Author Topic: So You Lost The Match  (Read 25661 times)

Offline GreyTea

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #15 on: February 25, 2014, 06:16:25 am »
I always blame myself, or find a way to as follows

If the crew are doing a bad job-i never explained the build or what they are doing properly,or took an easier build for them to run with.

Lag-i should be playing on a server close to me and have stable internet to play otherwise i am a hindrance to the team, if i can not resolve i should of looked to feedback for support

Team mate- i should communicate more whether it be text or voice, if he doesn't know where to go or rushes in i should be close by to aid or defend

The other team- i am not sure how to blame the other team for me losing seriously, i get that sometimes people are just straight up better builds crew experience but then it is still my fault for not being as good :)

However there are occasions where say servers are down for lag issues out of your control or instead of a new crew they are a troll, but average game the above applies at least to me personally and i strive to make myself better its how we learn :)

Offline redria

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #16 on: February 25, 2014, 07:10:07 am »
Sometimes you can safely blame your ally (I had a fun match one time in CP - my ally galleon would fly through the center of the map, fire a hwacha barrage, then continue on out of the point while laughing in captain chat and shouting that he was shooting lions in my face. With about 100 seconds left, my pleas for help finally made him realize that captain chat was for allies to talk, not for him to talk to the enemy).

Sometimes you can blame your crew. Certain necessary roles are apparently still too complicated sometimes. Such as the gunner staying on the gun pointed at the enemy...

Sometimes you can blame the enemy. I have played matches against extremely good players and teams, and there are times when it isn't really anything you did, but what they did better.

But mostly you have to blame yourself. Most matches I lose, I come out of it knowing exactly what I did wrong. Re-watching some competitive matches, I face-palm knowing how badly I screwed up a situation that my team should have had the upper hand. But it happens. :)

Offline Rainer Zu Fall

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #17 on: February 25, 2014, 08:57:31 am »
First of all, sorry to say that, but I personally dont see a point in that poll as you can't give a general answer to that, so I won't answer the poll.

Furthermore it is either you, your crew, both or the communication between you just happened to be not working (different languages/technical issues/whatever).
[Also, you don't "lose a match as a pilot" as the title says, but you lose a match as a crew and as a team.]

Offline redria

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #18 on: February 25, 2014, 09:42:26 am »
[Also, you don't "lose a match as a pilot" as the title says, but you lose a match as a crew and as a team.]
Lose a match while playing as a pilot.

I think this is an interesting question. Look at it from the other side. When you win a match [while playing] as a pilot, whose fault is it?

If you take all the blame for a loss, then you are implying that your opponent did not earn their win, that you gave it to them. While this is sometimes the case, there are other times where you deserve credit for winning a match. If all the blame for losing is placed on the loser, does that lessen the credit for winning?

I don't think this question has any end goal, or resolution. I think it is a good way to make you reconsider the blame you place on yourself, your teammates, and your opponent. I think we can all be too hard on each other and ourselves. While you should recognize your shortcomings, you should also be willing to say that you have simply been outclassed.

Offline Surette

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #19 on: February 25, 2014, 09:53:08 am »
I can't really tell if this is meant to be a serious thread or not. If it's a joke, well, carry on I guess. If it's meant to be taken seriously, frankly you're a pretty bad pilot if you can honestly say you blame one of these things every time you lose. A huge variety of factors go into any win or loss, and even on a case-by-case basis it's nearly impossible to pinpoint just one reason for a particular outcome.

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #20 on: February 25, 2014, 12:33:17 pm »
To my crew I blame my Co captain, to my Co captain I blame my crew. If any of my friends were on the other team, I blame them for being too good.

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #21 on: February 25, 2014, 03:06:50 pm »
I tend to see my mistakes before that of others.
I never blame latency because I liken it to a random event and it happens to everyone once in a while.
If my crew make a bad mistake I will advise them and they will learn. If they don't learn, it's not a big problem because they aren't on my ship forever.
I'm used to having a team mate that doesn't talk to me so I just think about what's going through their head and try to act in the best complementary fashion to their plan. If that doesn't work then I will take the data I have accrued about them and store it for reacting to scenarios like this in the future.
I never blame Muse. The game is the same for everyone so why would you?
If I lost because the opposition is too strong, all the more power to them. I'm sure they're nice - I'll be especially cool with losing if they are nice.

I always blame Shink.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #22 on: February 25, 2014, 07:14:53 pm »
A huge variety of factors go into any win or loss, and even on a case-by-case basis it's nearly impossible to pinpoint just one reason for a particular outcome.

You don't fly very often do you?

A good captain can always tell where the problem is. Especially on ships where you have a good view of the crew. Majority of problems are network related but you can easily tell if someone isn't doing what they should be doing. Especially if they're using a mallet to rebuild instead of a spanner. A good captain needs to have their eye on rebuild progress to time their pilot tools properly. A swabbie utilizing the wrong tools can easily kill a ship. People having massive lag issues can too. Just 1 person not in sync with the rest of the crew and captain can lower the effectiveness of an airship by more than 50%. Heck I run builds where 1 person not executing perfectly at the right moment and when needed can bring the airship down. At the same time an ally that won't respond to you or listen to your calls can turn a battle from salvageable into a stomp.

So it is entirely possible to be able to pinpoint what went wrong, why it went wrong, and who flubbed up. Unless of course you aren't paying attention. If you're just admiring the clouds go by, you'll never see half the things that go on with your crew. Captains have the hardest job and we if don't know or at least have some idea what is going on with our ship and our allies, we're toast.

As I tell all our pilots, if you want to really work on becoming a better captain, you fly AT squids. You master them, and then you transfer your skills over. You need a build which forces you to be constantly watching, constantly aware. AT squids do that and you will know quickly when 1 person is under performing because you do not have the luxury to have any key components go out. You lose one, you risk losing the ship.

Offline Keon

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2014, 12:19:15 am »
I have a habit of blaming myself. It's almost like I'm from Canada or something. If somebody throws a book at me, I'd say sorry. If they sneezed on me, I'd say sorry. If I actually do something that is a valid mistake, it's even worse. I blame real life sports - they taught me to say "MY BAD!" after every play.

So yeah. "GG guys, you did really great. I'm so sorry I messed this up; with the way you guys were flying we should have won. I ruined it for the whole team. Man, I couldn't repair/gun/pilot today. I'm so sorry guys."

It's a problem.

Offline Jereven

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #24 on: February 26, 2014, 12:45:56 am »
There are games that I lose, or that my ally loses, or that my crew lose.

Then there are games that the enemy wins.

If I feel like I was playing reasonably well, my crew was relatively competent and my ally was at least half decent, then it's the enemy team that won.

If I'm having a really off night and am just playing badly, then I lost.

If my engineer is shooting mortar shots at an enemy ship that has its armor up and neglecting the completely dead balloon despite me going "Balloonballoonballon!" over comms, then my crewmember lost.

If my ally is just incompetent, they lost.  Likewise if they forced me to start up by not unreadying long enough for me to change my loadout (seriously, 30 seconds from deciding to captain to having a ship that flies well versus all of the appropriate loadouts and having my crew properly equipped is not enough time.)

If anyone in the lobby was incessantly asking us to ready up, they lost.  It doesn't matter what team they were on, so far it's been held true 100%. 

If my ally or myself made a poor decision on ship or loadout in response to the enemy team's setup, or ready without a full crew or with the wrong crew composition, the match was lost before we even made it past the lobby.

All of these work in reverse.  5-4 wins are much more satisfying than 5-0 wins, and when I've got an entirely crewed team versus a pilot, an offline pilot, and two gunners... well... the game ends fast but I don't feel particularly victorious.

[Also: If my entire team is having repeated disconnect issues on a tournament match that I'm subbing in, then I blame Muse.]
« Last Edit: February 26, 2014, 12:49:50 am by Jereven »

Offline ramjamslam

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #25 on: February 26, 2014, 01:32:01 am »
[Also: If my entire team is having repeated disconnect issues on a tournament match that I'm subbing in, then I blame Muse.]
That happened to me a couple of weeks ago and I blame my ISP :/

Offline Riggatto

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #26 on: February 26, 2014, 12:50:03 pm »
It's always the other teams fault, if they hadn't won, we wouldn't have lost

Offline Andika

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #27 on: February 26, 2014, 04:39:09 pm »
I too always blame the enemy for having shot at us. I mean, why? We could've just met at the center and waved at each other, but no, they started the dakadaka. We ain't never not started it, no, it's always them.  :'(

Offline Crafeksterty

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #28 on: February 27, 2014, 11:14:38 am »
I always do preperations an be as obvious as possible for my crew to do what makes the build and the ship as effective as possible. Sometimes i understand if a crew lacks the skill requierment, and sometimes in my mind i question the crews skill.

For example, i have a bunch of mid level crew (2-5)

I give them crew loadout info which actualy does not matter for the build to be most effective on pub matches. But i ask it anyway to see if they listen or not.
On the ship i give further instructions and make clear about it. Usualy on the spire. On the spire when i have a double Gat build, i explain them "For both the engineers, when i say DOUBLE GAT i want you gunning for a gattling gun and shooting the enemy ships hull. So remember the phrase Double Gat. Alright?"

I even give them a warning "Ok, were gonna Double Gat soon"
And if they gat before, or at double gat. I then know that the rest is up to me to fulfill.
But most of times, i see an engineer just having to finish buffing the hull, or repairing something that is not a gattling and getting too late for a gattling gun.
"I need the double Gattling guns firing!" I say.   "Sorry, i just had to X" they reply.

So as a commander/Pilot, i do everything i can to honestly not blame myself to indetify what resources i actually have so that in the end i can identify MY mistakes and what is going on in the battlefield instead of being flustered about my ships power.

So after loosing, i tend to blame myself just to make the crew comfortable. But sometimes i secretly blame the crew.
However, i happen to blame my teamate more these days as ive gotten good streek of good crew just an ally that does not know how to fly.

TL;DR    Depends on the situation, because i try my best to know exactly at what power i am so i dont blame others and myself, because when i do have a weaker crew, i tend to play safer and have a ship/build that works for the crew.

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Re: So You Lost The Match
« Reply #29 on: March 06, 2014, 05:22:47 pm »
I've always held the philosophy that losing is fine, as long as we learned why we lost.

In fact, I go as far to say I abhor the thought of micromanaging my crew to the point that they don't make mistakes to learn from. I give instructions and narrate my cunning plans, but anyone who has flown with me will know that most of our chat is either nonsense, sing alongs or my amazing Gollum impressions. You're allowed to do things wrong, because thats a step towards doing things right.

The only matches I've gotten to the end and thought "That was a bad match" was when the opponent team has left, leaving only a few stragglers to stomp.