Author Topic: Current Available Clans  (Read 332249 times)

Offline Hikari Tenshihime

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #360 on: November 04, 2017, 01:23:16 pm »
Clan Name: Celestial
Clan Leader: Hikari Tenshihime.
Clan Tag: [⊱❤⊰]
Members: 22 including the leader, for now.
Website: A website is in the works to be added later, for now we just have a Discord and Steam group.
Location: I'm in Europe, but players from all around the world are accepted.
Looking For: Friendly players, new and old, as long as they can understand and speak English. Applicants should be 18 years old minimum.
Other Assets: We try to do voice chat everyday and have fun with both clan members and non-clan member friends. ^_^
Recruitment Thread:,8784.0.html

Offline Natani of Faron

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Re: Current Available Clans
« Reply #361 on: February 16, 2018, 10:20:22 pm »
Clan Name: Republic of Fryke
Clan Leader: flibergdde
Clan tag: Rof       (RoF is already used)
Members: 15-20ish, most are completely inactive
Website: Nothing yet, Steam group soon
Location: US, EU
Looking for: Friendly, active players
Other assets: The 2 active members are on very often