Author Topic: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls  (Read 11587 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« on: November 03, 2014, 06:46:28 pm »

For starters, the narrative video will be a little late but we're hoping to have it ready for Saturday. Special thanks to all teams who showed up last week. This week we will have a new challenge to play with, the Weekly Commander system will be functional!

Commanders you have until 24hrs prior to the event Saturday to get your selections in. This week's commanders will be SPQR and The Storm Ryders. Looking forward to seeing what your selections do to the battles.

Now off we go with...

Episode 2: Thunder Rolls

The sound of thunder in the distance echoes across the desert. But it is not the sound of a storm or a tempest. It is the sound of guns and the cries of vengeance from soldiers on faraway battlefields.

Yet as thunder always follows lightning, new battles follow new commanders. The lives lost and battle lines shifted have given rise to these new heroes. Those who have taken it upon themselves to lead the charge into a new day.

Match 1: The Storm Ryders vs SPQR
Map: Water Hazard - BC-VIP

Despite their victory in seizing the desert passage, SPQR was recalled back under an emergency summons. Their target: Pact forces who broke through the Coalition’s home defense fleets and have been giving the King’s fleet trouble.

Recognizing the dependency that the Barons have upon Chaladon, The Storm Ryders have thus turned their offensive towards Chaladon to put a stop to the resource convoys being led by one of the trade ministers. However this move was not done in secret and many ground spotters have relayed the change in objective of the Ryder fleet, as it moves upon the Black Channel.

SPQR has, in turn, arrived in time to secure the Black Channel trade route. But will they be able to protect the trade minister in such short time?

A disruption in the supply line could turn the Coalition’s early triumphs into mere memories. Black Channel cannot afford to turn back now. Supplies have to be maintained as frontline forces are already stretched thin trying to protect two fronts.

Match 2: Dragontown Bombers vs Crimson Sky Menace
Map: Northern Fjords

Returning from the front, the Crimson Sky Menace fleet seeks to redeem themselves after the loss of their Baron by assisting the SPQR fleet in ridding the Fjordlands from the Pact vermin who have crept in.

Thanks to word of success from the Ryders reaching back to Pact command, the Dragontown Bombers have regrouped and advanced around the main front to press an attack via Firnfeld hoping to completely open up the Coalition's flanks to attack. They too seek redemption for allowing a Pact General to be slaughtered under their care.

Will the Menace be able to secure the Fjordlands? Or will the Bombers strike another blow upon the already weakened flank of the Coalition?

Match 3: Green Sun Trading Co. vs Hydra
Map: Anglean Raiders

Receiving commendations for their actions in the desert which took the life of a Baron of the Coalition, Green Sun has been granted a privateer contract under authority of Pact fleet command. Their first act, to ferry a resource convoy up to Anglea and then secure Anglean airspace as spotters have noted seeing Coalition ships in the area.

Those ships, led by the infamous Hydra, have slithered out of the canyons and taken a queue from Pact forces. For if forces from the Pact in Anglea can flank the Baronies, then surely Hydra could do the same in return.

Will Hydra’s special forces be able to strike a blow to Anglea while their fleets are away? Or will Green Sun rise to the occasion once more and be able to sever one of Hydra’s heads?

Match 4: Flamefeld Minelayers vs WoD & Clan Clan
Map: Dunes - NP-VIP

Maintaining the defensive line in the desert is now key to the Pact’s war effort and while the Minelayers were forced to fall back, they have regrouped around the Pact’s frontline commander.

With the Coalition reeling from the flank attack and fleets being reorganized, the combined forces of Wings of Daedalus and Clan Clan, have been sent to reinforce forward positions. While their loss in Firnfeld has dealt an unfortunate blow to the Coalition, their arrival at the front hopes to buy the vanguard fleet time to deal with the rabble that has slipped past.

Wishing to not just hold the line but also take a chunk out of the Pact for their defeat, the combined forces from Daedalus and Clan Clan have decided to press the attack upon the Pact’s forward battle group, still recovering from their own defeat. Seeing a command ship in the battle group, is only the icing on the cake for the Coalition.

Will the Minelayers be successful in protecting their frontline commander? Or will Daedalus and Clan Clan give the Pact a black eye they did not see coming?

Nitty Gritty

Streaming channel:

Time will be 3pm EST/12pm PST/8pm GMT Saturday. This may help resolve time issues for you:

Teams are requested to be in game and start forming up 15mins prior if not sooner. Bully Buddies and Scorekeepers will have lobbies preloaded and ready to go well in advance and passwords will be given out ahead of time too. Teams may join in and start filling their lobby at any time during the event, earlier the better. But they will be requested to hold off starting until all clear is given. The match ref/scorekeeper will handle that.

We will continue to use both the Aerodrome Steam Group and the Skype group to communicate between the teams.

Anyone who has not responded to my personal messages regarding either skype or the steam group needs to do so now so I can add you.

Lastly we are short vessels on battles. Teams interested in filling in, please contact me. The Bully Boys will attempt to have ships ready to fill in but new ships able to join or alliance ships with players interested in flying an extra match, please state interest now.

Time Change Is Here!

This is a reminder that us silly Americans have gone back in time as of November 2nd. We rolled our clocks back 1hr. EDT became EST which is one hour behind. So 3pm EDT becomes 3pm EST (2pm EDT). 12pm PDT becomes 12pm PST(11am PDT). GMT/UTC times end up being an hour later. This doesn't apply to Arizona who are currently the only sane folks who don't mess with time travel. Players from other countries please take note and prepare accordingly.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 06:52:30 pm by Gilder Unfettered »

Offline Syconawt

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 06:49:12 pm »
12pm PDT becomes 12am PST(11am PDT).

Wow, you guys literally DID travel through time!

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 06:51:32 pm »
I hate time changes. Think I messed up the notes on them last week. Hopefully corrected this week.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #3 on: November 06, 2014, 10:15:08 pm »

Offline RunningTree

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2014, 08:43:19 am »
Letters from the Sands #2

Dear Ar---

Your foreman let me know that you were on business in Anvala, so I have entrusted this letter to her to pass on to you.

I am here momentarily in Kian to bring in a few ships under my charge in need of speedy restoration. I trust no other outfitter more than yours, and I am glad I stopped by.

While I was really hoping to see you in person again, I cannot be here for long. If by chance your dealings abroad conclude and you return soon, you might meet a few of my colleagues here still, who will actually arrive separately some time after I myself have departed.

I also write to satisfy a matter of curiosity with which you may be able to assist. Recently, we were involved in a serious altercation (if the fact was not already obvious by my coming here for repairs). In the wake of the fight, we found a piece of foreign gunwale debris lodged in the scuppers of one of our ships. As it had intact and fully legible trade-markings, I brought it along with me to see if your shop knew the origin of the workmanship. Turns out it was yours. Curiously, no-one here could identify the buyer. Judging by the mumblings of one of your shipbreakers, that particular job had somehow "disappeared" from your records.

Not that I expect you to indulge me in any of your business affairs; there may be nothing to it, and I am definitely not making any accusations at all towards you. We all know this market is indiscriminate -- more so during times of chaos. But of the three ships that accosted us, one of them flew no colours at all. Did you mention before that you had old contacts in the Black Flight Squadron? Might one of them know who has been gearing up in the past month and plying a mercenary trade over the Burren? My fellow crew have been urging me to pursue this.

I suppose it would help that I elaborate more upon my situation? You had asked me, a long while back, about the fresh insignia I wore and I told you that I was increasingly involved in the affairs of a particular association of freelancers -- in those exact words. I promise that when the time is appropriate, I will be free to discuss more. Right now, the multitude of dangers presentable to those in my care, as well as those of whom I care greatly -- including you -- force me to hold back for now.

If you wish and have time to write back, I will be sending someone to Kian again in a week's time to settle our accounts with your shop, and he can pick up any correspondence for me. For now, I leave you this, along with the letter, a small memento from my last visit to Nalm. It reminded me very much of the toy-ship games we used to play together when we were young.

Your devoted comrade,

Offline Syconawt

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2014, 09:10:42 am »
To the proprietor of the Ettingscove Inn,

I trust the money you received from my colleague settled any previous debts on our account. I apologise for not being present to settle the account in person, but the storms in the desert prohibit me from doing so.

You might use the rest of the funds to replenish the stock. Business has been booming, what with recent events, and while we will primarily be using it to mourn our fallen colleague DrPanda, I suspect we may also need to celebrate making another killing when the dust settles.

Oh, and please don't let Andros near the stock, I'd like to actually consume some liquor this time.



Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #6 on: November 08, 2014, 07:53:22 pm »
Going to be refining subbing rules since there was problems regarding it. First of all apologies to both the Ryders and Overwatch for the mess, as well as the other teams. I do appreciate you both being so active in wanting to sub and I'm sure Green Sun appreciates it as well. Unfortunately I flubbed up with not properly addressing this potential situation. Overwatch was more inline with the event design and I flubbed it for the Ryders. Frankly I hadn't foreseen it. Figured subs would happen but not there being a demand to fill the spots. As I was working from a first come first serve basis for it, I approved too quickly to insure things happened without a hitch. So stepped on some toes and didn't double check.

So from now on, it would be good to have subs limited to single ship subs from each clan. The situation with GS is challenging as they have 2 boats to fill. I really want to have sub problems hashed out as soon as possible. If there was an extreme emergency case, the option of dual boats could be on the table but thats worst case scenario where we wouldn't have a boat to fill and there was no other options available.

Lastly, I appreciate commander teams wanting to take charge and supply their allies with boats. Really its a great idea and goes with the event. I love that commanders want to help and add to the story in that manner, but ultimately you only control the bonuses and counters. If anything the team you are subbing for has final say in who subs. They also have final say of how you fight and what they'd like you to bring.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #7 on: November 09, 2014, 05:32:34 pm »
Had a score correction from week 1. Pact's score was 20 points off. Instead of 786 it should have been 806. So Pact has a 1556 - 1521 lead atm.

Offline Cadett

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2014, 11:50:18 pm »
Nonsensical scribbles page two:

Offline Queso

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #9 on: November 11, 2014, 09:02:24 am »
Ooooooooh, I really love that style.

Offline DrTentacles

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Re: 11/8/14 - Aerodrome: S.o.R. Episode 2: Thunder Rolls
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2014, 10:35:12 am »
From the Journal of Beckett Hafgufa:

I'm a privateer now. At least that's what the contract says.

The Pact has deep pockets, and I guess I won some gratitude that day in the dunes.  Funny, that a man gets more honor for killing someone than for selling necessities.

I don't care. I'm still a merchant.

The boss asked me to keep the contract. The wire was full of justifications. "Public Face" "Good advertisement" and "debts to be paid, great and small." Since he's paying for the restoration of my ship, I guess I can't argue. Not on top of everything else I owe. Poor Florivet. Keiran looks ready to bash anyone who mangles the repair job over the head with a mallet. Poor yard dogs.

So the short version is I'm keeping the contract. Worse, I'm going North.

Anglea. My old home. I had hoped never to get within a hundred mile radius of it. I've already had enough snow for a lifetime. Don't need more.

At least I'm probably not going to be fighting. First mission is to ferry a resource convoy to one of our deployments. We're behind friendly lines, and not expected to see real fighting. In the end, I'm still just a merchant. Same as before. We've got mercenary support, but they're probably just for show. Rorin's staying behind-survived the whole damn battle, then falls sick of Yeshan flu. Some people have none of the right luck.

Anyway, we took on one of our newer hires. Arthur something. Bright and eager. Makes my teeth ache.

I'm hoping for some quiet, after that last job.

What sort of snake could get this far behind the Pact's lines, anyway?

Captain Beckett Hafgufa
« Last Edit: November 11, 2014, 10:37:36 am by DrTentacles »