Just recently finished re-(re?)-reading Terminal World by Alistair Reynolds. Of distinct interest here because about half of the book is set on steampunk airships in an apocalyptic future. Most of Reynolds work is very very sci-fi, and I love all of his books, but this one really sits well with GoI.
Oh wow, I haven't read that one! I love Alistair Reynolds books in his Revelation Space Universe (even got a couple signed by him at a book signing) but I didn't know he did any steampunk stuff.
AHHHH JEALOUS. The Revelation Space universe is so awesome. If GoI allowed so many characters, one of my ships would have been named Nostalgia for Infinity from day 1.
Terminal World is the only steampunk he has written (that I know of). It is really interesting how he does it. Good book, but not his best. My personal favorite of his is
Century Rain. It doesn't share a universe with any of his other books, but it spins a fabulous tale on its own. If you like Reynolds and haven't read it, go get it now.

Also, congrats on being the first person I have found who has read his books. Woo!