There is a unique tradition practised by a mysterious sect of monks, its origins lost in the mists of time. Every Sunday, they would rise from their deep contemplation of the universe to duke it out in homemade airships across a variety of exotic locales. Largely forgotten for centuries, now that the airship is mainstream, the sect have gone public, encouraging any young men and women who will listen to participate in violent weekend air battles. At least it gets them off the streets.This signup thread is for the Skirmish at
7pm UTC on Sunday 28th September (note that Britain is
not currently on UTC) The event is normally streamed at
Fourth Oracle's channel as well as
Xemko's (Russian) stream. Other streamers are involved when possible/necessary. The details of all streams will be made clear on the day of the event.
The event follows the same 2v2 deathmatch, single elimination, best of 3 format that you should be used to.
Teams should consist of 8 players - please only sign up if you are confident of your ability to turn up with a full team.Signups should be posted in this thread and include a Steam/Skype contact and team name. Signups close at midnight (UTC) on Saturday the 27th September. Please try to avoid last minute signups.
The bracket and map rolls will be available soon after signups close. (brackets at
Participants will be contacted when their matches are starting, although it's encouraged to consult the bracket and keep track of the streams so you have a decent idea of when you will be playing.
A team can, on request, opt to have their matches delayed an hour, until 8PM UTC.
Time Limit RulesEvery match has a base time limit of 15 minutes. However each Bo3 has a "reserve" time of 20 minutes; if a match runs past 15 minutes it will draw on the reserve time for that Bo3. If a match passes 15 minutes and all reserve time has been expended, it will end immediately. Hopefully this will prevent the long matches that mess up our scheduling without the inflexibility of a flat reduction to the old time limit. We're open to tweaking the numbers or reverting to the old system if this doesn't work out.
If a match is left tied by this system the Bo3 will continue regardless. In the case of a tied Bo3, the result will be decided by scores, or failing that a coin toss.
Substitution/Disconnect Rules:- Nobody may play for more than one team on the same day.
- The match referee is authorised to call pauses and allow substitutions midmatch at their own discretion. A guideline is about 2 pauses/substitutions per team per match. However if both teams are happy to have a pause or it otherwise seems appropriate in the circumstances the referee can allow as many pauses as necessary.
- In the same way it is up to the referee to judge when a match restart is appropriate. Generally restarts should be avoided if kills have already been scored, however it is still an option in situations where lag/disconnects are severely affecting the progress and/or outcome of a match.
- The timer may be reset or bonus time may be added in situations where time has been lost for reasons beyond the teams' control eg. disconnects or match restarts.
The usual reminder: Please only sign up if you are confident of your ability to produce a full team of 8 players.(note you don't actually have to provide a roster to prove this. We'll take your word for it.)
As noted before, it may prove necessary to run matches offstream if the number of participants exceeds what available streamers can handle.