lol surprisingly that one works

The theory of evolution claims that only the strong shall survive.
Maybe so
But the theory of competition says just because they're the strong doesn't mean they can't get their asses kicked.
What every long shot, come from behind, underdog will tell you is this
The other team might be the favorite. The odds may be stacked against you. But what the odds don't tell you is, This isn't a math test. This is a completely different kind of test. One where passion has a funny way of trumping logic.
so before you step up and take your position remember that the results don't always add up. No matter what the numbers read or the odds show. What you're playing for today is merely a small taste of what you're going to be going up against in the long run. So don't stress over the score. Don't stress over the little mistakes. And most of all have fun because at the end of the day you're only one person on this team.
So enjoy the moment bath in the glory that you're even here and by god don't be afraid to make a move just because it's a high profile match. once the match starts all bets are off and everyone just hold your own stand the line and support those around you and remember Family isn't always blood we're a family no matter how we place or do today.