Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon  (Read 1468667 times)

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #15 on: February 23, 2013, 09:15:00 pm »
*walks in slowly and takes a seat in the corner*
Please. Grog.

Here you go. The highest quality grog this side of Anvala.

With a casual swagger and a bloodstained mallet tucked into the loop on the side of...'her' coveralls, the one and only Furry saunters into the establishment. Eyes obscured with a set of jaunty goggles and her hair pinned back into a loose explosion that could be, in the loosest terms, considered a ponytail, the tall, lanky drink of water made her way up to the barkeep. Looking over the assembled patrons, her nostrils curled at the obvious perfume of equal parts desperation, machismo, and misappropriated flamer fuel.

Putting her hands palms-down on the counter, she barked a gruff laugh, then cast her gaze over at the tender. "You got cider here, chum? If y'do, I'll take two pints, and a packet of cracklin's."

*snickers at the gal* You should be careful, them ain't exactly the friendly skies.

*drinks the offered cup in one swing... then realizes how stupid that was and suffers the burn* Well now... *cough* Fine stuff you've got here. I saw these flying contraptions passing overhead and I figured that it seemed like a good time. I haven't exactly figured out my trade, since I'm handy with anything that I've got in my hands. I can fly, shoot, and fix just about anything that moves.

*Looks over to Psyran after serving BerserkArcher*

Better watch yourself Psyran. I've seen what Furrymessiah can do when she's miffed. And when she's carrying her mallet, she's more furious than 20 hwachas loaded with burst rounds.

*Carries two pints of Furrymessiah's favorite cider*

Here you go. Should I add it to your tab?

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #16 on: February 23, 2013, 09:26:03 pm »
*Looks over to Psyran after serving BerserkArcher*

Better watch yourself Psyran. I've seen what Furrymessiah can do when she's miffed. And when she's carrying her mallet, she's more furious than 20 hwachas loaded with burst rounds.

*Carries two pints of Furrymessiah's favorite cider*

Here you go. Should I add it to your tab?

Regardless if she's crewing with me or no, miffed is the way to be. Keeps the blood warm and the wits sharp.

Since you're passing out poison, please pass me some ale... good sir.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #17 on: February 23, 2013, 09:32:36 pm »
*without looking up from my drink*

Yiski remember first round one all on me.

*then turns to Pysyran*

And like i said earlier still a little green. Just watch your self when it comes these parts. I was once like you, all green and not knowing where to put myself. And getting Furrymessiah steamed.... well like Yiski said, your death wish.

Give me a nice cool one that Hellfire is getting to me.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #18 on: February 23, 2013, 09:51:25 pm »
This is a holdup! Hand over all your plushies or the place goes up in flames!

*points portable flare gun at drinks*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #19 on: February 23, 2013, 10:02:45 pm »
*without looking up from my drink*

Yiski remember first round one all on me.

*then turns to Pysyran*

And like i said earlier still a little green. Just watch your self when it comes these parts. I was once like you, all green and not knowing where to put myself. And getting Furrymessiah steamed.... well like Yiski said, your death wish.

Give me a nice cool one that Hellfire is getting to me.

*Looks at BdrLineAzn* I know. I know. Why'd ya think I didn't ask for any coin. *Hands BdrLineAzn and Psyran Frost Fire Ale* This should put you back straight.

(Little known fact. Frost Fire Ale has the same recipe as Hellfire. The effects of the either drink are determined by how each - and subsequently all specialty drinks - ingredient is mixed.)

This is a holdup! Hand over all your plushies or the place goes up in flames!

*points portable flare gun at drinks*

*Stares at N-Sunderland for a few seconds*
*Whole saloon is oddly silent*
*Everyone erupts in laughter*
*Yiski wipes a tear from his eye*

Dammit N-Sunderland, no matter how many times you've pulled that stunt over the years, I'm almost positive you're gonna accidentally pull the blasted trigger and be the death of me and everybody in this district. Now sit yourself down and tell us where you've been the past couple of weeks. Thought the raiders finally got the best of you and your captain.
« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 10:13:23 pm by Yiski »

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #20 on: February 23, 2013, 10:18:19 pm »
Hah! You know I can hardly aim a flare gun anyways.

I'm surprised you thought I'd finally fallen! Me, of all people! Was it not I who once held a Squid together against an armada of raiding Galleons, using nothing but a potted plant? Was it not I who rebuilt the dreadnought entirely in three hours, despite crashing it in the exact same spot five minutes later? Was it not I who managed to keep my captain's Junker alive long enough that we defeated our foes with nothing but a tar barrel?

Anyways, it suffices to say that those raiders have seen better days. We were flying through the fjords, minding our own business, when a hundred, nay, two hundred of those raiders came flying out from behind the mountains! Child's play.

But that's enough blabber for now. I'll take the usual.

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #21 on: February 23, 2013, 10:19:18 pm »
*finds an empty table and sits down with his drink*

*politely dusts off his boots before placing them on the table, as he leans back and takes a swig of his ale*

I like this place. A little tame, but alright. Some of you old timers act like you've got your pantyhose all twisted, though...

Offline Furrymessiah

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #22 on: February 23, 2013, 10:24:35 pm »
*snickers at the gal* You should be careful, them ain't exactly the friendly skies.

"You should keep that in mind y'self, friend. I'm liables to knock you so hard you forget how to hold a hammer, let alone give it a swing," She replied, giving him a smirk and an appraising glare.

Better watch yourself Psyran. I've seen what Furrymessiah can do when she's miffed. And when she's carrying her mallet, she's more furious than 20 hwachas loaded with burst rounds.

*Carries two pints of Furrymessiah's favorite cider*

Here you go. Should I add it to your tab?

"Of course, Yisk, you would know, havin' been under my mallet a time or two. Not half as hard as I've given it to Zill, but then again, he enjoys it less." Giving the man a wink, she picks up one of the pints and downs it like a man dying of thirst, setting the glass down and belching demurely. "As for the tab, go ahead. I'll pay you once my boss settles his tab with me."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #23 on: February 23, 2013, 10:32:01 pm »
Hah! You know I can hardly aim a flare gun anyways.

I'm surprised you thought I'd finally fallen! Me, of all people! Was it not I who once held a Squid together against an armada of raiding Galleons, using nothing but a potted plant? Was it not I who rebuilt the dreadnought entirely in three hours, despite crashing it in the exact same spot five minutes later? Was it not I who managed to keep my captain's Junker alive long enough that we defeated our foes with nothing but a tar barrel?

Anyways, it suffices to say that those raiders have seen better days. We were flying through the fjords, minding our own business, when a hundred, nay, two hundred of those raiders came flying out from behind the mountains! Child's play.

But that's enough blabber for now. I'll take the usual.

By the clear skies your whole grand adventures are hopped up on hydrogen as usual.
*Yiski hands N-Sunderland what appears to be a black liquid*
Still can't believe you drink this stuff. I swear you're the only one in this whole world who probably does.

*finds an empty table and sits down with his drink*

*politely dusts off his boots before placing them on the table, as he leans back and takes a swig of his ale*

I like this place. A little tame, but alright. Some of you old timers act like you've got your pantyhose all twisted, though...

*Yiski shoots a glance at Psyran*

Oi, rookie, you had best be careful. Most of the regulars who come by are the best at what they do. Hell, the only reason Anvala still stands is because of us.

*Yiski takes a large swig of Hellfire behind the counter*

If you want to last longer than you first magazine clip, then you better mind some manners. As far as being tame, the night hasn't started yet and you've yet to see the other big shots.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #24 on: February 23, 2013, 10:32:30 pm »
With a slight limp, and a dusty mask, he swings the door wide and lets it slam. Standing there in his finest officer jacket (dust and time have not been kind to it) he beckons for 2 barrels to be carried in by a rough bunch behind him. As the barrels roll toward the bar, he surveys the room. No patron could see though the old hazard mask, warn for their protection moreover than his. His boots sound heavy as he inspects patrons on his way to Yiski...

"Boy this bunch looks rough Yiski. What you been offering these days? "

*Gives a pat on his back*

"Finest rum and moonshine in them barrels. The desert sure didnt want them to leave her sight either. Lets say we have a swig before it gets dusty."

*Beckons for a round on him and gives a glance at Furry*

"About time somethin' prettier than BdrLine came out of that wasteland."

He walks to his usual table and props up a chair for his tired body.

« Last Edit: February 23, 2013, 10:40:51 pm by RearAdmiralZill »

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2013, 10:41:30 pm »

"Of course, Yisk, you would know, havin' been under my mallet a time or two. Not half as hard as I've given it to Zill, but then again, he enjoys it less." Giving the man a wink, she picks up one of the pints and downs it like a man dying of thirst, setting the glass down and belching demurely. "As for the tab, go ahead. I'll pay you once my boss settles his tab with me."

Bah, I've yet to recover from that last hit two months back! I swear, if you were any angrier, I'd thought you were intentionally trying to kill me. Anyways, I know your good on your tab.

*Yiski downs the remainder of his Hellfire*

Damn I can never get enough of this stuff.

With a slight limp, and a dusty mask, he swings the door wide and lets it slam. Standing there in his finest officer jacket (dust and time have not been kind to it) he beckons for 2 barrels to be carried in by a rough bunch behind him. As the barrels roll toward the bar, he surveys the room. No patron could see though the old hazard mask, warn for their protection moreover than his. His boots sound heavy as he inspects patrons on his way to Yiski...

Boy this bunch looks rough Yiski. What you been offering these days?

"Gives a pat on his back"

Finest rum and moonshine in them barrels. The desert sure didnt want them to leave her sight either. Lets say we have a swig before it gets dusty.

"Beckons for a round on him and gives a glance at Furry"

About time somethin' prettier than BdrLine came out of that wasteland.

He walks to his usual table and props up a chair for his tired body.

*Yiski staring at the man and immediately recognizing Zill*

By the gods, I was wondering when you'd come back from your salvage mission. Thought the council finally decided to get rid of you by giving you the Scrap job.

*Inspects the barrels*

Holy hell, you actually manage to find a barrel of Anvala Vintage No.2 and No.3. Thought the last of the stuff was lost forever and in the last place anybody expects to find it. I gotta say Zill, you're constantly full of surprises.

*Yiski hands himself a mug of No.2 and Zill a mug of No.3*
*Each raise their mugs to each other.*

To clear skies!

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2013, 10:45:27 pm »
Oi, Zill! Where's my money? Something about me not being able to keep a Spire alive during a double Pyra ram? Maybe that rings a bell for you? I'm getting impatient, Zill!

Offline Psyran

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #27 on: February 23, 2013, 10:48:30 pm »
* finishes his drink and allows the chair to slam down hard on the ground as he removes his boots from the table *

Let's get one thing straight real quick. You do not know me. You don't know if I'm the most wanted criminal or the next Mrs. Universe contestant. So before you start slinging those warnings and calling me 'new' or 'green', you think about that.

This isn't exactly the most friendly bunch, maybe I should just go wet my whistle somewhere else...

* flips a coin to the keep for his drink before he walks to the pisser *

Offline Skyraider

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #28 on: February 23, 2013, 10:52:29 pm »
*Walks in*
*In a low, mumble voice* Well, this is where all ye spend all your spare time..... Maybe I should take a break from the ole' fighting, Zill says I should quit harassing the new-comers. Trial by fire, or mostly fire with a mix of carronade, that's what I always say.
*In a much more louder voice* Well, if none of ye know me, I'll introduce me self. I am the Raider of Skies, Skyraider, and I've come to this establishment to get away from those pride-less, swabies. I may be an aggressive, honor driven warrior, I still can't pilot with people fallin' off me ship. Sure it may have holes from the enemy shooting at us, but its no excuse to get ye foot stuck on a board. Alas, everyone can't be perfect, although they should.
Also if you think I'm gettin' a drink I..... "Misplaced" my crews retirement funds, and that's what I was going to use. And I also was gettin' a spanner to fix those swabies I was put with, if I can fix a burnin' engine with it, why not fix stupidity?

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon
« Reply #29 on: February 23, 2013, 10:52:58 pm »
* finishes his drink and allows the chair to slam down hard on the ground as he removes his boots from the table *

Let's get one thing straight real quick. You do not know me. You don't know if I'm the most wanted criminal or the next Mrs. Universe contestant. So before you start slinging those warnings and calling me 'new' or 'green', you think about that.

This isn't exactly the most friendly bunch, maybe I should just go wet my whistle somewhere else...

* flips a coin to the keep for his drink before he walks to the pisser *

Look, you're standing in here with one hell of a gunner, one hell of a pilot, one hell of an engineer, and Furrymessiah. You'd better stop acting tough, or you're going to regret it. That flare gun is loaded, you know.