Hey guys;
I designed a small one-lobby event called Gold Rush for some casual fun. This is played on Canyon Ambush.
We're playing tonight, 22:30 CET (21:30 GMT)
You can sign up here. Password to the game will be given out to people when the lobby is created about 20-15 minutes before.
What is the objective in "Gold Rush" -
-- One captain chooses a Goldfish. This captain is also the referee for the current round.
The Goldfish flies around on one side of the map. He can not enter the canyons under any circumstance.
-- Three captains choose a Squid. They start on the other side of the map. Their objective is to be the first to ram the Goldfish.
When the Goldfish has been rammed;- that squid scores a point. The goldfish let's the enemy squid(s) kill it so it respawns
on the other side again; and so the round can end from kills at some point. Obviously the squid on the same team as
the Goldfish can't do this;- but kill count does not matter.
The squid that scored the most points;- which the Goldfish referee is keeping track of;- will win the round. The round ends naturally from Goldfish kills to reset it's position.
Rounds are expected to go very quick and somewhat chaotic. Being playful and creative is encouraged.
Goldfish:- The goldfish may not attack an enemy squid. They may only try to flee and keep them from ramming.
- The goldfish captain may use any tool they desire;- except Tar; since it hurts the squids.
- The goldfish may hide. But they are entirely prohibited from entering the Canyons.
- The goldfish crew must consist of 1 captain and 3 engineers. The engineers are there to help referee;- and to repair the goldfish engines etc. from helm tool useage.
- After the goldfish has been rammed; and an enemy squid has scored a point - engineers do not repair; so the goldfish can be killed quickly to reset the round.
- After the Goldfish has been killed to reset the round;- he and the ramming squid confirm who scored the point;- and lets the squids know when he is in position again on one end of the map;- and which end this is.
Squids:- The squids may not use any guns to attack other squids. Each squid should have 3 engineers. Flare guns are
allowed.- Squids may use Tar to bother the other squids in the race.
- Squids may use any other helm tool that might be useful at their discretion.
- Squids may decide to simply race to the goldfish;- or to ram the other squids to keep them from doing so.
- Squids can use any path they wish through the Canyons.
- The squid captain that rams the goldfish lets everyone know through Regional chat;- the Goldfish has to confirm it.
After a round has ended and a winning squid emerged;- another crew and captain take on the role of the Goldfish;- and the crews can swap captains for the next round so other people get a chance of doing more constructive things than just repairing engines and such.
If the event does not reach a full sign up;- we'll reschedule with some more time.
Sign up by posting here.

Be online ahead of time so I can get you into the passworded lobby called "Gold Rush"
Ship 1 : Phoebe, MasX, ,
Ship 2 : , , ,
Ship 3 : , , ,
Ship 4 : , , ,
unknown ship: Mattisamo