Author Topic: Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Prize Creation  (Read 7197 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Aerodrome: Skies of Retribution Prize Creation
« on: September 18, 2014, 04:03:12 am »
Muse has given the option of allowing the community to submit design ideas for the Aerodrome prize badges. This thread will be for your submissions. Now Muse has final say and they may opt to not use a design, but they welcome the ideas and are willing to use a design in game.

Here are the simple rules from them:

If you guys give me the design idea I can make it, or if someone on your clan knows 3D and makes a piece of artwork that fits the bill, I can approve it...

...if you do want to make the badges, they need to be rendered at at least 512 x 512, and I need a version with a transparent background/alpha channel. It should be based in theme off a military medal or other decorative award.

Design can be anything really. To simplify it, we're going to just go with an event badge. What Muse did before was a simple design with a balloon on it.

For ideas to start, as Retribution is about the Pact vs the Coalition, could go with basic symbols that represent them. Say a king's scepter crossed with a sword of some kind. Or maybe some tech tool that would represent Anglea. Something that could say both Anglea and Yesha but be simple like that. Again these are just throwing ideas out.

By all means, if you have an idea and are a crappy artist like me, go ahead and post it.