That would mean implementing half a dozen new voice sets.
I think a simple drop down menu or two that would add a little flag or text to the player profile would be pretty simple to implement. Matchmaking integration could come later.
Firstly, I meant ONLY translating subtitles, sorry for not being specific about this. Leave the voicepacks alone, just translate the subtitles and, as someone said, make them be chosed on the recieving end instead of sending end.
(Optionally turned on/off in menu) country flags would be FREAKKING AAAAWEEEESOOOOOOME *high voice*
Well, if devs actually WILL start implementing some localized V- commands, I can help translating them to Polish. ^^
Well this actually can't be done because.... let's just say it's not that Devs don't trust us
... but yeah, they totally don't
I mean, they don't let players do the translations because they're afraid we put some vulgar words or anything into translation and later they may have problems with that. That's why it takes forever to do the translations - they actually have to hire legit language-guy to do it for them. Maybe there's a chance for fan-translations with Steam workshop?
Also Devs several times said that they are planning some changes in V-commands, maybe that's also a problem at the moment.