Charlie-Alpha-Kilo-Echo Tengo-Alpha-Kilo-Echo-Oscar-Vector-Echo-Romeo
Oooh ooh, I'm good at decoding these.
Charlie, that has all the letters of cake except the K so first letter is; K
Alpa, that means first, first is one, fire letter of one is; O
Kilo, thats the dumb European way of saying pound meaning; LB
Echo, is a gent, gents like tea, what do Gents and Tea have in common? In the same place, an; E
Tengo, and incorrect way to spell Tango meaning the change means the letter; A
Alpha, since it is the next use of the word Alpa, we use the next letter of one; N
Kilo, this is also the next use of kilo but also the only second use, meaning we only do the second letter and then go before it to even it out; A
Echo, this echo is an echo of the first echo or perhaps the PREVIOUS echo; P
Oscar, is a person you would send a card to, buts its only missing the; D
Vector, the "v" is the key here because this is the only time it is used in this code. Now using it like a cup, imagine throwing all the letters in it but being worried a letter may get caught on the line, the only safe letter is; O
Echo, we once again have the echo but now that we have gone back twice, we must go back twice from p, skip o and go to; N
Romeo, the e in this word is very strong as it pulls double duty. To illustrate this, seperate Rom and o and you'll see two e's are needed. This strength gives us; E
Now lets put all this together and some spaces
KOLBE- German chemist, Chemistry makes CAKE!
A NAP- What does one do with a nap? They'll TAKE them!
DONE- Well if something is done it stands its OVER!
Charlie-Alpha-Kilo-Echo Tengo-Alpha-Kilo-Echo-Oscar-Vector-Echo-Romeo=Cake Take Over
Caught ya.