The scenario would be a pyra vs a goldfish or a squid. Both face head on and then pass each other. The goldfish/squid should win the turn fight by design. Claw breaks that design enough so that the pyra can continuously keep arcs on the enemy, while the other ship is forced to endlessly dodge. A pyra by design shouldn't be able to reliably win turn fights. You could argue that the other ship could also bring claw, but that's not a fix. That's a requirement.
The Goldie does need phoenix claw because it is already a fairly crappy turner, only slightly better than a pyra.
Goldie has a turn speed of 13.99 m/s and an acceleration of 7.99 m/s
2Pyra has a turn speed of 11.0 m/s and an acceleration of 6.25 m/s
2For perspective
Junker is 16.18 speed and 15.24 acceleration
Squid is 18.95 speed and 20 acceleration
Galleon is 8.02 speed and 5.06 acceleration
Spire is 11.99 speed and 15.02 acceleration
Mobula is 14.02 speed and 3.50 acceleration
So if a goldie is losing to a pyra in a turn fight then I would say it is his own fault for not bringing a tool to make his less turning ability less than average.
Regardless if a major part of your strategy is trying to win a turn fight you should be bringing a tool that helps turns. It should be "required"