Author Topic: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future  (Read 176045 times)

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #45 on: March 26, 2013, 04:55:09 pm »
-Whitesea Operations-

*The three were standing in a locked room, a single table with a mp on it was the focus.*

Well i think we can assume they will be blockading Abyss. The question now is how do we break it?

Squids could run interference and give you time to bust through.

*Yiski shook his head*
They will expect that. And the long range gunners they have arent youre regular powder monkies.

Well, they are after us, not Nova and her gang. In order to blend in with everyone they cant shoot every boat flying around.

Your point?

*Zill smirks.*
My point is you can fly right next to them and disable them then. They dont know youre with us.

That might be crazy enough to work. Are they following us to Guild territory?

We cant. Squids wont make that without support vessels.

Better not to anyway. We dont need a fleet flying around Guild lands.

Then we do this at dusk. Low light will help us with the remaining long range fire.

We arent stopping at Abyss either. We go straight across.

*Zill sticks a knife into the map on Starostrog.*

Then we camp out and let the kids get our fuel.

*Yiski let out a short sigh.*
I still dont like that, but youre right in it being the only safe way.

*They departed the room to prepare.*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2013, 05:48:59 pm »
--Somewhere in Whitesea--

*Yiski and Zill were coordinating workers in the port to finish up any lingering repairs and resupplying.*
Zill, what are the chances you think the Birdmen haven't tipped off the Guild in tellin' them their two most hated enemies are stoppin' by for a visit?

Well, considering those feather-brains want us and everyone we know as allies dead, pretty high if not definite.

By the skies, have anythin' we've done ever not have problems?

Taking out the raider outpost in Cliffside.

Hmm... no, I remember out ship getting hit by a blizzard, and a lightning storm... within four hours.

*Zill scratched his head.*
Heh... that did happen. Well, I guess you're right.

So what's the plan when both the Guild and Birdmen come after us?

We'll figure it out once we cross the sea.

Fair enough.

--Whitesea Operations Mess Hall--

*Roland sat alone at the end of the table still thinking about what Yiski said earlier.*
I know Yiski is right, but I do not have the minimal training to do what they do. Even if the others do support me, I have never shot a gun until a few days ago, let alone have the ability to kill another. I think Yiski has too much confidence in me.

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2013, 08:47:46 pm »

*The storm was getting worse. While it would possibly prove advantagious for them to fly through, it was also risking additional damage just before the sea crossing. Zill didnt like it.*

Might as well get comfortable, going through this into a blockade is going to get us killed rather than on our way.

*Yiski grumbled.*
You cant be serious. After all this preparation?

You know better than to second guess my knowledge of these storms. Its not going to pass till dawn, so we might as well rest and be ready for it.

*Yiski was getting impatient but it was understandable. The group wanted this done, including Zill, and to be held back was simply frustrating. Nova chimed in.*

Well if you guys need rooms we have a few spare in the old barracks. A few cots here and there. Not sure how many.

Thanks. We'll manage.

*They all went into the mess hall to grab a bite and relax for the rest of the night.*

(OOC: Im sorry but im diein over here and i cant fathom a fight tonight. Tomorrow Ill at least be prepared for it. ;/)

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2013, 08:54:37 pm »
*After securing the weapons on Zill's ship, Shink decides to go to the mess hall and grab a bite to eat. After getting his food, Shink scans the room, and notices Roland sitting all by his self. Shink walks up, and sits down beside him*

"Heya Roland, how are things going?"

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2013, 09:16:24 pm »
--Whitesea Operations Mess Hall--

*Roland see Shink.*
How do you do you... you manage to kill others? Even if I can shoot a pistol, how do you rationalize shooting another person?

--Whitesea Port--

*Yiski was frustrated at the delays.*
First, repairs were supposed to take a day. Now, they finish repairs early only to be delayed by a bloody storm. It still doesn't fix the fact we have to potentially fight our way through... wait a minute.

*Yiski had an idea.*
Zill, I got an idea which may let us get by the Birdmen and Guild altogether.

*Zill rasied and eyebrow.*
We know the symbol they use on their ships right? Why not brand our ships with it too and change some of the colorin' too?

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #50 on: March 26, 2013, 09:41:39 pm »
-Whitesea Port-

*Zill wasnt convinced of Yiski's idea.*
So you think some crudely drawn symbols will be enough to just fly by? Thats a stretch at best.

Its all we really need. We wont need masks or anything. We could just be hired men.

And if it goes south?

I have a plan for that.

*Zill sighed.*
Well we will have Nova and her misfits for backup at least. Very well.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #51 on: March 26, 2013, 09:43:05 pm »
--Mess Hall--

*Shink stares at Roland*

"It's a hard thing to kill a man. At the end of the day, it's either me or him, and I'm not ready to go out just yet"

*Takes a bite of his food, and notices that Roland is still worried about killing*

"Look Roland, if I can, I wont let you go down the path I've been down. You let me do all the killing, and you just protect your Ny-Lee."

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #52 on: March 26, 2013, 10:00:38 pm »
--Whitesea Port--

*After eating, BdrLine leaves the mess hall and explores around the base.*
*He is fascinated by the different equipment machines and weapons around the base*

*BdrLine has traveled to many different places before acquiring his own place and docks in Anvala, but when ever he is out of the city or see something new, he takes a mental note of what he is seeing and when he come back, he tries to recreate or improve on the design*
*Right now he is eyeing what looks like a sticky mine launcher.*

*One of the personnel notices Bdr's wondering eye and goes up to him*
A beauty ain't it huh.

*Still looking at it*
Yes it is *he turns to the man* If you don't mind, but as i was walking around, how come i only see this one? Why doesn't any of the ships around here carry one?

*The worker scratches his head*
Well you see... this here is only prototype. We are having problems getting the mines to stick. Plus the launching mechanism keeps jamming.

You know what, i think i can you you guys with it.

You sure? Isn't you and your lot leavin' soon.

Ahh don't worry about that, i can get it up and running in no time.

If you say soo.
*He whistles to a few people who come over, and BdrLine and the small group starts working*

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #53 on: March 26, 2013, 11:41:20 pm »

Yiski ran the idea by Nova as well. Though she shared the same doubts as Zill, the three recognized it would be best to avoid combat if possible. After all, the team's objective was to investigate Izumi, not fight every battle between here and Izumi. Yiski handed Nova's workers the parchment with the Birdmen symbol and they started work on it and disguising the color scheme of everyone's ships. If Yiski's plan actually worked it would tell the team two things: Birdmen can't tell which ships are theirs and, more worryingly, the Guild was aiding them.

While Yiski was coordinating with Nova as to where the symbols should be placed and the best color layout, Zill saw BdrLine helping some engineers on their ships. Zill did a mental facepalm and sighed.

Shink and Paradox had actually joined some of Nova's crew and started partying.

Roland and Ny-Lee sat together in a room. Ny-Lee was resting her head on Roland's shoulder and they were holding hands. Ny-Lee was gently rubbing Roland's hand.
Ny-Lee, have you ever killed anyone before?

Ny-Lee was quick to answer.

Did you regret killing them?


I see.

Roland was silent and Ny-Lee really didn't know what to say. All she could was keep Roland close to her.

By the time the storm let up, the day gave way to night. Nova, Yiski, Zill all inspected the new colors and Birdment logo.
Well... what do you boys think?

Hell, it should work.

And if it doesn't, it's not like we had anythin' to lose.

Hope you're back up plan works.

Yiski smirked and patted Zill's back and started walking toward the barracks for sleep.
By the clear skies, I hope so too.


--END OF DAY 3--

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #54 on: March 27, 2013, 11:03:21 am »


Nova, Yiski, and Zill woke up early to finalize the plan and make sure the symbols embroidered on the ships would pass an inspection.
I have to say Nova, your workers do a decent job.

I'll second that.

Well, we're all set. Let's get everybody.

Nova walked over to a PA microphone with a lone engine next to it. Nova turned on the mic then turned on the engine. The sound of the roaring engine echoed throughout Whitesea Operations. Nova let the PA run for a good five minutes before cutting of the PA and the engine. Nova walked back to Zill with a smile.
I think everybody's awake now.

Damn that's effective.

Shortly after the end of the base's wake up call, Jun'ko, Ny-Lee, and Roland arrived. All of them seemed surprised and annoyed.
What was that Admiral? I feel like my ears were about to fall off!

Yes, I would've preferred a more gentle wake up call.


Roland was silent not because of the past events, but because he couldn't hear anything. Poor Roland was up already, but when the call went out, he was sitting right under on the loudspeakers. Nova was chuckled when Roland's gestures pointed to his ears.
Can't hear huh? No worries you should be able to hear in an hour or so.

Zill was looking around.
The hell are BdrLine, Paradox, and Shink?

Suddenly, BdrLine appeared from one of the ships.
I'm here. I just fell asleep on this ship last night.

What did you do brother?

Helping out the workers in getting this engine to function properly.

Everyone gave out a collective sigh. BdrLine and his obsession with engines.
Well, there's BdrLine. We still got two no-shows.

Eventually, Paradox and Shink slowly make their way into the port. Both were holding each other up and looked like complete messes.
The hell were you two doing last night?

Paradox and Shink both explain they had partied with Nova's crew and participated in a number of drinking games against Nova's people. The two had won every single time, most in part because the alcohol they drank was significantly weaker compared to Yiski's brews. They were in their current state because the didn't know when to stop drinking.

While Paradox and Shink slowly got on board Then It Was Fixed Yiski and Zill both facepalmed while Nova was laughing.


Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #55 on: March 27, 2013, 11:52:35 am »
-Then It Was Fixed-


Zill kicked both Shink and PapaP onto the lower deck and told them if they barfed on his boat, they were cleaning it. He took a last glance at the symbols and cringed before heading to the helm. Jun'ko saw it.

Think it wont work?

That and its hideous.

Jun'ko chuckles. Zill fires up his engines and takes off. He says a prayer and makes way out of Whitesea. Static comes on the radio and he kicks it, then hails the others.

Damn thing....We all set?

Holdin' together over here.

Aye. We will make double time to Abyss. We will radio in once we are there.

Bad idea. They have traced our radios before. Whitesea has a jammer but once we leave its range we need total radio silence. If they know we're together itll get fishy.

Good point. What kind of ships you expecting?

Long range. A couple Galleons at least with sniper support. They havent shown an affinity for short range yet.

Hard to say though since we're just hitting up blockades. Short range blockades arent too effective.

Good point, but its what we have. By the way Yiski, if things get dicey and they try to pursue, I have a surprise for them. Just make sure youre in front of me eh?

*Yiski sighed.*
Flakin' tar. He never learns.

-End Narrator-

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #56 on: March 27, 2013, 11:56:14 am »
*Before leaving port*

*BdrLine jumps down from the ship and walks towards what looks like a portable gun*
*To Yiski*

If you don't mind, I'll be taking this with me. You see before I was helping on the ships, men and some of the workers finally got this to work. Before any of you ask, it's a portable sticky mine launcher. And it's perfectly safe, no need to worry for it to go off

*Ny-Lee facespalm at her brothers anticts*
And why do you go around helping make that... thing

In my defense, it was cool, plus you should really see this in action. Once it sticks to the hull of the enemy. BOOM
*BdrLine exaggerate the explosion with his arms*

*Ny-Lee just sighs*
Well it's your responsibility, I'm not going to near it

*BdrLine goes over to the launcher, picks it up and heads towards Yiski's ship*

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #57 on: March 27, 2013, 12:58:11 pm »
*With a pounding headache, Shink sulks down on the lower deck. Papa is off in a corner fighting to keep his stomach from emptying*

I knew I shouldn't have drank that much. Here's hoping this clears before I have to do any shooting

*Since there was nothing to do yet, Shink takes inventory of the ammo supplies that they had, and notices some interesting barrels sitting in the back*

"Zill! did you order some barrels of wine last night? I haven't seen these barrels before..."

Offline Yiski

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #58 on: March 27, 2013, 01:09:41 pm »

*As the team made way to Albys, Yiski has Roland pilot for a bit while Yiski took a look at the sticky launcher BdrLine brought on board.*
Now you know I'm a fan of new gadgets and weapons, but that's when I'm involved. Typically when you're involved BdrLine, stuff tends to blow up on top of you. No offense.

None taken, but this is perfectly safe.

So there's no chance the sticky ammo won't get lodged in the barrel and blow us up, or not leave the barrel fast enough and still blow us up?

...Yes... more than likely.

*Yiski rolled his eyes.*
Fine, it can stay, but you're going to make a new mount for it because it's not replacing the gat or flamer.

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: Burning Skies Saloon Quest: Past, Present, and Future
« Reply #59 on: March 27, 2013, 01:31:41 pm »

*BdrLine goes down to the hold of the ships to see if he can find some spare parts*
*As he is walking away, he calls outs out to Yiski*

Alright, alright. I'll see what I can do

*In the hold, BdrLine sees what looks like a pile of scrap and parts*
*He goes over to it and starts tinkering*

*Moments later, he comes out with what looks like a locking plate attached to a gyro system. At the bottom of the plate holds a huge clamp*
*BdrLine goes over to the mine launcher and bolts it onto the assembly. He then goes over to the ports side bow and clamps it onto the railings*

*He calls out to Yiski*
There, now if we need just to move it, just unclamp it and put it anywhere on he ship

*Ny-Lee just shakes her head at her brother, and goes up to Roland*