Author Topic: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?  (Read 6754 times)

Offline Battle Toads

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Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« on: January 22, 2014, 10:13:51 pm »
We know that there will be PvE in the new adventure mode, and I am very excited for PvE. However besides the obvious Blimps and Bi-planes, what could we possibly fight together in PvE that wouldn't get repetitive after a while. I have a few ideas, but what are the community's ideas for PvE enemies.

-Naval Battleships that can be seen as wreckage on most maps could provide an interesting heavy opponent on routes crossing over water if they are ready to fight

-Tanks or Trucks that drive around the area and shoot with light weaponry, enemies like this could promote flying close to the ground instead of above the clouds

-Pirate Dens could serve as a focal point for all enemy types, also the AI could be supported by automated flak guns that provide some low damage AoE on players

-Giant Leviathons could serve as an obvious boss fight at the end of a trade route

-Finally I believe it is obvious that Muse will introduce enemy pteryodactyls and sky whales that will try to hunt down and eat players as they sail the skies  :P

Anyways I want to see you guys share your opinions

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2014, 11:23:40 pm »

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2014, 11:28:22 pm »
I have a love for a good tower, a well placed tower can wreck havoc.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2014, 12:27:39 am »

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2014, 12:58:42 am »
PvE or the cooperative is due this spring i believe and adventure mode late this year? But what kind of battles against ai?
Hmm.. Considering the wasteland, tech etc i don't believe they should add anything too modern just stay with the dieselpunk theme.
A boss match against a huge airship would be cool. Stay alive, strike back at planes while trying to take out several weak spots on the balloon to take it down.
A secret destination to get a rare item traveling through a canyon inherited by large eagles that are hard to shoot, too many and you have to combine repairing with piloting skills so you need a durable and fast ship to unlock the eagle mission.
To get from a to b through a pirate base that are gradually alerted and follow to hunt you down while at b there is a object that must be destroyed. Like a galleonlike ship pirates have almost finished building that is still docked. Failing todestroy it means pirates increase and get stronger in that area.
Duelfights against areabosses. Your team against there team at a specific location you must get to on the map.
Simple transportation missions with stuff on board that slows the ship down a little. Pirates try to get the cargo by destroying you. When destroyed the cargo remains like  a mine balloon with a yellow light which can be seen when a pirate hijacks the cargo. Must destroy the pirate to reclaim it and get the cargo to its destination.

Offline The Sky Wolf

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Re: Ayn Idaes or Sgugesitnos fro PvE Eenmeis in Aedvntree Mdoe?
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 03:21:36 am »

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #6 on: January 23, 2014, 04:13:16 am »
please move this to "Feedback and Suggestions"

Offline Saull

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Re: Any Ideas or Suggestions for PvE Enemies in Adventure Mode?
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 01:07:40 pm »
The Muse team has on occasion referenced Left 4 Dead as their  sorta model for the adventure mode experience with an A.I. Director managing varying waves of enemies. Biplanes = common infected, different airships = the special infected, and boss ships being tanks. This all sounds great but I feel like something is missing and that's the role of the witch. First thing I though of are maybe territorial sky whales ramming the ship. Then maybe clouds of sky plankton (whales gotta eat something) that damage components and create a hectic on ship experience. Or that pit thing from Return of the Jedi that pulls down low flying ships. Basically things in the world that are best tip toed around, things that make the world itself seem dangerous