Author Topic: Unlock Ships through Level or Matches Played  (Read 17258 times)

Offline Mattilald Anguisad

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Re: Unlock Ships through Level or Matches Played
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2014, 08:43:17 pm »
I really like the idea of ship-specific tuturials. But at the very least they need to fix the current tutorials.
They are and they will, but in the mean time everybody (meaning not just you) should come up with constructive ideas, not just general idea that it needs to be fixed.
When I joined for example (it was patch 1.1.2 in the late December 2012) there was literaly no tutorail aside from "tutorial text". I still remember my first match ever in GoIO, camping at the hull of the Goldfish of either MasX or Apex (both SMAC at the time) using mallet to repair and rebuild components, and wondering why sometimes when I hit the damaged component it gets repaired and sometimes it doesen't (the concept of repair cooldown was alien to me) - things that are all explained in the turotrial now (I obviously know what to use to repair in what situation and to use spanner to rebuild now, but back then I didn't, I know now then I can safely afford to go away from one component getting damage (usaly hull) and when I can go to repair other damaged components or even shoot at a target of oppurtininty).
But later they added tutorial and slowly they have been improved, but now they are looking for specific ideas how to improve them.