Author Topic: Abbreviations  (Read 14442 times)

Offline greendra

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« on: May 24, 2015, 06:54:00 pm »

Recently as I join the more advanced lobbies I get told to do things I have no idea what actually the word means. Eg Go blenderfish, metajunk or carro and engi. I know all of those, but there are so many different terms used for different things that it can get really confusing. Could you please name a few common ones?

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2015, 06:56:45 pm »
Well, you could describe what you did not understand and we could explain. I can't list the whole vocabulary of goio without prompting sorry.

Offline Koali

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2015, 07:06:02 pm »
[Anything] = "Bring the proper kind of dakka."

Offline greendra

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2015, 07:16:36 pm »
Well, you could describe what you did not understand and we could explain. I can't list the whole vocabulary of goio without prompting sorry.
Names of ship builds? Not much in particular, just common one. Sorry if I am not being specific enough, but I don't know the words to ask you what they mean.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2015, 07:42:31 pm »
Carrot is carro art. Cheese is merc art. There aren't many named builds besides the meta builds.

Ras means target armor is down, biscuits balloon down, nuts armor up. Delicious is armor and balloon down. Peach means rebuild until gun is one hit away.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2015, 07:53:52 pm by BlackenedPies »

Offline Sarabelle Marlowe

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2015, 07:57:34 pm »
There are quite a few, I'm afraid, and some seem to have slight variations according to who you talk to. I can name a few things off the top of my head that myself or clan use, but be assured there are more and I may be slightly off.

Metamydian- Pyra with a gat/mortar combo on front, usually with the mortar being next to balloon.

Trihardamis- Junker with 3 rocket launchers on one side.

Flakfish - goldfish with heavy flak

Minnow/minnowfish- either short for the gun itself, or for a goldfish that has it

Munker- Junker with mostly (usually all) mine launchers

Thats just a few off the top off my head, there are far more

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2015, 09:06:40 pm »

Trihardamis- Junker with 3 rocket launchers on one side.

lol, havent heard that one.

Juicing-Using either kero or moonshine

Stripped-Armor is broken.

Hawachafish, Blenderfish, Lumberfish- Goldfish variations.

There maybe more out there, just on the top of my head.

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2015, 09:21:03 pm »
Here's my slang as engineer:

Hull broken -            Fuck
Armor down -           Fuck
Engines burned out - Fuck
Guns destroyed -      Fuck
Wrong tools -           Fuck
Buff hammer -         ehehehe buffed balloon

Pilot slang:

aim for target -      That one over there
Another target -     No the other left!
Open fire -            Make em burn
Kersoene -            Gotta go fast
All repair -             Fuck
All shooty -           make BRRRRRR

Offline Sarabelle Marlowe

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2015, 02:47:30 am »
Dakka- To wildly shoot as much as possible whist screaming at the top of your lungs. Commonly used as "Needs more Dakka, WAAAAAAGH!!!". Sometimes proceeded by a ram.

Friendly Fire/Skaven it/F*** it all- to launch mines indiscriminately, knowing well it might (more likely will) hit an ally.


Trihardamis- Junker with 3 rocket launchers on one side.

lol, havent heard that one.

I'm not sure where I heard it, heard Alistair use the term and we picked it up from there. Being its one of his main junker builds I can attest to how appropriate the name is XD


This is frighteningly accurate XD

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2015, 08:23:29 am »
Be careful when people say Metamidion, I've heard people say metamidion and seen the pyramidion equipped as a carronade flamer.... Not a metamidion...

The goio.vocab is huge for the known community, and most of commonly used terms are here...
However I've heard so many people use almost a different language (no not the Russians, Polish or Germans....) but Americans and English who seriously, have just made up their own words for things in the game because they're unaware of the existing community and languages used....
(Almost like the ducks, except only the person talking knew what he meant.)
A few examples of random made up stuff I've seen:

Gatling gun: "Heavy" because "Its a TF2 reference innit, cause its like the heavy's gun." How dare Sasha be compared to a rusty mounted gun!

Mortar: "Nade gun." Because its almost like a grenade launcher... Mortar is easier to bark out imo...

Flamer: "The hot one" every time... "Enemy will be on our left side, man the hot gun!"

All hwacha galleon: "more-ticores" a dude who genuinely thought a quad hwacha galleon should be called more-ticores"

Some me and my friends use but are often debated as having other names/meanings
Man the aft guns: "shoot.a.flare!"

To your positions: "Man the aft guns!"

Nah I'm gunna buff flare gun: "I'm getting on aft guns!"

Hwacha fish: "Catfish"

Ship with out a chance: "Flakfish"

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2015, 08:24:24 am »
Additional note, there may be a on this subject 8)

Offline ZnC

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2015, 09:13:38 am »
Meta-Junker: Long range (Hades-Artemis) and short range (Gat-Mortar) sides with Artemis front

Meta-Galleon: Long range (Lumberjack-Flak) and short range (Hwacha-Carronade) sides

Meta-Mobula: Long range (Merc top & Artemis sides) with short range bottom deck

There are several common variations of these builds; swapping the Junker's Mortar for a Banshee, Galleon's Flak for a Mino, or Mobula's Merc for Hades.

Offline SapphireSage

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2015, 10:52:01 am »
A list of commonly used builds,

- Hwachafish: Hwacha front gun
- Blenderfish/Hellfish: Carro front gun
- Lumberfish: Lumberjack (LJ) front gun
- Minofish: Minotaur front gun
- Flakfish: Flak front gun

- Metamidion: Gat/Mortar front guns. Typically mortars are on the balloon side.
- Holymidion/OVW pyra: Gat/carro front guns. Can have carro on either side.
- Carrot: Carronade/artemis front. Typically has artemis on engi side.
- Minemidion: Pyra using at least 1 mine launcher on front.

- Triple art: One side has gat bottom with mortar top and the other side has double artemis with the front having another artemis.
- Meta Junker/ Ducker: Same as above except with a Hades on the bottom of the artemis side. Typically has Gat/mortar on the right side.
- Munker: Junker using mine launchers as main weaponry.

- Kill squid: Squid using gat front with banshee/flak/mortar side.
- Disable squid: Typically a carro front with a flamer side. The two guns might also be swapped.

- Meta Galleon: Left side has Hades, Heavy flak rear, and LJ front. Right side has Hwacha rear with Carro front. Rear gun is typically flare for clouds.
- All Hwacha galleon/ Quadcha Galleon: Every heavy gun is a Hwacha.

- Meta Mobula: Mobula with top Merc/Hades and wing artemis. Lower deck is some combination of close range guns (ie. carro/flamer or gat/mortar)
- Balloon/Hull focus Mobula: Similar to above with one of the artemis being swapped to lower deck depending on if you want the engi to focus on repairing balloon or hull.

- Brawler Spire: Spire with close ranged guns.

That's most of the more common terms as far as I know. Though by no means a perfect list of every slang term in game.

Offline greendra

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2015, 04:20:51 pm »
Thank you very much everyone! Now I can understand ship layouts by there name. Really helped!

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Abbreviations
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2015, 04:30:09 pm »
Pineapple; Junker with double carro and front carro
Mine-____; Ship that uses mines offensively
Carro/Blenderfish; Goldfish with H.Carro up front