived through the years that can be helpful to BdrLine and the group*
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 07:23:02 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #902 on: March 21, 2013, 07:49:27 pm »
--Somewhere near the City Center, Anvala--

*Yiski brushes of Paradox's arm.*
Tomorrow? We'd need it now. The saloon is under repair and I don't think there are any other areas that could house us, unless we'd decided to stay in the Docks for tonight.

*Yiski then snaps his head to face Zill after his comment.*
I know who our targets are, but that doesn't mean the Council isn't far off my list.

*Yiski takes a deep breath.*
Zill, come with me and we'll go ahead and get the barrels of White Steam and Wild Wind.

*The group couldn't tell, but Roland knew Yiski had to still be furious over him getting hit. Roland also knew Yiski was the type to repay a slight in kind plus interest.*


Roland had first hand experience of how brutal Yiski could get when it came to his well-being. The first incident arose shortly after Yiski retired to take care of Roland.

Roland was only in his teens. Roland had shown up at Yiski's place all bruised and bloodied. Some of the young new Academy cadets had beaten up Roland for fun. Yiski immediately grabbed Blood Bolt and blitzed into the Academy grounds.

He had found the cadets because they were bragging about it. Yiski opened fire and intentionally maimed Roland's attackers. The aftermath resulted in Roland's attackers being permanently physically impaired.

Yiski was only given a reprimand given his service record.

Knowing Yiski was even angrier than that time, sent shivers down Roland's spine.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #903 on: March 21, 2013, 08:08:36 pm »
*Zill and Yiski split off to grab the barrels for tomorrow. The group didnt like it, especially Jun'ko, but they had another task. Zill gave Jun'ko orders for the dockmen to prepare his Warehouse for a possible military assualt. If they were to remain safe through the night, it needed some defense.

Yiski and Zill enter the Saloon. The workers are still there fixing it up. As they grab the barrels, Zill gets something off his mind.*

Yiski, we have been through a lot. Not just recently but in general. And I swear I havent seen the blind rage youre putting off since Michael died. What is eating you alive right now?

*The group make it to the Port. Zill had ordered ground troops for added defense, and it showed. Jun'ko provided the orders for the dockmen and they began turning Zill's warehouse into a makeshift bunker. Jun'ko went over to BdrLine.*

Hey Bdr, want to help me get the radio from Zill's galleon? We may need it through the night.

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #904 on: March 21, 2013, 08:39:24 pm »
--Saloon Back Room--

Is my undying, seething rage that easy to pick up now? Meh, civie life must be gettin' to me.

*Yiski took a deep breath.*
I promised Micheal in the event of his death, that I'd look after and take care of Roland. Micheal and I were like brothers and I consider Roland just as much my son as Micheal did. I'll be damned if I let some crazy, war-lovin' remnants of the old world nearly take him away from me.

*Yiski clenched his fist tightly enough to almost draw out blood and slammed his fist into the wall.*
If they're goin' to target him along with us...

*Yiski turned to Zill. Yiski's eyes were sharpened and his expression could frighten death itself.*
...then I will track every single one of them and end them.

*Yiski turned back around and loaded the last barrel on the hand cart.*
Enough small talk. Let's get back to the others.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #905 on: March 21, 2013, 08:57:11 pm »
*BdrLine was helping with the workers transforming the warehouse into a bunker*
*He hears Jun'ko talking to him and turns to face her*

Yeah sure, I need to check in with my people as well. See what they dug up already.

*He and Jun'ko heads to Zill's Galleon*
*Once they found the radio, they started to unbolt it from its slot on the ship*
*They carried it back to the warehouse, where then it was set up in the back*

*As BdrLine and Jun'ko was at the Galleon, Ny-Lee notices a difference in Roland's behavior*
*She goes up to him and puts a hand in his*
Is there something troubling you right now?

--Lord's Leap--
*Captain Melin of the 13th Research and Espionage Division of The Baron Militaries*

*Melin is in a conference room with 5 others from the Division*
*Like the others that BdrLine contacted, Melin and his group has files in front of them looking for any information detailing about the Birdmen seal*

*Melin to the group*
Anything yet?

*Without looking from a file, a Sargent speaks*
No Sir. Nothing so far *He looks up from the file and tuns to the Captain* With all due respect Cap, but how are we going to find this one seal. The conflict with the Guild happened decades ago. It could have been on one of the many units we have fought against.

*Melin sighs*
I know, but it may not been a fighting unit at all. But my frie... contact says that it is relevant for his search.

Alright then, i keep looking.

*Moments passed, A Lt. rise from his chair holding a file*
Sir, i think you want to see this

*Melin goes from his position to the Lt.*
*On the paper is a picture of a Guild weapos crate barring the Birdmen seal*

Nice work Lt. i think this is good enough for now. Keep searching for any more information, i'll be radioing my contact with what we have

*Captain Melin goes to the other side of the room where the radio is placed*

Offline Papa Paradox

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #906 on: March 21, 2013, 09:09:05 pm »
*Bdr and Jun finished hooking up the radio, Papa walked over*

"Do you guys mind if I make a quick call? Good."

*Changing the frequency to the DLTC dispatch, Looming into the microphone*

"Oi, This is Papa, get Jen on this line."

"Yes, sir."

*A few moments later*

"... Sir?"

"Hellooo, sweets, I need you to kindly activate the Lion protocol"

*Silence and shuffling could be heard on the other end*

"Are you sure, sir."

"Jen how long have we know each other?"

"A couple weeks."

"Then you should know when I'm kidding."

"It's on its way."

After a few minutes, the warehouse started to shake, roaring engines could be heard, a vessel slightly larger than a galleon snailed its way over top the warehouse. It had a pointed bow like an axe, it housed a weapons floor that contain three heavy guns. Six gunners, three engineers, three navigators, and one captain. It cut its engines, DLTC flags could be seen flying all over it metal cover exterior.

*walking up behind Yiski and Zill*

"Close you mouths gentlemen, she doesn't like being gawked at. She was made for transporting very precious cargo... very slowly. In her off time she stands as a bulwark to anything that would harm the DLTC.

*From the radio*

"Wall of Jericho, reporting for duty."

*Paradox returned to the console*

"Hello gentlemen, good to hear your voice, stay here and defend the warehouse, make sure the airspace is completely secured.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 09:13:53 pm by PapaParadox »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #907 on: March 21, 2013, 09:14:12 pm »

*Roland notices his shiver caught Ny-Lee's attention. In any other circumstance, he'd lie, but he couldn't do that to her.*
It is Yiski. The last time I have ever seen him his furious was years ago when a group of Academy cadet beat me up. I took and entire regimen of infantry riflemen to make Yiski even pause before ending the cadets' lives.

*Roland held his side and frowned.*
I fear since I have been injured, Yiski's anger has grown into something that cannot be comprehended or controlled. But...


*Roland turns his gaze onto all the ships docked.*
But it is also how I feel... weak.

*Roland paused for a moment.*
Not just during the attack, but all the times where conflict was involved and all I did was hide.

*Roland hung his head low.*

*Roland's somber mood broke when he heard the rumbling. When Yiski and Zill returned to see the Wall of Jericho hover. Yiski could only say one word.*
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 09:15:58 pm by Yiski »

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #908 on: March 21, 2013, 09:32:57 pm »
*Zill saw the Wall of Jericho*

Impressive. Would sure hate to turn it though...

*He and Yiski took the barrels over to the warehouse for storage in the cellar.

Zill thought about what Yiski said earlier. He had felt the same way after Kyle's death, so he knew where Yiski was coming from. He only hoped his blind rage wouldnt endanger more than himself.

Zill saw Jun'ko and gave her a hug.*

Oh well hello my Admiral. Miss me?

I did. And while I hate you being involved in this, Im also glad youre here.

*Jun'ko blushes a little and kisses his mask.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #909 on: March 21, 2013, 10:46:29 pm »
*BdrLine just stares up at the Wall of Jericho and whistles*
Damn thats one giant beast, hate to engineer on that thing though

*To PapaP*
Well if you are done with the radio, i'll just go over and check with my people.

*BdrLine goes to the back room where the radio is*
*he then converts the settings so that he can talk to multiple people at once, and dials in the many frequencies of his contacts*

*BdrLine puts a headsets on and tries to make contact*
Helloooo, anyone on?

*static until Zankif and Melin voices comes on*

Finally Bdr, you know how long i've been trying to contact you?

Same here, but i got some information about that seal you gave me.

*For about 20 mins. Melin and Zankif relay all the informtion to BdrLine*
Thanks guys, radio me back when you find more.

Will do, Melin out.

Got it my friend.

*The radio then goes static*
*BdrLine gets up from the the chair and out of the room to find Zill and Yiski*
*He sees Zill taking charge of the organization with Yiski at his side talking to him*

*BdrLine goes up to them and talk about his earlier findings*
...So far i still need to hear from Niko, he hasn't responded to any of my calls so i assume he is still searching. But if anymore information pops up i'll tell you first.

*back to Ny-lee and Roland*
*After Roland finishes talking and hung his head down, Ny-Lee goes up to him and embraces Roland in a hug*
*She kisses him on the lips, when she breaks it, she looks into his eyes and says*

Roland never call yourself weak. Just because you can't fight in anyway, doesn't mean you are. You have an inner strength you don't even realize you have. And besides, you are never weak in my eyes.

*she resumes kissing him, but is then interpreted by the comming of the Jericho*

*Outskirts of the city*

*Niko is following the map he found to the abandon HQ of the Birdmen*
*Behind him is a squad of Imperial Elites, not wanting to take a chance if there were any remaining members in that place*

*The old HQ is a three story high 500 sq ft building. The majority of the property look old and run down through the ages, but every building built in Yesha was built to last, which is why it is still standing*

*As they enter the building, the group notice that nothing is left inside*
*They continue through the building until they enter what looks like the information center*

Alright men split up, check for anything valuable

*As the group splits up to cover more of the information center, Niko notices something odd.*
*On one of the column, he notices a red blinking light*
*It took awhile until he finally figures it out*

*His eyes widen and he yells to the others*

*As soon he says that, an explosion goes off at one end of the building, then another*
*The group, a little dazed, runs towards the entrance.*
*While trying to escape, many more explosions goes off around them*

*Soon the entrance was in sight, and the group was almost out.*
*Until an explosion directly behind them blows, knocking them out of the building*

*Miraculously all nine survive, even if they did sustain injuries, all nine return back to the city to check on their wounds*

*On a faraway building, a masked person stands on the roof with a portable radio*
Looks like they made it out boss, how do we proceed from this?.... Alright heading back to base then.

*he dials in another frequency and says soem code words, moments later a squid with modified silent engines arrive and the mask figure gets on. The squid then flys out in the distance*
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 10:49:17 pm by BdrLineAzn »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #910 on: March 22, 2013, 12:51:50 am »

The group set up a temporary base inside the Dock's warehouse. Paradox sent for more overnight supplies. The group decided on the same watch set as last night, except BdrLine stayed glued to the radio to see if anymore information on the Birdmen came in.

Before retiring for the night, Yiski called Roland over. Yiski had the box he grabbed from the saloon earlier on his lap.
Are you going to tell me what is inside?

Yup. It's some of Micheal's military gear.

Yiski opened the box and it only had two items: A single piece of crimson shoulder armor and a M1911 pistol.
These are for you Roland.


Micheal only wanted these to go to you when either he or I thought you should. Given the recent events, I see now that I cannot keep you protected 24/7.

Yiski... you know that I haven't...

Taught you how to handle a firearm. I know. Better late than never. We'll get started on basic firearm training in the morning.

Yiski got up and started to walk back toward the warehouse.
Yiski wait!

Yiski stopped.
Do... do you think I am weak?

Roland. You're only weak if you believe you're weak. Do you think you're weak?

Roland was silent.
Despite everything that's happened to you, not once have you turned away from hardship. All you've done is met it headlong and you've come out as you are. To me, you're more than just strong. You're honest, brave, and kind. Not traits you find often. Also, you've got a girlfriend who thinks the world of you.

Roland started to tear up. Yiski walks back and pats Roland on the back.
If you're parents were alive, I'd know like hell they'd be proud of you.

Thank you.


Yiski went back into the warehouse and Roland was sitting on a docking station with his legs hanging of the side. Soon Roland was met by a warm embrace and a kiss from Ny-Lee.
Are you feeling better?

I am and thank you.

Ny-Lee giggled and gave Roland another kiss.
Come on. Let's get some sleep. We've got work to do tomorrow.

Together they headed inside the warehouse.


--END OF DAY 39--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #911 on: March 22, 2013, 10:43:58 am »


Being on last watch again, Yiski met the morning sun. While everyone was getting up and preparing for today, Yiski went back down to the saloon to see if the remodeling had been completed. When Yiski got to the saloon, he saw the foreman and his men still working.
Unforeseen problems foreman?

The foreman turned and gave a sheepish grin to Yiski.
Yeah, turns out some of the support beams were more damaged because of the age of the saloon. How old is the building anyways?

I don't know. It's been around well before I took over.

I see. Well, I'm having the men do a full inspection of the saloon. Can't have you or anybody else inside just to have the whole building crashing down.

Yiski frowned, but accepted the situation.
Alright, just keep me posted on the status. I'm holding up in the Dock's warehouse for now.

Yiski left and made his way back to the warehouse where Roland was waiting for him outside.
Is the saloon fully repaired?

Nope. Looks like she took more damage and the foreman is runnin' an inspection to ensure there aren't anymore hidden dangers.

That is unfortunate. Well, Ny-Lee and I made breakfast.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #912 on: March 22, 2013, 11:35:22 am »

Zill woke with a start. Jun'ko was just getting up and leaned over him.

Wake up lazy man, else you miss breakfast. *Chuckles*

Yea yea. Today is sure to be interesting.

Oh right your interrogation is today. Did you want some help?

Zill knew his methods were for his eyes alone. He had been interrogating for years, and it wasn't always as violent as it was these days. Given the circumstances and the group they were up against, loose ends were the worst kind of idea.

I think its best you didn't. Plus, who else shall the dockmen gawk over while I am away?

She grins and leans down to kiss him. It lasts longer then expected. She breaks it though to present to him a small pouch.

A few days ago I had picked this up for you. I was looking for the right moment and I think its time you have it.

Zill goes to open it but she taps his hand.

Save it for when you leave. Now get together and lets have some breakfast my Admiral.

He gets himself dressed in his blackened outfit and they go outside.

-End Narrator-

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #913 on: March 22, 2013, 12:54:08 pm »

*Ny-Lee, Roland, and Yiski were outside the warehouse. Yiski had set up a few targets for Roland to practice fire and teaching Roland the basic handling. Ny-Lee sat to the side watching.*
Alright, hold your gun up like so... make sure you have a nice, tight grip with both hands, lineup your front and back sights, and give the trigger a nice heavy pull.

*Roland squeezed the trigger a few times and the M1911 fired a round into the target.*
Not bad. Looks like you have a grouping near 3 o'clock and closest shot was off an inch from center. With a little more practice, you may be just as good as your father.

You really think so?

Even though you're mostly like your mother, you've got your father's sharp eye and calculatin' brain.

*Firing practice continued for the next hour.*

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #914 on: March 22, 2013, 01:15:51 pm »
*BdrLine come out of the radio room with blood shot eyes*
*He gives a yawn and smells breakfast*

*BdrLine goes to a table and sees bacon, eggs, hash browns and coffee*
*He grabs a plate and a mug*
*Outside he hears some pistol shots and Yiski talking*

*figuring that Yiski is training someone to shoot, he heads out and sees the small group.*
*He goes over and sit next this his sister and eats his breakfast while watching the two*

*In between bites*
So Yiski is finally teaching him huh? So how is Roland with the pistol.

*Ny-Lee still watching Roland*
He is actually not that bad. Roland just need a little more practice, but he is getting there.

Hmm when they are done, i might practice with my rifle. You with me?

Naw i'll go and try out the blade you gave me.

Suit yourself *continues eating*