Author Topic: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.  (Read 16714 times)

Offline Caprontos

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Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« on: March 08, 2015, 08:46:38 am »
What if you could use any pilot tool as another class, by using the item on its relevant part - moonshine on an engine - hydrogen on the balloon.. impact bumpers on the hull.. etc. Perhaps with some cool down between uses separate from the tool cool down for if there is a major balance issue..

For tools like tar and moonshine maybe it has to be used on all engines before it activates.. or maybe it just makes the one do it.. (tar being 1/3 or 1/4th the normal effect because its only one of three or 4 engines doing it).

Issue with stacking tools.. Either let it stack or just make it so the pilots overrides any crew used tool.

Do you think this would have a big effect on what you want crew to take in the pilot slot? Do you think it'd have a negative or positive effect on the game? Or maybe just not useful at all?..

I think it'd have a positive effect in that it opens more options... and maybe adds some useful things you couldn't normally do.. 

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2015, 08:58:10 am »
This is... Very, very intriguing...  Troll potential is high, but it would mre variety to Engi game.  Gunner would still have spyglass, ofc.  I can see balance repurcussions for sure.

Engine tools should all activate from the main engine and have 1/3 effect, Hydro acts like a 1sec tap.  Also, it should take a second ti activate, like screwing the hydro can on, or dumping moonshine/kero into the fuel lines.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2015, 10:20:32 am »
Too much trolling potential, especially for people who farm achievements, balloon rebuilds? Bring chute vent or hydro and keep popping balloon for rebuilds regardless of if it'll be a problem for pilot or not...

Moonshine for engine repairs...

However if trolls did not exist, I would like this, one crew member to bring X tool for that extra boost would be fun!

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2015, 10:29:16 am »
Do you think this would have a big effect on what you want crew to take in the pilot slot? Do you think it'd have a negative or positive effect on the game? Or maybe just not useful at all?..

I'm with the others that the trolling potential is quite high. Especially because of the damage involved. And by saying trolling, i mean it a bit more broadly. The pilot suddenly doesn't have full control over his boat, and in a situation where i want to use kerosene to run away and re-engage, my random crew pal thinks we need phoenix to turn around and fight. Conflicts ensue.

I'm definitely on board with more pilot tools that other crew can use. As a pilot that has always had a spyglass (and now rangefinder), I'd even be interested in tools like that.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2015, 11:00:13 am »
To solve any trolling issues.. They could just add a button for the captain to enable or disable crews using pilot tools directly, so if you got a troll you could deny them. (I don't support kick features, but I'd support deny features :P).

If its a new player issue, then like most new player issues, you have to explain it to them.. and hope they get it - if not.. use the above option..

As for claw vs kero or something... Two cases it is either.. It stacks - and you then turn and move faster.. (but more engine damage).. - or it doesn't stack and the pilot wins.. Either case if they aren't trying to troll you then they will stop and repair the engines regardless...

Tar is probably the most risky tool.. Since they could force you to tar yourself.. but at the same time, could be interesting you could have someone use it at proper times..

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2015, 11:14:15 am »
Even with an annoying deny feature

1. One ship will have too many pilot tools
2. Why should a crew want to use a pilot tool, how does that crew member even remotely use itself... How is it used... like it doesnt expend any of their time. Spyglass forces them to look and find enemy ships then click.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2015, 11:28:49 am »
Even with an annoying deny feature

1. One ship will have too many pilot tools
2. Why should a crew want to use a pilot tool, how does that crew member even remotely use itself... How is it used... like it doesnt expend any of their time. Spyglass forces them to look and find enemy ships then click.

Still one pilot. Only one helm.. The pilot having an engi tool fixing the balloon is not an issue? - So an engineer aiding the pilot is also not an issue.

Game is apparently team work.. Adding more teamwork elements to consider I think is a nice thing.

Well standing at a part, using it.. Does expend your time. If your using something on an engine -your not fixing things, your not shooting things. - Your not looking around for enemies - Most pilot tools need to be constantly on to be used right? so you'd have to constantly use it to maintain the effects - I assume.

I would assume they would get relevant animations and if necessary cool down or cast times (idk if needs cast times but its an option for balance)  and be used similar to normal engi tools (ie click to use it on the relevant part - maybe hold.. so less clicking is needed)... Not just hold it anywhere on the ship and it magically works.. If that's what you thought I meant.

Offline Richard LeMoon

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2015, 12:25:23 pm »
Actually, I have pondered this before, and came up with an interesting solution. Using pilot tools on the component in question would buff the pilot's use of that tool, but do nothing if the pilot did not have that tool as well. They would not be the actual items, but rather a tuning kit.


Use Moonshine on an engine. Engineer 'tunes' the engine to handle the added power. It adds a timeout like buff. When a pilot uses Moonshine tool on the helm, it reduces the damage to that engine.

Use balloon tools on the balloon, and you get the same reduced damage effect as Moonshine/kero/claw on engines.

Impact bumpers would be a special case. Using bumpers on anything will increase that component's resistance to impact damage a small amount, regardless of whether the pilot has the tool or not. Crew using bumpers on the hull while the pilot is using the tool as well would give the hull substantial impact resistance.

Gives crew reason to bring anything but spyglass. Improves teamwork. Adds an extra level of gameplay. Allows full time moonshine Squids. Gives meaning to a captain shouting "BRACE FOR IMPACT!"

Offline Omniraptor

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #8 on: March 08, 2015, 07:57:10 pm »
really great idea richard simple elegant I love it :D

Offline Replaceable

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #9 on: March 08, 2015, 07:59:06 pm »
Richard wins

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #10 on: March 08, 2015, 11:49:04 pm »
Wouldn't his idea break the differences of say, kero and moonshine, in a way that moonshine would just be the thing to take as it can be always on?

It works in some applications, but yea.

Offline MidnightWonko

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #11 on: March 09, 2015, 08:35:03 pm »
I was recently considering the same thing, of pilot tools being incredibly useful for a pilot and utterly worthless for everyone else.  I considered simply allowing their corresponding component to operate at full power, regardless of damage (except for destroyed components).  It just seemed to me that if they did, though, they would still be eclipsed by repair equipment.  Consequentially, I'm still at a loss for what else they could do.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #12 on: March 10, 2015, 09:41:23 am »
I've seen too many new players to believe, that this shit would be used by idiots in troll-like way. Sorry, but hell no. When I need my engines to work fast as fuck THEN IT IS I who decides so. That's part of my job as pilot, along with positioning, strategy-thinking, tactics, and giving orders.

I can see, I just can see, an idiot putting some 'shine into my damn engines, because he thinks that my gunner needs to go faster, so he can have range. Even if such person wants it's best, the results are similar to trolling. Because HE DESTROYS my fucking plan, come on!

Yes, gunner can repair, and engie can shoot. But FFS, there should be only one person aboard in charge of the ship - the bloody captain. For he is making decisions, preapre some sequences in head, whatever.

Imagine you are 3 years old, and you are making a sand castle.
Suddenly your brother comes and starts whacking it with a shovel.

Childish? Maybe - but accurate, don't you think?

There are enough problems with Lochnagar shots - we don't need one more problem, the one with pilot tools used otherwise than on helm, by the captain.

Some may say - "EXPLAIN". Then answer me: "WHAT is so difficut to understand in statement STAY on the carronade, DON'T leave it unless I ask you to do so"?

Generalisation? Maybe. But I don't gamble with maybies. If there is such a threat - I'm both hands against that idea.

Offline David Dire

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #13 on: March 10, 2015, 11:11:20 am »
I've seen too many new players to believe, that this shit would be used by idiots in troll-like way. Sorry, but hell no. When I need my engines to work fast as fuck THEN IT IS I who decides so. That's part of my job as pilot, along with positioning, strategy-thinking, tactics, and giving orders.

I can see, I just can see, an idiot putting some 'shine into my damn engines, because he thinks that my gunner needs to go faster, so he can have range. Even if such person wants it's best, the results are similar to trolling. Because HE DESTROYS my fucking plan, come on!

Yes, gunner can repair, and engie can shoot. But FFS, there should be only one person aboard in charge of the ship - the bloody captain. For he is making decisions, preapre some sequences in head, whatever.

Imagine you are 3 years old, and you are making a sand castle.
Suddenly your brother comes and starts whacking it with a shovel.

Childish? Maybe - but accurate, don't you think?

There are enough problems with Lochnagar shots - we don't need one more problem, the one with pilot tools used otherwise than on helm, by the captain.

Some may say - "EXPLAIN". Then answer me: "WHAT is so difficut to understand in statement STAY on the carronade, DON'T leave it unless I ask you to do so"?

Generalisation? Maybe. But I don't gamble with maybies. If there is such a threat - I'm both hands against that idea.

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He's called "Commander" for a reason, that's because he commands.

Offline MidnightWonko

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Re: Make all pilot tools usable by crew.
« Reply #14 on: March 10, 2015, 12:08:28 pm »
Moonshine: used off the helm, it gets your character hammered.