Author Topic: Scenery While you Die?  (Read 48503 times)

Offline Shinkurex

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Scenery While you Die?
« on: April 10, 2013, 07:28:34 am »
With the announcement of the new map in the works (The Labyrinth).... I thought it might be good for us to think about what type of environments we would like to play in. I took some time browsing the archive, and figured that this would be a good topic to revive :). I also found this idea that might be interesting:

Canopy I'm not sure how the geography of this game will go, other than several desserts, but I wouldn't mind testing my metal and pilot skills against some branches. Giant tree branches that is. The ceiling is completely green, and the ground is covered in roots. Bigger airships would have to sacrifice their speed for caution whilst smaller airships could maneuver through the vegetation and attack in waves.

So now I'll open the floor to you guys... What kind of maps would you like to see?

Offline Pickle

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2013, 08:06:24 am »
Big, tight maps would be fun.. similar to Canyons, but not as confined as Duel.

The problem to be avoided with a Canopy map is how to prevent it becoming another sniper's paradise.  With trunks and branches there's a risk of being able to see a target without being able to close, so you start to snipe between the obstructions.  Duel avoids this by being claustrophobically small.  Canyon avoids this by having large, solid view blocks and view blocking clouds amongst the canyon runs.

An Extended Canyon map would get my vote - removing the large southern arena are, adding a greater run of the actual canyons and just having three smaller arena areas for spawning.  The graphical presentation is up for grabs :-
- Red rock canyon
- Abandoned skyscraper city
- Glacier crevasse
- Super-giant redwood forest (Sequoiadendron metagiganteum)
- Giant cave system
- River delta (very big map, very open but with shallow canyon-like runs through the forest where a low-flying ship can hope to sneak)

However.. can before any more maps are created, can we please have the AI carry out a line-of-sight check before firing.  The AI programming is currently inadequate for more Canyon-style maps.  As is Harpoon line collision detection.
- the AI will shoot at targets through solid rock on Canyons.  The targets aren't hit, but the AI continues shooting.
- the harpoon line will cheese-cutter through solid rock spires on Canyons.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2013, 10:16:48 am »
I'd like a map that is relatively open, almost without any obstacle, but with a ton of clouds and heavy wind.

Clouds would be close, with small gaps that would turn into close fighting melee areas.  We'd see flare get used heavily on this kind of map.
That and this is closer to my "true" night map I want so bad.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2013, 10:23:34 am »
I'd like a map that is relatively open, almost without any obstacle, but with a ton of clouds and heavy wind.

Havent played Water Hazard lately eh?

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2013, 10:28:37 am »
More clouds than that.

And it'll be day time, so the clouds are bright and fluffy, with rolling green grass for a few dozen feet along the bottom of rolling hills.  Very picturesque.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #5 on: April 10, 2013, 10:31:22 am »
Like this.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #6 on: April 10, 2013, 10:38:28 am »
Ah so a Chaladon field or something to that effect. Makes more sense now.

Offline Connor Mc.

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #7 on: April 10, 2013, 09:45:45 pm »
I'd like to see something over the ocean, but it would just be sniper mania

Offline Wazulu

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #8 on: April 10, 2013, 09:53:49 pm »
Hmm, in a perfect world I'd love to see some amazing environmental effects: the pinnacle of which would be a tornado or tsunami, as it would be a game changer:

Pilots have to plot orbits around the storm, otherwise they'll get pulled in. Trying to catch up/run away in this fashion would be very interesting- turning around would expose a huge face for the wind, and would pull you in faster. Also, slingshot effects would be nice.

Gunners, trying to aim in that would be a whole new skill.

Engineers: Engines would become more important than hull- If the engines are out you'll be pulled in very quickly. A

Oh, and gamemode? King of the Hill, in the Eye of the storm- you'd have to fly above the storm and attempt to descend inside the eye. As this gap would not be large it would only allow for a single ship, hence it would be very easy with a harpoon or ram (if you plan on suicide) to displace them.

Alas, I know this won't be implemented ever, but I like the idea of battling the elements and high risk. 

Cheers for reading.

EDIT: There would be no dust damage whatsoever. That would make life too impossible, surely.

Offline Connor Mc.

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2013, 10:03:33 pm »

Pirates of the Caribbean anyone?

Offline JaegerDelta

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2013, 10:44:41 pm »
lol well back to the earlier posts, at least in a canopy type map fog and mist would actually make sense in a jungle/old forest environment. the clouds in canyons are functional but they make you wonder why they are there :P

i would really like a map in a cave, not the normal kind of cave you think of because why would taking an airship in a series of small tunnels make any sense. im thinking of a cave with a large-ish oculus in the top that would facilitate dropping in supplies by airship. the obvious choice for this kind of thing would be a dormant volcano with a large empty magma chamber, or a very large water cave (think what gandalf fell into :P). this could be some sort of old base set up by a forgotten military power or a settlement of a group trying to evade and hide, perhaps a factory of some kind using the geothermal energy of the area (if its a volcano that is). no matter the past reasons, it would be rich in technological ruins the current inhabitants of the world desperately need. 
   The ruins of the previous occupants would have to play a major role in shaping the "landscape" of the map. so it would have to be some rather massive infrastructure, but in a chamber that can hold airships easily, that should be no problem. The part where it gets interesting would be the fact that since these are technological ruins long without power, the only environmental light source would be that of the opening in the middle.  The shadows would be the major player here as there would be no clouds unless the atmospheric conditions were absolutely perfect.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2013, 10:46:40 pm by JaegerDelta »

Offline Keon

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 06:13:28 pm »
Caves. Carronades and close range guns would rule, with multiple side passes allowing access to smaller rooms around a huge central chasm.

A push-cart map, somehow.

Giant forest. One team wants to burn it and the other wants to save it.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #12 on: April 11, 2013, 06:14:43 pm »
Giant forest. One team wants to burn it and the other wants to save it.

You, sir, have discovered a perfect application for a flame Squid.

Offline Keon

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #13 on: April 11, 2013, 06:48:23 pm »
Giant forest. One team wants to burn it and the other wants to save it.

You, sir, have discovered a perfect application for a flame Squid.

It would be like the Pyro from TF2 except it would be me and I would be laughing my head off as I burned the world to the ground.

Offline Lord Dick Tim

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Re: Scenery While you Die?
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2013, 02:04:38 am »
Destructible objective maps would be interesting, would put a different spin on capture the flag.  Instead of just sitting in a spot a team would have to move out and engage an enemy ship.  There would need to be some kind of provision to protect against sniper fire though, like a physical obstacle or just resistance to shatter in general.