Community > The Docks
[♫] The Bards
DJ Logicalia:
Frankly, I'm as shocked as you are that we don't have a post here. But now that's fixed :D
Hi! I'm Logic, leader of The Bards!
Some info about us: We were born out of a love for music as [MUS] or Musicians n Groupies about half a year ago. Our Sensei and founder, DJ Tipz n Trix recruited all of the early members through his debonair attitude and fine beats. We slowly accumulated our early membership, and everyone knew everyone in our tiny clan. Eventually we started growing, as more people wanted in to our little musical group, so the first officers were born. Today, we are The Bards, and we still try and know get to know everyone in the clan. We have a sizable pool of both new players who want to learn, and veteran players who love to teach.
What we like: Music! We all love music! Whether you're a musician or a listener, we're right here, jamming along next to you. One upon a time, The Bards would play music in lobbies and on ships to spice things up, but currently our policy is either ask first or stick to party chat. We have several DJs who are fully equipped for piping our own songs into the game's voice chat, at a reasonable and comfortable volume, for the GoI community's listening pleasure. The DJ list and specialties can be seen on Page 2 of our in game clan page. The second thing that is super important to us is politeness! We have very a low policy for toxicity and abusing the playing of music. We want to be a friendly clan, and not one that scares people off. We pride ourselves of friendliness and helpfulness when it comes to just about everything.
Competitive play: Currently we are allied with Star Bubble Epidemic as StarBard, and the team currently doesn't really have any openings. But the future totally allows for other opportunities competitively. For the most part, though, we are a casual clan. We base absolutely zero on skill level when it comes to recruiting. And on that note,
Recruiting: So, you think you got what it takes to be a Bard, eh? Well... you're probably right. Our 2 Rules are: Love music and Don't be a jerk. That's really all. Whether you're a complete noob or an experienced player, we'll have you!
Why you should join:A few things, I suppose. We're very active, for the most part. Our core players are on nearly every day and we're super friendly too. Questions or comments or conversations waiting to be had are what we love. All of our core members are super approachable and nice. We're a great group of friends. If you're a new player, we have plenty of people who can either show you the ropes, or get into some more technical techniques. If you're more of a seasoned player, we offer basically the same thing. All members have access to the wonderful community that is us. We try our best to make friends with all of our members, no matter the skill. Like, I know a lot of clans say they don't care about skill, but literally, we don't at all. We just want you for you :D (and the award for cheesiest docks post goes to)
How to join: Either put a post here or approach one of our officers in game. In your post, please include something. Like, literally anything. If you want, your favorite musician or band. That'd be cool. You could also say why you want to join. That'd make me feel pretty rad. Thanks for reading this unprofessional piece of dribble :P
Hit 'em with the finest beats!
~DJ Logicalia.
Does that count as something?
In all seriousness, I would love to join The Bards! I like most kinds of music, but especially Rock, Electronic, and Country. I have a YouTube songs playlist that numbers just under 200. Parodies, original works, popular songs, whatever. If I like, it gets slapped on. Link:
Only thing I'm not a huge fan of is classical, but I don't mind it being played. It's just not something I seek out to listen too.
I'm mildly competent, but I would love to learn more, if you'll have me.
I played a round or two with Welsh Zelda, but he had to leave because it was 3 in the morning for him. Could I get a general time that some officers with recruiting authorization are on? Thanks in advance.
DJ Logicalia:
--- Quote from: ShadedExalt on December 21, 2014, 10:25:15 pm ---I played a round or two with Welsh Zelda, but he had to leave because it was 3 in the morning for him. Could I get a general time that some officers with recruiting authorization are on? Thanks in advance.
--- End quote ---
For sure! We have a lot of European players, so timezones are odd, but we'll find a time for you, for sure. I'll be around tomorrowish in the afternoon I'll make sure we bump into each other
Hi guys, just wanted to say thanks for the entertainment from Tipz n Trix!
How is my dancing? haha
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