Your effort is good its great to see people getting involved in teaching and I think if you take Disasters criticism constructively your next tutorials could go down well.
But I have to agree a setting up video is a bit unnecessary as most people who would find and watch the video will already know what to do if they're watching the video in the first place..
But don't stop making the rest of the tutorials!
And also as Disaster said saying the line with CoD and Minecraft players is a bit of an odd.statement...
I know a lot of MC players who play GoIo, and I'm sure most of us have dabbled in the world of FPS games such as CoD which is why we know what their bulk player base can be like...
You should focus instead on describing the games key features (steal the Muse store page point of sale if it helps) and avoid saying the line "if you like [this] you may not like [this] in every video, its a negative statement which gives the views a negative view point, better to compare with a positive statement..
For example: "If you like [similar game name here] You will love [insert related game here]!"
This plays on viewer psychology and gives a positive mind set, or rather than name a similar game, use a key feature word or descriptive word such as "Team work" or "Airships" or "steampunk".
Overall you should focus on what your target audience Does want, rather than telling the wrong audience they don't want it.

Hope that helps, good luck in your next vids, also work on more indepth videos with genuine info, wrote a script pre-record.
The best tutorialsare done by people who know the fames inside out

Your clan leader should be able to help you with any info needed.