Author Topic: new players  (Read 44842 times)

Offline Lanliss

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Re: new players
« Reply #45 on: March 03, 2015, 08:21:31 pm »
Ok, a lot has happened since I last checked, so I will try to not ramble here.

To Jazzhand, you must have gotten lucky with that winning streak. Maybe you got decent AI, combined with fighting against bad players. Regardless, Unless you are an absolute god, I am sure you had trouble that you would not have had with players helping out. Maybe you really are just that good, but your experience does.not represent the standard for gameplay. Most of the time you need a team of at least two good players, or three to four decent players, for a ship to carry a game.

As for the lookout thing, I generally do not see the reason for it. I accept the lockouts that are offered to me, sometimes with minor tweaking (like trading an extinguisher out for chem spray), but so many captains have their own niche play style where they absolutely need this engie to carry the buff, mallet, and chem spray(that is just an example, do not know if people really do that specific combo). My point is that a lot of captains have their own specific play style, and if a player cannot adapt from captain to captain they are often considered bad. I have played with captains who based their play style on a strat that worked out once, and they keep going with it, then blaming the crew when their "badass" all flak spire does not work out.
I understand that their are trolls, and that they will refuse decent loadouts just to screw with people, but refusing a loadout does not make someone a troll. Maybe they just thought it was a bad loadout, maybe they did not think they could play with it. Maybe it had a buff hammer and they had no experience with that, and we're worried they would do poorly with that. There are a lot of reasons that someone might turn down a loadout, and being a troll is not the only reason.

Now on to Disaster, because he got his response in before I finished typing this beast(I hope their is not a limit to characters on here)

I am not refusing to understand your point, I just want the information plain and simple, so there is no chance of the devs misunderstanding when I eventually send them a link to this thread. I though I might have known what your problem was with the idea, but on the internet, over text, it is difficult to be sure about things like that. Also, from what I have seen, a lot of people want that step back, as that would solve the problem of novices not being novice long enough. Not trying to shut your idea down, just saying what I have seen on here.

Offline Arturo Sanchez

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Re: new players
« Reply #46 on: March 03, 2015, 10:39:45 pm »
Lan... read my post.
It pre-emptively dealt with what you presume I didn't consider.

As for the whole refusing load out thing.
"please take my totally OP chem extinguisher buff build i reccomended and get rid of that spy glass, you need rangefinder."

Its not that cut and dry. Sometimes you gotta go with your common sense and just go no. I'm going with this. I'm going to save your dumbass by making this choice of refusing your dumb build. I am also going to scrutinise every single error you have made and will make and predict exactly what is going to happen if you go with your genius strategem.

Suffice to say, they take in a hurt pride and go with whatever dumb idea they go with, but in the end I'm proven 100% right and my common sense choice to go with whatever build i can to salvage the trainwreck shows its truth.

Real trolls are intelligent people that intentionally act harmfully. An idiot is not a troll, it is an idiot whos incompetence is the undoing of their crewmates and their teams. They mean well, but they don't do well. worst of them are the know it all noobs.

A certain person was asking for spire builds.

He started with double gat carronade. I told him exactly why it was bad. It broke hull sure but the carronade is for balloon. It can do hull damage but it won't give the kill power you want. A decent ship can simply tank the hits long enough to either ram or disable as essentially nothing is ceasing their momentum.

So after he went with my advice and replaced the carron with a flak. It did what a flak does, near insta kills upon hull break. With two hull breakers the flak didn't need to wait long for the hull break. And if the gats and flak get decent arcs in on a target, it will play on the strength of a spire as a glass cannon and kill before lethal damage to the ship is done. A destroyed ship cant hurt the spire with a ram. A hull broken balloon popped ship though? Its diagonal ram stings way more than a normal ram. As it does forward momentum and downward momentum on that ramming action. The rammer might die but its highly likely that you would too especially on a spire that has all its crew on guns (since its a kill or be killed ship)

*point of the story found here.
After that, I said that if you want heavy spire then go with the known trifecta carron spire. With 2 barking and 1 hell hound. At first it had a gat on its fourth slot and I said replace it with a flamer. But then this new guy came (some lvl 20 know it all), and started yammering on about the merits of a hull break to couple with a carronade (a lesson I had just taught to be stupid on the first spire). So he asks why? We need a hull breaker? What do we have to hull break?

The ground. One bounce and that hull is gone. A 2nd bounce that ship is gone. All the while that carronade is doing is balloon locking as 3 carronades are firing doing direct hull dmg via the broken balloon. Any rebuilds is instantly broken. replace 1 carronade to the mix and you distract the ship from balloon rebuilds as other parts gets set on fire. Guns overheat. Engines burn out. Hull breaks.

1 gun for a hull break vs 1 gun that damages all parts and paralyses a full crew from fixing key parts. Common sense would say flamer for that balloon destroy assist as it sets other parts on fire that none of the target ship can ignore either. A decent crew can split their 2 engies on hull balloon easily, and what you don't want is to give time to the enemy to be rescued.

All this info is common sense. You just need to think a moment on what things do and what situations they do best. What situations counters them and what tactics need to be employed to play in a position of strength.

Alot of people don't think that large a scale but come in thinking they are goddamn Gabriel of the Icarus. I don't listen to people like that because my vast experience and extensive research (that is freely available to everyone yet very few actually look into) tells me that X idea is dumb. Hence I will not humour that stupidity.

If being an asset that the incompetent person didn't ask for is being a troll. Then frankly, I guess I am a very good troll that keeps ships alive and gets kills (but still loses because dumbass thought gat mortar on a squid is a thing)

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: new players
« Reply #47 on: March 04, 2015, 05:13:41 am »
That's not what happens. A low level player joins a ship and refuses to bring the right ammo and tools no matter your explanation. Ignorance about the game is no excuse when the loadout logic is explained. These players just want to do whatever and refuse to be told otherwise. A single reply of "no fuck you" to either bringing a loadout or leaving is a pretty telltale sign of trolling.

This is a team game. If a crew member refuses to bring an acceptable loadout this forces the pilot either to be at a decisive disadvantage or to leave. I always choose the latter. A captain shouldn't be forced to leave because of uncooperative crew. This is game breaking and unacceptable behavior. It's a simple choice: they can play with the team, they can leave, or I will leave and report them because they are trolling.

Thankfully this is a vast minority of players. Same with captains who give out bad loadouts. If a captain gives you a bad loadout, accept it and explain why you're changing an aspect. If they tell you not to then either keep the loadout or leave. By refusing to you are creating unnecessary conflict. Deliberately disobeying is a bad precedent.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: new players
« Reply #48 on: March 04, 2015, 06:03:04 am »
Thankfully this is a vast minority of players. Same with captains who give out bad loadouts. If a captain gives you a bad loadout, accept it and explain why you're changing an aspect. If they tell you not to then either keep the loadout or leave. By refusing to you are creating unnecessary conflict. Deliberately disobeying is a bad precedent.

A good example of this happened yesterday, one captain offered a gunner loadout to a level 30 engineer and the guy said. "Hey captain I accepted the load out but will change the charged for burst because it is more effective with the manticore than loch, unless you had any specific plans?...."
Captain (Level 10) "Oh okay...  I thought the damage would be good."
Gunner explained Loch mechanics on manticore...
Captain: "ahh i see!"

Happy days.

Communication in a polite manner is OP.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: new players
« Reply #49 on: March 04, 2015, 06:15:01 am »
I know right! And I always try this at first and second try. Till try, when I starting to unleash the beast of a sarcasm inside.

Offline Byron Cavendish

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Re: new players
« Reply #50 on: March 04, 2015, 08:54:53 am »
That's not what happens. A low level player joins a ship and refuses to bring the right ammo and tools no matter your explanation. Ignorance about the game is no excuse when the loadout logic is explained. These players just want to do whatever and refuse to be told otherwise. A single reply of "no fuck you" to either bringing a loadout or leaving is a pretty telltale sign of trolling.

This is a team game. If a crew member refuses to bring an acceptable loadout this forces the pilot either to be at a decisive disadvantage or to leave. I always choose the latter. A captain shouldn't be forced to leave because of uncooperative crew. This is game breaking and unacceptable behavior. It's a simple choice: they can play with the team, they can leave, or I will leave and report them because they are trolling.

Thankfully this is a vast minority of players. Same with captains who give out bad loadouts. If a captain gives you a bad loadout, accept it and explain why you're changing an aspect. If they tell you not to then either keep the loadout or leave. By refusing to you are creating unnecessary conflict. Deliberately disobeying is a bad precedent.

That is precisely why I only play with my clan now. I stopped playing with pick-ups after match making. I don't have time to beat my head against the wall arguing or trying to beat the clock before match making starts the game. It's sad that eventually this is what the game has developed into.

Offline Lanliss

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Re: new players
« Reply #51 on: March 04, 2015, 09:04:01 am »
That's not what happens. A low level player joins a ship and refuses to bring the right ammo and tools no matter your explanation. Ignorance about the game is no excuse when the loadout logic is explained. These players just want to do whatever and refuse to be told otherwise. A single reply of "no fuck you" to either bringing a loadout or leaving is a pretty telltale sign of trolling.

Loadout logic being explained is a bit heavy for new players. Loadouts often involve a meta that involves knowing specific numbers for specific guns by heart. I understand where you are coming from, and trust me I do know that there are some people out there like this. I just do not believe in some of these solutions. Leave and report? That sounds a little childish. Not to insult you, by any means, but that sounds a lot like running to the parents, when more mature people should be able to figure these problems out on their own. I understand that the reporting option is there for a reason, and some of these players deserve it, but I have seen people refuse loadouts for the reasons I described, simply lacking the knowledge or understanding of the game. This also leads to them not knowing what an explanation means. A new player that does not know much is not going to know to have lesmok in flamer until the enemy gets close, then switch to burst. Even being told to do this does not help, because they do not clearly understand the why of a loadout. I do not think a lack of knowledge, combined with a refusal to blindly follow the orders of someone who happens to be a higher level than them should get someone reported, nor should it cause you to leave. I personally consider it almost a sin to the holy Sky Whale to let the mouse pass over the exit button. Maybe it is because I have not had many bad experiences, and even my bad experiences were still pretty fun, but I do not see a reason to leave simply because you have the low ground.

I played a game against a clan, though they seemed relatively new. One of them moved over to my ship and did nothing but stand on the bow the entire time. I can see how that would anger some people, but I take it as a challenge. One that I passed by the way, in a 2-5 game. I thought it was an excellent bit of experience to play with a crew of two, without even an AI to help them, and I think sticking it out and ignoring the troll really helped me grow as a player. Maybe it really is just me, but I can deal with a bit of an extra challenge. Also as soon as you rage or leave they get what they want, so just another reason to continue as normal, preferably just ignoring their existence.

Offline BlackenedPies

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Re: new players
« Reply #52 on: March 04, 2015, 11:27:44 am »
There are players that refuse to bring loadouts regardless of how convincing you may seem. In my experience these players are almost always kids who join in during sales. The refusal has nothing to do with the actual mechanics of the game, they just want to play it on their own. I've had players argue that they'll use whatever ammo they want and to go fuck myself. The best thing to do is not escalate anything and quickly leave. I disagree that it's childish to report and leave, it's responsible. Reporting is futile on its own but if the player accumulates enough then a mod will talk to them.

Maybe you could convince them to bring a loadout, but from my experience the players don't care. They are kids with bad attitudes. Thankfully most players who refuse loadouts take my second request and leave. Again, refusing loadouts and refusing to leave is a small minority but I've encountered it at least 100 times. The vast majority of players listen and want to learn. Playing with an uncooperative player sets a bad precedent.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: new players
« Reply #53 on: March 04, 2015, 11:35:05 am »
There are players that refuse to bring loadouts regardless of how convincing you may seem. In my experience these players are almost always kids who join in during sales. The refusal has nothing to do with the actual mechanics of the game, they just want to play it on their own. I've had players argue that they'll use whatever ammo they want and to go fuck myself. The best thing to do is not escalate anything and quickly leave. I disagree that it's childish to report and leave, it's responsible. Reporting is futile on its own but if the player accumulates enough then a mod will talk to them.

Maybe you could convince them to bring a loadout, but from my experience the players don't care. They are kids with bad attitudes. Thankfully most players who refuse loadouts take my second request and leave. Again, refusing loadouts and refusing to leave is a small minority but I've encountered it at least 100 times. The vast majority of players listen and want to learn. Playing with an uncooperative player sets a bad precedent.

This is also the procedure Muse encourage people to take when encountering issues, B R L, Block Report Leave.
It avoids any arguments escalating, and assuming the majority of players follow these rules, the unsavory characters will be weeded out.

As Blackened said, something which I have encountered more than a couple of times, you try to be polite and offer a load out, and the "Call of Duty mlg-pro" gansta wanna be will just hurl abuse at you because of no reason beyond that which triple A games unintentially support and breed when they make single players "feel like god" in online games and encourage, not sportsman like competition but "IM GUNNA ****ING KILL U NUB" attitudes.

Offline MightyKeb

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Re: new players
« Reply #54 on: March 04, 2015, 11:36:35 am »
That's not what happens. A low level player joins a ship and refuses to bring the right ammo and tools no matter your explanation. Ignorance about the game is no excuse when the loadout logic is explained. These players just want to do whatever and refuse to be told otherwise. A single reply of "no fuck you" to either bringing a loadout or leaving is a pretty telltale sign of trolling.

Loadout logic being explained is a bit heavy for new players. Loadouts often involve a meta that involves knowing specific numbers for specific guns by heart. I understand where you are coming from, and trust me I do know that there are some people out there like this. I just do not believe in some of these solutions. Leave and report? That sounds a little childish. Not to insult you, by any means, but that sounds a lot like running to the parents, when more mature people should be able to figure these problems out on their own. I understand that the reporting option is there for a reason, and some of these players deserve it, but I have seen people refuse loadouts for the reasons I described, simply lacking the knowledge or understanding of the game. This also leads to them not knowing what an explanation means. A new player that does not know much is not going to know to have lesmok in flamer until the enemy gets close, then switch to burst. Even being told to do this does not help, because they do not clearly understand the why of a loadout. I do not think a lack of knowledge, combined with a refusal to blindly follow the orders of someone who happens to be a higher level than them should get someone reported, nor should it cause you to leave. I personally consider it almost a sin to the holy Sky Whale to let the mouse pass over the exit button. Maybe it is because I have not had many bad experiences, and even my bad experiences were still pretty fun, but I do not see a reason to leave simply because you have the low ground.

I played a game against a clan, though they seemed relatively new. One of them moved over to my ship and did nothing but stand on the bow the entire time. I can see how that would anger some people, but I take it as a challenge. One that I passed by the way, in a 2-5 game. I thought it was an excellent bit of experience to play with a crew of two, without even an AI to help them, and I think sticking it out and ignoring the troll really helped me grow as a player. Maybe it really is just me, but I can deal with a bit of an extra challenge. Also as soon as you rage or leave they get what they want, so just another reason to continue as normal, preferably just ignoring their existence.

I almost always try to make sure these sorts of players are briefed on what theyre doing as to not face the loadout difficulties you've already explained. But what bothers me is how you call reporting and leaving, "childish". No, the best case scenario for a troll isnt to make you leave. Its to make you mad and leave. By simply blocking and leaving, Pies is avoiding going through the trouble of challenging his reasoning with an uncooperative player and perhaps even losing his temper along the way. I do carry matches often, but I try to avoid it as much whenever I have the opportunity. Picture this: You have a mobula ally on canyon ambush who backs up into his own tar, has his gunners load lochnagar into the guns and has on one occassion crashed and killed himself on the terrain. What do you do? Well, if you go on about calling it a "challenge" and 2v1ing the hell out of the match and winning, that is far less productive and merely rewards you and promotes your abilities as a captain to yourself, which might potentially end up with you overestimating your own abilities and thus, creating elitism.

Whereas, you could just attempt to communicate with this said pilot, and through explaining atleast SOME basics and essentials, you could actually get him to be a little more than a distraction/meatshield, which will help him hold his own alone in his later lobbies and eventually improve and be like you should he dedicate himself to the game. The world doesnt toy around with you to hamper your success Lanliss, its not a fight, its just an unfortunate situation that you CAN fix to make everyone's lives easier. Ie, you could have established comms with that engineer on the bow, even if you just yelled at him or something or lost your temper along the way, you got him a bit closer to doing his job right and that will help him in his efforts to crew under less tolerant/newer captains.

But that's just how I like to look at it, I'm not sure if I came off a bit crude but I'm not gonna apologize, I said what I had to say.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 11:40:05 am by MightyKeb »

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: new players
« Reply #55 on: March 04, 2015, 11:43:16 am »

WELCOME ABOARD THE SARCASM TRAIN! Dear Passangers, please do not fasten your seatbelts - it is always a pleasure to scrap your remains off the floors and ceilings!

Loadout logic being explained is a bit heavy for new players. Loadouts often involve a meta that involves knowing specific numbers for specific guns by heart. I understand where you are coming from, and trust me I do know that there are some people out there like this. I just do not believe in some of these solutions.

Ok. Take 2 and 3. Add them. What do you got? You'll tell me that 5 BUT I REFUSE TO BELIEVE. PROOF IT.
The loadout propositions are based on mathematics - I guess you must be around 12 years old or less if you don't get that "numbers" are not equal to "mathematics". Trust me, I will be an engineer (but first I have to get my bloody degree). BUT OH HEY YOU WILL QUESTION THAT TOO.

Leave and report? That sounds a little childish. Not to insult you, by any means, but that sounds a lot like running to the parents, when more mature people should be able to figure these problems out on their own.

You seem not to get the point of this game, aren't you?

TEAM is meant to WORK together. Without it EVERYONE is dead. I guess you should know this with your 12-15-15 levels and 250 matches.

After 1.3.8 the new levelling system gives you 2-9-10 in like 30 matches.

Still don't get my point?
You can be fucking mature etc. when you are on your own. Play 500 matches - and you will see that sometimes there is no reason to waste your nerves and time on fuckers who don't even care.
If YOU don't get it, welp. My answer is the same as for such people.

Get back to your CS, where teamwork is optional.

I understand that the reporting option is there for a reason, and some of these players deserve it, but I have seen people refuse loadouts for the reasons I described, simply lacking the knowledge or understanding of the game. This also leads to them not knowing what an explanation means.

Hmmm, interesting.
So you are telling me, that person whom I tell exactly WHY THE FUCK should he take the most optimal, standard set of tools, even not by citing any maths, and pointing the weaknesses of THEIR MARVELLOUS CHEMSPRAY-EXT-BUFF LOADOUT WITH LOCHNAGAR AMMO (saw this, really, sales OP) they STILL REFUSE to listen.

So it's perfectly my fault, because it is I, that bad trolling bastard, trying to disrupt their perfect 420noscope skillz and way to own glory. It is my fault I SPEAK IN RIDDLES.

I KNOW. I'll switch my accounts name to Riddler.

Because of those great riddles I create of course! Come, here's the one:



No it's just caps-lock.

A new player that does not know much is not going to know to have lesmok in flamer until the enemy gets close, then switch to burst. Even being told to do this does not help, because they do not clearly understand the why of a loadout. I do not think a lack of knowledge, combined with a refusal to blindly follow the orders of someone who happens to be a higher level than them should get someone reported, nor should it cause you to leave.

Well if you don't understand, spend, like, 200 hours in matches. It comes with time.

I personally consider it almost a sin to the holy Sky Whale to let the mouse pass over the exit button. Maybe it is because I have not had many bad experiences, and even my bad experiences were still pretty fun, but I do not see a reason to leave simply because you have the low ground.

Advice same as above. You just were not unlucky enough.

I played a game against a clan, though they seemed relatively new. One of them moved over to my ship and did nothing but stand on the bow the entire time. I can see how that would anger some people, but I take it as a challenge. One that I passed by the way, in a 2-5 game. I thought it was an excellent bit of experience to play with a crew of two, without even an AI to help them, and I think sticking it out and ignoring the troll really helped me grow as a player. Maybe it really is just me, but I can deal with a bit of an extra challenge. Also as soon as you rage or leave they get what they want, so just another reason to continue as normal, preferably just ignoring their existence.

The main difference between the troll and new player is that the troll is interrupting the work aboard and does not even bother himself to think outside of the "I'M THE ONE RIGHTEOUS" box. Willingly or not - he is interrupting, he is disrupting, and getting on nerve. You arguments are totally invalid. And the only one thing I might like in your whole disappointing speech is that one should never leave the match he already started. Leaving from the lobby of 1-1-1 people who surely will not communicate? OF COURSE.  Because

« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 11:49:35 am by Schwalbe »

Offline Lanliss

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Re: new players
« Reply #56 on: March 04, 2015, 12:47:01 pm »
All righty then, things seem to have gotten interesting. Sarcasm is fun, though I prefer verbal Ironies. As for CS, never played it, no idea what it is like. Have you played it? Is it fun? I prefer my teamwork with a dollop of smartass, so.I.hope they have some better stuff than Your mom jokes. Yeah, I know that, in pretty much every way, I am inexperienced. I have not been unlucky enough to have these horrible experiences, so I cannot believe that it is really that bad. As far as loadout logic, whether you are citing maths or not, if someone is new to the game they might not understand what any of what you say means. As I have said, yes, There are horrible people who do these horrible things you speak of. I did run into a troll, though not quite as evil of one, so I know they exist. I am just saying that they are not nearly as abundant as you all seem to think. Last time I was in game there was maybe 300 people in game, just a few days ago. Assuming pros like you take up the top 10-30% (I do not know how many actual pros there are in comparison to players total) that leaves 70-90% for everyone else. I cannot believe that the majority of those are trolls, nor that even a third of them are. Probably not even a fifth. I am guessing that the trolls represent less than a tenth of the population, which is 27, max(assuming you are discounting the pros). I find it difficult to believe that twenty seven players can ruin the entire game for everyone. Keep in mind, I do know the trolls are there. I am not flat out refusing their existence. I am just saying to consider if someone is really a troll or if they just do not understand. The guy you described, yeah he seems like a troll, but there is really every possibility that he is just dense as hell. Am I defending his actions? No, but I am saying that you should make sure they really are a troll before you report them. Maybe I am just reading it wrong, but a few of the people here seem to just block and report anyone who disagrees with their idea of how to play. I am most likely wrong about that, but that is how the writing came out in my mind. Assuming a lobby of all 1-1-1 will absolutely not communicate is not giving them a chance. You might find a diamond, if you stick out long enough.

To MightyKeb
I did not ignore him at first, I am not a moron. I always try to establish comms with everyone, just to make sure they can hear me, just in case there is an emergency where I do need to talk with them. I know the world does revolve around me, and does not change itself for the sole purpose of giving me a challenge. I did not carry my team in that particular instance, as my teammate was at least on my level, and we both had a great crew (discounting the bow dweller). I also refuse to believe that succeeding in one game alone could lead to elitism, or that I could succumb to elitism. Yes, I realize that sounds like elitism itself, believing I am too good to be bothered by your petty ideas of good and bad, but it is really not.

I have always had a decent idea of myself, and how others view me, so I have some idea of whether or not I am good, as a human being. Sure, I throw some smartass comments around, but for the most part I am a decent person. Also, my skin is unbreakable, so do not bother apologizing for something to me. I have never felt insulted on the internet, though many have tried, and I doubt anyone in this community could be cruel enough to come up with an insult that would crack through my impenetrable shell of laughter and jokes. Everyone on these forums is too nice to break me. Even Schwalbe, though I do feel he could have come up with a better name than sarcasm train. Maybe the Flying Sarcasm, setting sail for the port of Fuck You. Liked the stuff after that though, so my idea could not really be applied. As you were then.

I tried to get them all, but there might be a few spots where there is a period, when there should be a space. Ignore that.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2015, 12:48:47 pm by Lanliss »

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Re: new players
« Reply #57 on: March 04, 2015, 01:25:15 pm »
I haven't run into an uncooperative player who refused to leave in quite a while now, at least a month. They're most prevalent during sales, of which under 10% are uncooperative, probably closer to 5%. It's a small but noticeable minority.

To be clear, I don't have any problem with players who refuse loadouts, I have problems with them refusing and refusing to leave. Many don't communicate at all when refusing a loadout. I try to be clear in both text and voice chat but never receive an answer. The only choices left are play with the player or leave.

I don't think it's a lack of understanding because if you're new to a game and an experienced player tries to teach you something you don't ignore them. I think it's solely an attitude problem. Most players are cooperative and fun to play with.

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Re: new players
« Reply #58 on: March 04, 2015, 04:56:11 pm »

To MightyKeb
I did not ignore him at first, I am not a moron. I always try to establish comms with everyone, just to make sure they can hear me, just in case there is an emergency where I do need to talk with them. I know the world does revolve around me, and does not change itself for the sole purpose of giving me a challenge. I did not carry my team in that particular instance, as my teammate was at least on my level, and we both had a great crew (discounting the bow dweller). I also refuse to believe that succeeding in one game alone could lead to elitism, or that I could succumb to elitism. Yes, I realize that sounds like elitism itself, believing I am too good to be bothered by your petty ideas of good and bad, but it is really not.

I have always had a decent idea of myself, and how others view me, so I have some idea of whether or not I am good, as a human being. Sure, I throw some smartass comments around, but for the most part I am a decent person. Also, my skin is unbreakable, so do not bother apologizing for something to me. I have never felt insulted on the internet, though many have tried, and I doubt anyone in this community could be cruel enough to come up with an insult that would crack through my impenetrable shell of laughter and jokes. Everyone on these forums is too nice to break me. Even Schwalbe, though I do feel he could have come up with a better name than sarcasm train. Maybe the Flying Sarcasm, setting sail for the port of Fuck You. Liked the stuff after that though, so my idea could not really be applied. As you were then.

Now that's a gigantic paradox technically, but I'll take your word for it. Still, even though you've defended yourself from my arguments by justifying them and almost finding a common ground, you havent touched why exactly leaving and reporting is, in your words I quote, "childish" and what instead is your solution? Perhaps the community'll find your established method superior, and that is assuming you have one in question.

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Re: new players
« Reply #59 on: March 04, 2015, 05:28:39 pm »
Maybe the Flying Sarcasm

Definitely not - Flying is reserved for the Fuck I Don't Give, Which is Not a Junker Nor Bird.