Author Topic: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release  (Read 13877 times)

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Hai everyone I am very excited for the release of AM (adventure mode) and I have a few ideas. None of these really mean anything but are just some random here and there things that could be added. This is also my first forum post so it may not be very well done, and for that i apologize.
          Pre-AM release: I think that it would be good if a reward system is added to the game.
                                    Something along the lines of per win you gain a coin (or equivalent but it shouldn't be the regular type of money that will be available) and you can trade a certain number of the coins for an airship skin. So it would make your ship look unique even without changing the stats or ship. (exp: Dragon balloon/Lion ship)
         Post-AM release:
                                       Leveling: You do not need to gain health per level in GoIO but level advancment of some sort would be nice.
                                  I was thinking we could unlock new weapon catagories and strengths as you level. It might also be good to have some sort of attribute system that changes very mild things(+.5 weapon damage) that would max at 10 so higher levels wouldn't have to much of advantage.

                                       Cities and Money:
                                                  It would be important to some players (not that important but a nice addition) to have the cities be free roam so you can walk around as if you are on a ship. It would give players a very good feel of the city.
                                                     An idea I had for the money system is that players gain money per hour on ships and when they do their task(gunners for destroying parts engineers for repairing) and players can invest in ports to get a small daily portion of money. (there could also later be small ports with a few rooms to walk around in that players could invest in)
                                                  My final thought is that while from what i can see the game will rely heavily on PvP. It would also be good for advanced npc crews to make the game feel a bit more open.
                                           These were just some ideas I had please make suggestions and such as you see fit. Happy flying

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #1 on: March 19, 2013, 12:46:58 am »
PS: An idea I had for advertising was players could group on a popular MMO and do some form of group add on them. (Guild Wars 1/2, WoW Etc)

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #2 on: March 19, 2013, 09:15:15 am »
Hey Kevin,

First off, welcome to the forums! It's always good to have new people join here and voice their opinions. With that being said, I will go ahead and give you my two cents...

Pre-AM release: I think that it would be good if a reward system is added to the game.
                                    Something along the lines of per win you gain a coin (or equivalent but it shouldn't be the regular type of money that will be available) and you can trade a certain number of the coins for an airship skin. So it would make your ship look unique even without changing the stats or ship. (exp: Dragon balloon/Lion ship)

Interesting idea... Not sure where Muse is on the whole ship customization yet (Skin wise).... Here is a link for a topic on Customizing stuff if you would like to read it:,103.0.html

  Leveling: You do not need to gain health per level in GoIO but level advancment of some sort would be nice.
                                  I was thinking we could unlock new weapon catagories and strengths as you level. It might also be good to have some sort of attribute system that changes very mild things(+.5 weapon damage) that would max at 10 so higher levels wouldn't have to much of advantage.

This, in my honest opinion, should never be implemented... The whole basis of this game is teamwork... We've already gotten grief from "Stacked teams"... and this would just add fuel to that fire...

Cities and Money:
                                                  It would be important to some players (not that important but a nice addition) to have the cities be free roam so you can walk around as if you are on a ship. It would give players a very good feel of the city.
                                                     An idea I had for the money system is that players gain money per hour on ships and when they do their task(gunners for destroying parts engineers for repairing) and players can invest in ports to get a small daily portion of money. (there could also later be small ports with a few rooms to walk around in that players could invest in)
                                                  My final thought is that while from what i can see the game will rely heavily on PvP. It would also be good for advanced npc crews to make the game feel a bit more open.

This will be implemented (to a point)... I suggest you look in this forum posting for all things adventure mode:,346.0.html

Furthermore, we do already have a topic setup for what we would like to see in AM... I would suggest that you read through it:,256.0.html
« Last Edit: March 19, 2013, 09:23:55 am by Shinkurex »

Offline Pickle

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2013, 09:30:57 am »
Some good ideas there - but I'm always more concerned about how money will be removed from the system, rather than added to it.  A system of regulated gold sinks is needed (like the dye and crafting markets on GW) to control inflation if player-to-player trading is allowed or evolves.

Offline N-Sunderland

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #4 on: March 19, 2013, 11:07:41 am »
My goodness, giving higher-leveled players an advantage would cause a huge mess. The game needs to be accessible to new players, and putting them at a disadvantage like that wouldn't help. Teams already get stacked, we don't need to make the situation worse.

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #5 on: March 19, 2013, 01:17:07 pm »

                          Hai I agree with you 100%. Most of that would definitly stack teams for higher level players were it should be about skill. But it would still be nice for some sort of level advancment. I dont really know what that would be but it would be nice to have something. Also Im wondering about what might happen after you die. Were would you respawn. Would you lose money, need to make repairs etc.
If anyone has any ideas please say so.

  Leveling: You do not need to gain health per level in GoIO but level advancment of some sort would be nice.
                                  I was thinking we could unlock new weapon catagories and strengths as you level. It might also be good to have some sort of attribute system that changes very mild things(+.5 weapon damage) that would max at 10 so higher levels wouldn't have to much of advantage.

This, in my honest opinion, should never be implemented... The whole basis of this game is teamwork... We've already gotten grief from "Stacked teams"... and this would just add fuel to that fire...

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #6 on: March 19, 2013, 01:19:29 pm »
My goodness, giving higher-leveled players an advantage would cause a huge mess. The game needs to be accessible to new players, and putting them at a disadvantage like that wouldn't help. Teams already get stacked, we don't need to make the situation worse.
I definitly agree that would stack teams/crews but there should be some form of advancment, whether leveling or not i dont really know.

Offline Shinkurex

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #7 on: March 19, 2013, 01:30:59 pm »
My goodness, giving higher-leveled players an advantage would cause a huge mess. The game needs to be accessible to new players, and putting them at a disadvantage like that wouldn't help. Teams already get stacked, we don't need to make the situation worse.
I definitly agree that would stack teams/crews but there should be some form of advancment, whether leveling or not i dont really know.

The way that leveling works now, is that on level up, the class designation changes... after every couple of lvls, you get to pick a costume item from the prizes tab in the progress menu... I can only assume that this will continue within AM...

Some good ideas there - but I'm always more concerned about how money will be removed from the system, rather than added to it.  A system of regulated gold sinks is needed (like the dye and crafting markets on GW) to control inflation if player-to-player trading is allowed or evolves.

I can only assume that there will be a way... either through ship customization, or expanded costume choices... or even Yiski's hellfire :P

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #8 on: March 19, 2013, 01:40:39 pm »
Ya so then do you think they will add ship custimization based on earned in game money in AM

Offline RearAdmiralZill

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2013, 01:43:16 pm »
I think itll be based more on the progress you have made within AM. The farther you are the better stuff unlocks.

Offline Kevin of Zhufbar

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Re: Random stuff that would be nice in AM and the current release
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2013, 02:19:32 pm »
K. Thats what I was hoping for, Some sort of way to progress the better you get. As well as skill.