Author Topic: Napoleon Bonaparte  (Read 23228 times)

Offline Indreams

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Napoleon Bonaparte
« on: November 19, 2014, 12:21:53 am »
I am a Korean student in America currently studying European History.

The class just began covering the French Revolution. As there are many Europeans in GOIO community, I wanted to ask this question.

What do you guys think of Napoleon Bonaparte?

I consider him an epitome of self-made man. I take a similar stance as Emerson when I say he was the representative of Enlightenment Europeans.

I'm sure others would have justified, valuable views on Napoleon. I would like to hear other views.

Btw, moderators, feel free to lock this thread if it becomes over political or disrespectful to other members.

Thank you for reading,


Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2014, 01:14:37 am »

I love it when people from other places learn about historical figures for the first (?) time. It's so interesting to hear the perspectives without all the cultural baggage

I can't speak for all Americans, but from my understanding, Napoleon's stereotype (which I would assume we got from the British) was that of a short tempered and shot in stature fellow. A stout, grouchy man with an inferiority complex. I suppose more scholarly folks would say different, because stereotypes are usually wrong (as they are in this case). I wouldn't agree he was a representative of the enlightenment, though. When I think "Enlightenment", I'm instantly drawn to Descartes and Hume and Locke and Kant and all the other brilliant thinkers of that time and the philosophical movements and the changes in religion. Less from a military perspective, and more from a thought perspective, but this could be my classical education clouding my perception of history, once again >_< 

Super interesting post :D

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2014, 01:21:48 am »
As every human being he had certain flaws, as far as I remember well what I learned myself a few years ago? He had a good start with tactics, but with every battle he was getting more and more arrogant. The summit of his arrogance was at Waterloo, when he decided to take a nap, as in his own consideration the battle was already won and there was nothing to screw up, so he gave command to one of his lieutenants. Well, guess what. Cavarly chasing infantry behind the hill - shit, it can't be trap, right? Nooooo they're so beaten. Oh, carronades are standing there OH SHIT.

I remember also that he was known for being rather impetuous and bad tempered.

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2014, 03:42:20 am »
I'm not the best at history, but have been to almost every castle in the Slovak Republic, so if your studies take you the central Europe (I imagine you'll touch upon Elizabeth Bathory) I may be able to help out with some local folk lore. :)

Offline Andika

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2014, 04:38:27 am »
What I remember most clearly about him is the funny anecdote when someone once commented about his height (Napoleon was a short fellow).

The person said, "I am at least a head taller than you".

To which Napoleon pulled out his sword (or was it a dagger?) and said, "Well, we can easily remedy that.."

Not sure if that really happened, but it is a well-known historical anecdote.  :D

Offline Kamoba

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2014, 04:50:30 am »
Now that is wit! :)

Oh if you wanted something historically inaccurate, the BBC included Napoleon in a series Heroes and Villains, It tells the story of Napoleon's part in the Siege of Toulon in 1793... Though not greatly accurate, it does give some good insight :)

Offline Tanya Phenole

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2014, 05:10:54 am »
He was a very strong personality indeed.

He conquered half of Europe (or as  it  was said back in time, half of the world), but failed to Russian cold winter.
How a brilliant strategist like him could not take such thing into consideration? Or he knew it, but did not cared?

Napoleon's attemt on conquering Russia is a story of how a small mistake may ruin an outstanding ambition. Despite he was an agressor to my country, I failry sympathise the Corsican guy.

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #7 on: November 19, 2014, 05:24:10 am »
Not sure if that really happened, but it is a well-known historical anecdote.  :D

Men those days were shorter than today. He wasn't really standing out in terms of height. I suppose it's rather a piece of propaganda spread by his enemies, to ridicule him as leader.

Quote from: Tanya Phenole
He conquered half of Europe (or as  it  was said back in time, half of the world), but failed to Russian cold winter.
How a brilliant strategist like him could not take such thing into consideration? Or he knew it, but did not cared?

Khem, khem, as I said:

He had a good start with tactics, but with every battle he was getting more and more arrogant.

I suppose arrogance and "I'M INVINCIBLE" ( he he he ) attitude is enough. :P

Offline RedRoach

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #8 on: November 19, 2014, 07:45:55 am »
I feel like he's a bit more of a LEEEEEERRROOOOYYY JEEEENNKKKIIINNNSSS kind of guy so he just charges in swinging an army and obliterating them, up until he hits something that he doesn't expect, where he crumbles.

Again, generalization of media outlets and 5-years-ago texxtbook knowledge that faded from my mind 5 years ago...

Offline Indreams

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #9 on: November 19, 2014, 11:43:56 am »
Whoa, very different views indeed!  :)

What I most like about Napoleon is that he was frequently seen in the front lines, something that can't be said for many other leaders.

But its also true he was a megalomaniac and returned France to absolutism.

Hmm... I'll take you guy's opinions into account as I study Napoleon.

Any other opinions are still welcome. I'm enjoying this thread immensely.

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #10 on: November 19, 2014, 05:54:59 pm »
I happen to like the guy.

He did a LOT of work, and conquered quite a bit. We can learn much from his example. Like "Don't invade Russia in the winter" and "Don't sell a single country most of a continent" and that taking over the world is totally cool, until you lose. And then there was the time he stood in front of the entire french army after returning from exile, dared them to shoot him, and they all promptly joined him.

Offline RedRoach

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #11 on: November 19, 2014, 06:36:33 pm »
Oh, and BTW, he isn't as short as people think he is.

Napoleon's height in English meters is 5" 2, but French meters at the time were slightly larger, marking Napoleon as 5" 7, which by today's standards is somewhat short. At the time though, 5" 7 was slightly above average.

Of course, with France conquering all of Europe, England was all "LOL is such tiny" and kept the joke running for a long time.

Offline Tanya Phenole

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #12 on: November 20, 2014, 08:04:49 am »
I happen to like the guy.

He did a LOT of work, and conquered quite a bit. We can learn much from his example. Like "Don't invade Russia in the winter" and "Don't sell a single country most of a continent" and that taking over the world is totally cool, until you lose. And then there was the time he stood in front of the entire french army after returning from exile, dared them to shoot him, and they all promptly joined him.

History just says "Don't invade Russia, unless you're coming from Asian side"

Offline Schwalbe

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #13 on: November 20, 2014, 12:08:21 pm »
*Cough* *Cough* year 1610.

Offline Indreams

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Re: Napoleon Bonaparte
« Reply #14 on: November 20, 2014, 12:47:52 pm »
Year 1610... um... Galileo discovers the moons of Jupiter? Jamestown, Virginia?