Finally saw the new UI from a screenshot on here, and;

Why is the Team Point Counter so frikin big and annoying? It seriously looks like something you'd put in a game that's made for kinder gardeners. Thank you Muse, but, the way to solve the noob problem is ~not~ appealing to said noob's age group.
Also, what's the point of the new Compass if you take up more space with the new Point Counter? In fact, now it seems like you can barely see the Compass on half of the maps.
And thanks for the big-ass Stamina counter in the bottom which completely blocks everything. I'm sure that will totally help Engineers on the gun when components near their bottom-left are broken.
Why are the notches in the Health counter gone? Do you just want to make it harder for me to relay how much health I have to my teammate, and/or just make situations where my ship has low health MORE stressful?
Also, it's nice to know you can now tell me what Equipment I have when I look at a gun. It's not like said equipment is on my bottom UI or physically appearing in the left screen or anything.