Author Topic: Crazy King  (Read 9872 times)

Offline Admiral Ackbar RTDT

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Crazy King
« on: November 21, 2014, 05:55:49 pm »
Crazy King is my favorite mode but they seem to be harder to find. Is there a way to put more in circulation? Also I think to would be nice to add a small number of points to your team for kills. Currently you don't always want to finish off ships because they will be able to spawn closer to the point giving them an advantage. Adding 50 points to your team for each kill would fix this problem.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #1 on: November 22, 2014, 10:07:57 am »
I like crazy king the most as well, but I like it the way how it is.

I think the fact that you died is penalty enough. 50 points per kill would make the match too short, or detract from the main feature of crazy king.

If the point cap was raised (say, 1500 or some four digit number), giving 50 points per kill would make sense, but I like the way it is now.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2014, 03:42:34 pm »
I agree points for a kill would definitely help make the match more fun in my opinion and a little bit quicker. I think though that 50 points is too much maybe 20 points would be a nice incentive but wouldn't let you win through kills.

Offline nhbearit

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #3 on: November 22, 2014, 05:13:42 pm »
Points per kill is a bad idea, with four enemy ships worth only ten points per kill, you could generate more points per second then you get from the capture point. A better solution would be to have multiple points active. Say two, maybe three, at a time. The point limit would need to be raised, but having more than one point active would require better teamwork and coordination to really take advantage of the multiple points. However, because there would be more than one point active, it would also make stalemates MUCH harder to achieve, even if each team captures a single point, the point limit would still be approached.

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #4 on: November 22, 2014, 06:04:05 pm »
Points per kill is a bad idea, with four enemy ships worth only ten points per kill, you could generate more points per second then you get from the capture point. A better solution would be to have multiple points active. Say two, maybe three, at a time. The point limit would need to be raised, but having more than one point active would require better teamwork and coordination to really take advantage of the multiple points. However, because there would be more than one point active, it would also make stalemates MUCH harder to achieve, even if each team captures a single point, the point limit would still be approached.

multiple points being active is a terrible idea it would just make it so that ships might never run into each other and make the matches so DULL

Offline GeoRmr

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #5 on: November 22, 2014, 06:10:03 pm »
Points per kill is a bad idea, with four enemy ships worth only ten points per kill, you could generate more points per second then you get from the capture point. A better solution would be to have multiple points active. Say two, maybe three, at a time. The point limit would need to be raised, but having more than one point active would require better teamwork and coordination to really take advantage of the multiple points. However, because there would be more than one point active, it would also make stalemates MUCH harder to achieve, even if each team captures a single point, the point limit would still be approached.

multiple points being active is a terrible idea it would just make it so that ships might never run into each other and make the matches so DULL

It was called resource race, and yes it was boring.

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #6 on: November 22, 2014, 06:45:32 pm »
Points per kill is a bad idea, with four enemy ships worth only ten points per kill, you could generate more points per second then you get from the capture point. A better solution would be to have multiple points active. Say two, maybe three, at a time. The point limit would need to be raised, but having more than one point active would require better teamwork and coordination to really take advantage of the multiple points. However, because there would be more than one point active, it would also make stalemates MUCH harder to achieve, even if each team captures a single point, the point limit would still be approached.

multiple points being active is a terrible idea it would just make it so that ships might never run into each other and make the matches so DULL

It was called resource race, and yes it was boring.

.. I think it was decent, just the map was to big for it to work out.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #7 on: November 22, 2014, 08:58:52 pm »
Kill cap then problem solved. Basically Aerodrome rules cept I'd be a bit more flexible. We always have time limits to deal with so shared 10 is used to prevent matches running long as people chase kills. But if no limit on time then do 10+ kill cap for both sides. Add some after match stats which show kills/etc. Then there you go.

Offline nhbearit

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2014, 09:04:38 pm »
Right so there seems to be a miscommunication. Or some people are really bad mathematicians. Either way, having multiple points activate simultaneously and in sequence is simply not what resource race was. In resource race, all five points were continuously active, not active in sequence like crazy king. My idea was and is having two points active simultaneously (e.g.. A&B, C&D, E&A, etc..) Because there are at least two ships on either team, encounters would happen as often as players wanted them to. If your team is alone and capping point A while the enemy is capping point B, if you want to trigger an engagement, all you'd have to do is saunter off towards point B. Also, since there would be two active points, it would be a lot harder to have both points constantly being blocked by both teams.

If anyone thinks that having only one point active prevents stalemates, please watch this match:
It was a competitive crazy king match that lasted for over an hour because neither team could capture a final point.

If Blue team really wanted to get enough points to win but Red team was consistently blocking them, all Blue team would have to do would be to consolidate their ships around a single active point. This would allow Red team to capture their own point, but it would provide an extra layer of depth and strategy to a game mode that can just drag on forever.

If anyone would like to refute my idea and have a rational discussion about it, I'd be happy to oblige. Those conversations are what I practically live for. However, posts like these are simply idiotic and in my opinion unacceptable. It is posts like these that lose my respect:

multiple points being active is a terrible idea it would just make it so that ships might never run into each other and make the matches so DULL

It was called resource race, and yes it was boring.

While you might disagree and think my idea wouldn't work, I'm sure that you can see that I did actually put thought and time into this idea and post. If you're willing to explain your position and rationale, well, those are the discussions that I love and you will earn my respect for doing so.

P.S. Gilder, you posted while I was typing this out. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that I understand your idea, would you be willing to explain a little more in depth?

Offline SirNotlag

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2014, 11:17:11 pm »
I did put some thought into it nhbearit. If you have 2 points up at a time lets say one team runs around together (blue) and the other splits up (red), thats gona cause the most boring matches ever, because the ships splitting up (red) will only have one run into the group and they will die you cant win 2 vs 1. But since they split up their other buddy will capture a point and both teams get score. This means no meaningful engagements will occur throughout the entire fight cause both teams get score the 1 vs 2 will always turn out in 2 favour the match will come down to how long the red 1 fighting the 2 blue  can last delaying the cap, cause if he cant delay at all blue will win due to fast capping.

the group running in 2 may not bother to defend a point after grabbing it and just rush to the other point to grab it meaning the red 1 left defending will either actually defend and die to delay them from capping or just run to one of the next sequenced points. Sure the red 1 that died can respawn and either take the point that blue left undefended or rush to try to help defend. If hes not fast enough or blue manages to catch him on the way then blue could get both points but thats unlikely. SO whats most likley to happen is that blue and red will both grab a point then blue will grab the oposite point but red will grab theirs and they will have just switched points.

Anyway Im rambling but If both teams run together then its even worse cause if they head to the same point then they are both just taking one point, making the other point well pointless, but also kinda frustrating for the team that won the engagement cause the lossers will just spawn and grab the other point so both teams get score with the lossers only midly behind. If they ran to different points then they'll both take them, there is absolutely no point in defending it cause if you succeed the other team still has the point they originally capped so you wont get any leg up in score. but if you lose at defending then the other team has both points and a massive leg up in score. So its in both teams interest to try and grab both points and that might cause them to just run circles never seeing each other.

The only way to have any form of interesting engagements would be with 1 vs 1 when one ship defends and the other attacks. But i just dont feel thats how GOI is meant to be played.

anyway just doing mental exercises on the game mode might be more interesting with 3 ships but I just dont feel there is enough forcing the teams to fight, which leads to boring matches where there is hardly any meaningful engagements.

Adding points for kills stops that whole stalemate thing cause even if you cant cap the point the team that kills the other more in the process would get the win. That is why I feel that is a much better idea. Its simple and it should work with some tweaking to make sure you get more points for actually capping.

Hell just adding an overal time limit where the game ends might also redcue the chances of stalemates
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 11:19:09 pm by SirNotlag »

Offline Caprontos

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Re: Crazy King
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2014, 08:38:11 am »
What about random points.. So you can't just spawn/move to the next point ahead of time, Might increase fighting at points.. Though fighting at points isn't an issue atm, its only an issue in games where one team knows how to play CK and the other has no clue. When they do know then the issue can be to much fighting at the point.

A time limit would be good, 15-20 maybe 30mins max, and the game wins for who ever has most points.. I'd just figure out the average time of all maps, then make it a bit longer..

I am against points for kills, It would remove the opportunity for comebacks.. because once your close to winning you will just focus on kills to get the rest, instead of re-getting the point... Which I think defeats the purpose of capture the point maps. I like 599 - 600 being a possible score.. more so when the 600 was a comeback.

I still think the only reason multiple points didn't work is they were just way to far apart. All points active on a small map would work better, like Dual at Dawn size with 5 points, there would be fighting just because everyone is close. Even better if its a 4v4 on a tiny map..