I've seen too many new players to believe, that this shit would be used by idiots in troll-like way. Sorry, but hell no. When I need my engines to work fast as fuck THEN IT IS I who decides so. That's part of my job as pilot, along with positioning, strategy-thinking, tactics, and giving orders.
I can see, I just can see, an idiot putting some 'shine into my damn engines, because he thinks that my gunner needs to go faster, so he can have range. Even if such person wants it's best, the results are similar to trolling. Because HE DESTROYS my fucking plan, come on!
Yes, gunner can repair, and engie can shoot. But FFS, there should be only one person aboard in charge of the ship - the bloody captain. For he is making decisions, preapre some sequences in head, whatever.
Imagine you are 3 years old, and you are making a sand castle.
Suddenly your brother comes and starts whacking it with a shovel.
Childish? Maybe - but accurate, don't you think?
There are enough problems with Lochnagar shots - we don't need one more problem, the one with pilot tools used otherwise than on helm, by the captain.
Some may say - "EXPLAIN". Then answer me: "WHAT is so difficut to understand in statement STAY on the carronade, DON'T leave it unless I ask you to do so"?
Generalisation? Maybe. But I don't gamble with maybies. If there is such a threat - I'm both hands against that idea.