Author Topic: Character discussions?  (Read 69392 times)

Offline Hunter.

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Character discussions?
« on: May 27, 2014, 10:15:50 am »
How did your character get in the clan he/she is in and in the costume you see them in?
Personal Story:
After a rough upbringing in the City of Nalm, a childhood full of theft, little water and scamming wandering traders, She finally saved up enough money to scavenge, trade, scam, steal and sometime purchase enough parts to create a small Squid class vessel and her dreams of leaving this Sordid wasteland was coming to fruition. She picked up anchor and left for better lands. Being young and having little life skills other than making shadowy "deals" and having a knack for steering and maintaining airships she struggled to fit in to places and often got heavily attached to those around her. One day she was in an especially bad state, malnourished and desperate she pulled up at a local tavern in the town of Fallow. Here she discovered a group of sky dwellers known as The Art of Warfare, they were playing a game called Caverns and Creatures, this was apparently an event they held which allowed them to escape their pasts and forget about event which are bound to happen in the future. Apparently the way you play is by creating a second life where you can be anything you want, after attending this event a few times she joined The Art of Warfare and completely abandoned her own story to live out life as her C+C character, known only as The Hunter, an elf from a kingdom from over yonder. Hunter became completely attached to this idea of a fair kingdom far away.

Well that's my pretty crap story, wonder what you guys can think of? Took me a while to type all this on my phone -_-

Offline Twisteh

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2014, 03:27:36 pm »
Because the idea's pretty good, I'll sum in mine too. :3


Ze Story:

Born in a not-so poor, yet not-so rich family in the factory-town of Fallow, He grew among machines, and working from factory to factory, learning from how to make a bullet, to build a Galleon from scrap. At his age of 19, he finally decided to take the seas of clouds for once, on his scrap-made Goldfish.
...With terrible results.
Due to his lack of ability to command an actual ship, and after surviving several crashes on mountains, he had to face a group of Pirates.
With no crew to support him in battle, his Goldfish, properly named Target Practice, exploded, with him inside.
With the luck of only losing half-a leg and part of his facial beauty, he spent two days walking in the desert, untill he found a small settlement... Of pirates.
Feeling pity for the poor boy, they accepted him in the crew. After a few years of intensive "training" -and prosthetic legs-, he learned how to fire a cannon properly, and he taught the pirates how to repair their ships properly too.
Everything was going so happily, untill another gang of pirates showed up.
A tight battle later, only a few were left of his companions, and one ship, known as Flying Toaster.
Without resources -and with a burning giant toaster-, they were forced to leave their camp, and head towards another civilized settlement. The closest option was to head back to Fallow, but they doubted if they were going to be accepted, as they were pirates... And their ship was on a constant fire.
Of course, they were kicked out of the town, and with the Toaster destroyed completely, they had to dwell in the scrapyards for a suitable life.
With a horse-sh... load of luck, they found a Spire, in acceptable conditions among the scrapped ships.
After a long process of rebuilding and modifications form his mind, the Spire was up and floating.
Since all the process of rebuilding was straight from his hands, he got the title of Captain, and he got a chance to name the ship.
"Dirty Hooker", was the chosen name. The origin of it is too long to be written here.
As the captain of the Dirty Hooker, he went back to Fallow, for a second chance.
This time, not as a pirate, or as a civilian. As a Mercenary, up for hire for the highest bidder.
With a black trenchoat, a good pair of aviator goggles, and hair white as the snow, Axlgx is up to assist you in battle as a crewmember, of with his own "Dirty Hooker".
...Of course, for a price.


Tadaa! Everything's veridical, of course!
...Well, mostly everything.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2014, 03:33:20 pm by Axlgx »

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2014, 04:10:03 am »
That was a really enjoyable story and in fact it made me really want to plays Guns with you now I know the story, I hope this catches on! I forgot to mention that stories can be silly or serious or a bit of both!

Offline Twisteh

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2014, 09:24:30 am »
Thankies, I did my best putting up facts and the things that actually happened to me in-game already, plus the tricks I learned in writing stories.

Again, yours was pretty enjoyable too. I hope that we cross our paths in the skyes someday!

(PPS: the more hilarious the story is, the better! -At least on my opinion.  :P )

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2014, 06:18:31 pm »
Come on people, don't be shy ^^

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #5 on: May 29, 2014, 05:20:32 am »
In a distant dusty corner of the neverending wastes, a man has cometh. Out of the shadows rises a giggle, a cackle, a .mrau.

Once the charming and charismatic captain of a fleet of privateers, Jacob Fii's luck ran out when the last great war broke out over the desolated planet. His ship was captured and he was conscripted into the navy. Feeling it too dangerous to allow a rogue Captain from a squadron of scallywags to retain command over one of their own much more valuable vessels, he was demoted to the rank of Chief Technician and forced to service the decks of his commander's vessel. Being an experienced captain, Jacob Fii quickly became one with his new ship - learning what every creak, every pipe whistle, every air bubble meant. He could keep that ship afloat somehow.

Sadly, his journey with the navy would not last. His ship was shot down over the desert wastes. He and the ship's cat were the sole survivors and they developed a bond. The cat could catch fish in oases and search out dangerous beasties that would be happy to ravage the Jacob. The Jacob knew which rare desert plants were edible and so fed the cat with Kove berries to keep her alive. They trekked for hundreds of miles before finding an encampment. His uniform, though battered and torn, was of their enemy. He promptly hid his clothes and appeared to them in his pyjamas. It was standard practice to wear Pyjamas under one's uniform for this eventuality, and also to remain warm at high altitude. He was rescued and sent to neutral territory.

Sadly, over this time Jacob had become a little worse for wear in his head. He had spent a considerable amount of time tending to his wounds at the crash site, using broken engine covers as shelters and sucking the water from the soil in the now useless potted plants. Hallucinations had crept into his fragile mind. He envisioned that his cat could speak to him and was always giving him assistance. The potted plants were not so becoming in their conversational skill and proceeded to berate and insult Jacob for his ineptitude. Before long, Jacob had killed and eaten the plants with glee and malice. These hallucinations surrounding potted plants would haunt him till the end of his days.

A stricken and dejected Jacob Fii finally returned to his serving company. By this time, he was not fit for active duty in the navy. His commanding officer assigned him to a dank and broken engine deck aboard a support runabout, an escort. Very few dared to venture into his deck for fear of his crazy laughter and overly irresistible charm. His recovery to health was slow and painful, but eventually he would regain the resolve and strength to crew ships once again as he was meant to - eventually rising to the rank of Commodore in command his heavily armoured guarding vessel, VSS Circumspect. His favourite potted plant, Phillip, sat to his right hand side. Maureen and Doris were too annoying and were put downstairs. His cat still follows him wherever he goes, though woe betide if someone were to ever capture that poor moggy. She knows more military secrets than the rest of the admiralty combined.

His adventure continues to this day.

Somewhere in between the scribing of this tale and the present day, Jacob Fii ascended to demigodhood and is now known ubiquitously as -Muse- Jacob the almighty and wonderful.

His adventure continues to this day.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2014, 04:23:57 am by -Muse- Jacob »

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #6 on: May 29, 2014, 07:55:37 am »
Out of the shadows rises a giggle, a cackle, a .mrau.
Lost it..

Edit: Just finished the rest of the story, it was amazing!
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:58:56 am by Hunter. »

Offline Shadak Shademore

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2014, 01:53:43 pm »
Heya, I'm actually trying to make a GOI Inspired book up and I wanted to use peoples online personas in it. So if anyone wouldn't mind me borrowing your characters for the book please put a note to me aka. Shadak at the bottom.


Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2014, 05:00:53 pm »
Heya, I'm actually trying to make a GOI Inspired book up and I wanted to use peoples online personas in it. So if anyone wouldn't mind me borrowing your characters for the book please put a note to me aka. Shadak at the bottom.

My story is open season for you! And I'm sure the others will agree but you would have to ask!

Offline macmacnick

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #9 on: May 29, 2014, 07:04:56 pm »
Shadak... Want me to give you the The Skies Have No Limits and The Burning Skies Saloon role-play documents? They have been mostly preformatted, and have also been grammatically corrected, for the most part. (I can send you it in .PDF, .txt, .docx, and .pages Format) (.pages is the format I have it in originally, as I use a mac, and have it for free)
« Last Edit: May 29, 2014, 07:08:41 pm by macmacnick »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #10 on: May 29, 2014, 07:40:03 pm »
We need people for The Skies Have No Limits, so if you're up for an RP do feel free to ask questions in the discussion thread we have in the pit.

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #11 on: May 30, 2014, 12:23:56 pm »
Reminder this thread isn't dead and would love more stories! enjoyed them thus far!

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #12 on: June 01, 2014, 03:15:43 am »
Several Years Ago

The Frozen North of Firnfeld blew against the pitiful figures trudging across the snow, a small convoy of carts filled with goods and people as they made their way towards Quinqaachi - the regional capital. Among them a father and daughter sat huddled under their blankets. The biting wind slashing against their faces, the bitter cold draining the life from everyone.

"Dad, I'm cold."

"Shh, it's going to be alright, just hold on a little bit longer."

Truth be told he didn't think they would make it, they'd been out of food before they had encountered the traders who had been kind enough to give them a lift. But even then the city was still out of sight, they were slowly freezing death, and he didn't know what to do. He held her closer to him, giving her his warmth, or rather what was left of it.

"Pardon me, we're stopping here for the night."

Behind him the caravan master was looking into their wagon.

"It'd be best if you carried her to the fire, it would be most helpful."

He felt exhaustion finally hit him, he gave a quite nod and lifted her out of the wagon, the other members of the caravan sat around the large fire sharing meal. He sat down closer to fire, life flow back into his fingers, he gave a sigh of relief as he felt the warmth rush over his body. A single sigh of relief was loosed from his mouth, he looked down at the young girl in his arms, she was six, he was only twenty-two, she was a mistake, he felt that often these days, but hell, she was his mistake, and was all the mattered.

It was then he realized that a year had almost passed, time had gone on without him noticing, life up to this point had been a blur, moving from city to city, through villages and towns, from backwater camps and cavernous ruins. Things hadn't been the same with her gone, though, he looked down at his daughter, somehow she slept peacefully his arms, a rosy color building in her cheeks, she was still incredibly pale, yet it was enough to give him hope. As he broke out of his reverie he heard someone come up behind him, the caravan master sat next to him, passing him a bowl of soup, he looked down at it, chunks of meat and thick broth were all they had, but it was food at least. He nudged her awake, giving her the bowl of soup, he didn't need it really, at least so he told himself.


He looked at the other man who held his own bowl.

"You are welcome."

And with that they all sat in silence. The other members of the caravan ate quickly, ready to rest for the next leg of the journey. The bowl his daughter held was empty, taking it from her hand it piled it next to the others as the others finished eating. His lack of sleep finally caught up with him, holding each other they fell asleep in front of the fire.

They got moving early that morning, he helped pack the wagons as others helped take down the camp, he looked around and saw his daughter warming herself by the smoldering remains of the fire, a few other children played nearby, it often surprised him how quickly a child could recover from adversity. As the last of the camp was stored aboard everyone climbed upon their wagons and they set forth towards the horizon.

Night had fallen and he could see the city lights in the distance. They decided to keep going pushing towards the city, for the people of the caravan the city would be home for the next few weeks, for him he hoped to start a new life, provide some semblance of stability in their life. he turned his head to look at her, she was leaning over the wagon's railing, watching with curiosity as the lights drew closer.

"Hey, come here."

She turned around, crawling over to him in the darkness, he held her as the two of them looked out toward the city, it was a reassuring sight, the distant lights. A few ships lazed around the crescent harbor, swaying as the winds blew, the mist hanging about as the night carried on.

"We're going to make a new life for the two of us," he whispered "Stay strong, do it for me ok?"

She nodded, holding her head against his chest hummed a tune that was so often in his head, watching the clouds in the distance.

He wandered into a large building the next day, he'd left his daughter with the caravan as he searched for a job, the building was a buzz of activity, men and women carried stacks of papers from desk to desk, armed soldiers patrolled the floor, others left to patrol the city, a man at the desk noticed his arrival, possibly drawn in by his haggard looks.

"Can I help you sir?"

"I heard you were looking for men."

"We always are." He looked him up and down. "Do you think you can handle it?"

"If I have to."

He looked down at his ledger, "Alright, I'm going to need a name."

He paused for a moment before speaking, "Alexander Henley, at your service."


I hope you don't mind the wall of narrative text :P

« Last Edit: June 01, 2014, 03:49:58 am by Piemanlives »

Offline Hunter.

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #13 on: June 01, 2014, 01:28:06 pm »
Several Years Ago

The Frozen North of Firnfeld blew against the pitiful figures trudging across the snow, a small convoy of carts filled with goods and people as they made their way towards Quinqaachi - the regional capital. Among them a father and daughter sat huddled under their blankets. The biting wind slashing against their faces, the bitter cold draining the life from everyone.

"Dad, I'm cold."

"Shh, it's going to be alright, just hold on a little bit longer."

Truth be told he didn't think they would make it, they'd been out of food before they had encountered the traders who had been kind enough to give them a lift. But even then the city was still out of sight, they were slowly freezing death, and he didn't know what to do. He held her closer to him, giving her his warmth, or rather what was left of it.

"Pardon me, we're stopping here for the night."

Behind him the caravan master was looking into their wagon.

"It'd be best if you carried her to the fire, it would be most helpful."

He felt exhaustion finally hit him, he gave a quite nod and lifted her out of the wagon, the other members of the caravan sat around the large fire sharing meal. He sat down closer to fire, life flow back into his fingers, he gave a sigh of relief as he felt the warmth rush over his body. A single sigh of relief was loosed from his mouth, he looked down at the young girl in his arms, she was six, he was only twenty-two, she was a mistake, he felt that often these days, but hell, she was his mistake, and was all the mattered.

It was then he realized that a year had almost passed, time had gone on without him noticing, life up to this point had been a blur, moving from city to city, through villages and towns, from backwater camps and cavernous ruins. Things hadn't been the same with her gone, though, he looked down at his daughter, somehow she slept peacefully his arms, a rosy color building in her cheeks, she was still incredibly pale, yet it was enough to give him hope. As he broke out of his reverie he heard someone come up behind him, the caravan master sat next to him, passing him a bowl of soup, he looked down at it, chunks of meat and thick broth were all they had, but it was food at least. He nudged her awake, giving her the bowl of soup, he didn't need it really, at least so he told himself.


He looked at the other man who held his own bowl.

"You are welcome."

And with that they all sat in silence. The other members of the caravan ate quickly, ready to rest for the next leg of the journey. The bowl his daughter held was empty, taking it from her hand it piled it next to the others as the others finished eating. His lack of sleep finally caught up with him, holding each other they fell asleep in front of the fire.

They got moving early that morning, he helped pack the wagons as others helped take down the camp, he looked around and saw his daughter warming herself by the smoldering remains of the fire, a few other children played nearby, it often surprised him how quickly a child could recover from adversity. As the last of the camp was stored aboard everyone climbed upon their wagons and they set forth towards the horizon.

Night had fallen and he could see the city lights in the distance. They decided to keep going pushing towards the city, for the people of the caravan the city would be home for the next few weeks, for him he hoped to start a new life, provide some semblance of stability in their life. he turned his head to look at her, she was leaning over the wagon's railing, watching with curiosity as the lights drew closer.

"Hey, come here."

She turned around, crawling over to him in the darkness, he held her as the two of them looked out toward the city, it was a reassuring sight, the distant lights. A few ships lazed around the crescent harbor, swaying as the winds blew, the mist hanging about as the night carried on.

"We're going to make a new life for the two of us," he whispered "Stay strong, do it for me ok?"

She nodded, holding her head against his chest hummed a tune that was so often in his head, watching the clouds in the distance.

He wandered into a large building the next day, he'd left his daughter with the caravan as he searched for a job, the building was a buzz of activity, men and women carried stacks of papers from desk to desk, armed soldiers patrolled the floor, others left to patrol the city, a man at the desk noticed his arrival, possibly drawn in by his haggard looks.

"Can I help you sir?"

"I heard you were looking for men."

"We always are." He looked him up and down. "Do you think you can handle it?"

"If I have to."

He looked down at his ledger, "Alright, I'm going to need a name."

He paused for a moment before speaking, "Alexander Henley, at your service."


I hope you don't mind the wall of narrative text :P

That.. That was amazing.. makes me wish I'd put more effort into mine as opposed to just writing it on my phone, unformatted and rushed because of boredom!

all I have to say is.. I want more great character stories!

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Re: Character discussions?
« Reply #14 on: June 02, 2014, 10:27:05 am »
Pieman, great one as always.