Author Topic: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules  (Read 15237 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« on: January 18, 2014, 02:44:24 am »

What is it?:

Beginning February 8, 2014. Support Your Local Aerodrome is a battle for resources tournament. Teams will take sides in a resource war. They will fly for Aerodromes on both sides of the conflict. There is technically no individual team winner, only a faction. Teams however, can earn badges for their participation and for how well they do. There is also a reward for the top team at the end.

Story behind it:

A historic ceasefire has been reached between Anglea and Yesha. Ambassadors were dispatched from both sides to draw up plans for a peace treaty and trade agreement. A rogue mercenary group who was profiteering off the conflict has decided to act on this and fuel a new conflict between the two great nations.

Resource storehouses have been hit in Anglea with fabricated ties to Yeshan agents found, the Angleans attack Yesha at the summit and open war begins. A call to arms is issued by both nations.

Anglean side:

You are fighting a war of revenge and also of necessity. With the resource stock piles severely depleted and the cold winter bearing down on Anglea, you must strike at targets in Yesha while also protecting Anglea from Yeshan forces advancing on Anglean lands. Failure means the potential deaths of many citizens who are in desperate need of resources to get through the winter.

Yesha side:

You are fighting a war of justice. Anglea is blaming you for strikes within their lands which are untrue. They have lured you in with the promise of peace and then struck down your fellow countrymen in cold blood, using the attacks as a guise. Your mission is to repel the Anglean invaders and strike back to bring their forces to justice. The Republic will pay for its crimes!

How does it work?:

Teams Register to fly for two factions:

Anglean Flying Corps


Yesha Imperial Air Service

The first three spots for each faction will be on a first come first serve setup. After that, teams can only request factions but organizers will ultimately decide which team goes where to make sure the factions are balanced.

Teams however, can choose their own Aerodrome squadron number or squadron name. Ex: YIAS No.5 Squadron or Zuka's Harem

Clan alliances are allowed and encouraged! This allows for smaller clans which don't have the members, to ally with a larger who might have enough to field two ships, but not three. If there is a small clan that joins and doesn't form an alliance, they will be set into one by organizers if one is available. Both will fly under one Aerodrome name.

Large clans able to field multiple teams, must split their teams up for each faction. We don't want a faction imbalance where all of one clan goes to one side and then that side wins by a landslide.

Should participants be greater in number than can run each week, they will go on a rotating schedule based on signup time. So signing up early will get you in action sooner. Everyone gets to fight and everyone gets to help their team win.

Mercenary ships will be provided by The Bully Boys when needed. If you are a small group and wish to apply as a mercenary boat, this is permitted but spots in the event are not guaranteed. You will likely be merged with another group that is in need of players to fill.

Mercenary Boat Rules:

Mercenary boats will adhere to the strategies of the parent team they are mercing for. Mercenary boats will fly whatever ship and loadout they desire. So long as it is not a trolly build, ex: all flare boats/etc.

At the same time, mercenary boats are mercenaries. They have the right to act independently when in match as long as it is to the benefit of the team they are hired for. Mercenary boats are not meatshields or tools of revenge.


-Teams signup to fly for either Yesha Imperial Air Service or Anglean Flying Corps. Alliances encouraged to meet 3v3 requirement.
-Clans with more than 3 ships must split their extras up to fly for opposing faction
-High participation means rotation of ships/teams to meet time slot requirement.
-Merc ships provided when needed by Bully Boys. Teams can apply to be merc ships but alliances are more encouraged.
-Merc boats will adhere to the parent team they are mercing for.


This will be a 3v3 tournament. Anglean Raiders, Raid on Refinery, and Desert Scrap will be the map choices. Should another be added, it will be decided by poll thread if it is to be included in the tournament.

Maps will be decided by the organizers. Each will get played at least once per week. Depending on team signups, more than 3 battles could take place in one week. Teams will rotate around and will not be playing the same map every week.

Anglea will always play on Blue side, Yesha on Red. Even though technically the official colors are reversed, we’ll just avoid confusion of people asking why the ice people aren’t blue and the canyon people aren’t red.


-Anglean Raiders, Raid on Refinery, and Desert Scrap are only maps played.
-Maps played at least once per week. Will rotate the following week.
-Anglean forces = Blue, Yeshan forces = Red

Match Setup:

Matches are best of one CP battles.

How to win it:

Each battle has resources being tabulated. Both winner and loser counts will matter as the totals go into a grand point total which decides the winning faction and rewards.

Kills will also matter. Kills will count as a scavenged resource and will be worth 10 points each. There is a 10 kill limit cap per match that is shared for both teams. Once those 10 kills have been reached, no more scavenged resources can be gained for either side.

The final closing battle will take place in the location of the winning faction's top team choosing.


-Best of 1 CP battle
-Resources tabulated and pooled for grand total. You aren’t fighting for your team alone, but for faction.
-Max of 10 kills count towards shared pool of scavenged resources. These added to grand pool.
-Winning faction decides location of final battle

Time limit:

The matches will take place 3hrs before Box Social start time @ 1pm EST/6pm GMT and end within 30mins of Cogs start. Ex: If there are 6 teams total, the matches will end within 1:30. If there are 8 teams total the matches will end in 2:00 from start, and for 10 teams the match will end in 2:30.

If the event time, runs over and comes within 15 mins of Box Social start time, all matches currently running will be called and the points recorded.

Matches will start on time with up to a 10 minute window should problems arise. If matches do not start within 10 mins of start time, the match will be forfeit or a mercenary vessel(s) will be brought in to fill.

As CP battles can sometimes run long, there will be a limit of 30 mins for battles. When the 30 mins are up, the match will be stopped. Point totals and kills will be tabulated. Winner will be decided based on those.

The event will run for one month. At the end of the month the top two teams from each faction will duke it out in one final showdown. The final battle will have a 2 hour time limit and will take place on the 8th of March 2014.

Bully Buddies System:

Match lobbies will be formed up and set to go from the start of the event. Bully Boys members will act as buddies to form up match creation and direct players to their designated lobby.


-Event starts 1pm EST/6pm GMT sharp. Runs for 1 month.
-Lobbies begin filling 15 mins prior to start.
-10 minute grace window before match is called or merc vessel brought in
-Bully Buddies will be setting up lobbies and ferrying participants
-Top scoring teams duke it out in the final deciding battle

Participation rewards:

Faction badges:

Participants get a badge symbolizing their enlistment in either faction. Basic, thanks for coming out award.

Winning faction receives a special recognition badge at the end of the event. Basic, thanks for kicking ass and saving your homeland award.

Non Faction badge:

The winner of the final battle gets a special war profiteer badge. Regardless of whether their faction wins or not. Basic, you are the last ones standing so us sinister people wish to thank you for our recent profits award.

Casters & Narratives:

Matches will be broadcast live by CeSports. Casters from Bully Boys or interested members of the community will be brought in.

Casters are not referees. They will not have authority to judge a match or decide on if a match will or will not be played.

The following week, there will be a narrative which highlights the previous week. A new story will be crafted based on who won what or what took place. So one week you could be going in as the home team, the following as the away team or vice versa. There won’t really be any advantage for this, just for the TTR side to develop the story narratives.

The winning faction top team must decide the final battle location before the narrative is produced so it will be announced in the narrative.


-Matches broadcast over Cesports
-Casters are not refs
-Weekly narrative done later to highlight prior week event and set up coming week.


Scorekeepers will have the task of keeping track of resource totals and kill counts during a battle. It will then be pooled at the end of the event.

Scorekeepers will also serve as witnesses and referees to the match. It’ll be their job to make sure it starts on time and they will have authority to rule on a matter should something come up.

Example of score tabulation: Match 1: Red team 350, Blue team 240. Kills: Red = 4, Blue = 6

Therefore, Red takes match with 390 points to Blue's 300 points.

As you can see, should teams be evenly matched in scoring, one could win their match over the other by being better at killing. Also on the flip side, if a team decides to go all out after kills instead of trying to capture, they'll only be able to make up at most, 100 points. However, because the scavenged resources are a shared pool, should one of their ships fall, the opposing faction will gain the points. This brings in a risk factor for teams which wish to forgo the CP battle and engage in deathmatch.

Should an argument arise about score, proof needs to be provided. We'll do a video review. As lots of numbers are involved, mistakes can happen so please just inform the event organizers and it will be handled.


-Scorekeepers track stats and serve as refs
-As refs, Scorekeepers have final say on matters
-Disputes. Video review will be done.

Loadout rules and Restrictions:

None for loadout or ships.

Players can alternate on other teams within their own faction but not cross faction.

If an entire ship is unable to make an event, a mercenary boat will be drafted to fly. The same mercenary boat cannot fly for both factions on the same day.


-No restrictions
-Players can sub on other teams but not cross faction.
-Merc boats, 1 faction per day.


As this event has some RP factors in it, teams may engage in friendly name calling and banter as long as it is relevant to the story. Shout outs of “Yeshan pigs!” Or “Anglean Dogs!” will be allowed. In fact, it is encouraged as you will be fighting for your fellow countrymen and citizens.

If matters escalate and go from friendly banter to more direct attacks, or if attacks are directed at organizers or affiliates, your team will be eligible for removal from the event.

If complaints are brought forward about behavior, the case will be reviewed and if found guilty, the offending team(s) will be given a warning. No more warnings will be given. Any more incidents will be grounds for team removal.


-Don’t be a jerk out of character
-1 warning for offense before team removal


See signup thread.


Post in this thread. Also any errors or issues, post here. This is the finalized ruleset but if there is a consensus or we screwed up somehow, we'll correct it.

One I can think of now is in the event of a tie? Very unlikely this would happen but lets address it. What would happen if the factions tie in score or if there are two teams tied to go into the final event? Simple, a tie breaker match will play first before the final event for teams being tied. Factions being tied, would go into the final event with top teams deciding the tie breaker.

Offline James T. Kirk

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #1 on: January 18, 2014, 03:11:41 pm »
I almost missed the tournament trailer link under the main image at the top.

Any way you could make it bigger so others don't miss it?
« Last Edit: January 18, 2014, 03:16:41 pm by James T. Kirk »

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #2 on: January 19, 2014, 03:52:45 am »
I tried, but every time I did it wouldn't do it and left the /size coding shown. Wasn't anything wrong with the code so, I dunno.

Offline Ataris

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2014, 04:34:07 pm »
Let me show my admiration about this finest trailer you made, good sir!

Just put a 30-size 'Tournament Trailer' sign above the link to be sure not a single person misses it.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2014, 06:06:23 pm »
I was trying that. Originally there wasn't a link but everytime I tried to resize it to make something bigger, it wouldn't work. Dunno, maybe some bug with displaying that image. But, won't know. I can't edit it even if I wanted to right now.

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #5 on: January 23, 2014, 01:58:55 am »

Should work if someone can tag it on either side with "size=30pt" and "/size" before and after url tags.

Oh and the trailer is absolutely fantastic! Well done!

Offline Coldcurse

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 05:09:40 am »
so when will it happen?

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 05:23:25 am »
Starts the 8th but you only have till the 1st to get signups in.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #8 on: February 01, 2014, 01:31:51 am »
For those that didn't see the other thread, signups have been giving another week.

Also, if the event works out well, we will look at doing a 2nd Aerodrome this year. So those who are interested in both badges would have a chance to get them.

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Re: Support Your Local Aerodrome Announcement and Rules
« Reply #9 on: February 12, 2014, 06:27:27 pm »
Since we're looking at a setup with 5 teams instead of 6, I've discussed a new match setup in the Aerodrome group along with rewards for the Mercs. Now a question was brought up about Merc badges but I haven't heard back from Muse yet so for the moment, the plan will be to go with Mercs getting a choice of their faction badge.

Now of course this wouldn't be entirely fair since the other teams signed up for their sides and may have members who wanted to fly for a different side. If there is enough outcry, we'll definitely consider a revision and working something out. But the merc team is going to be limited in other ways.

The Mercs are coming in to help fill. Now I don't want them to sit around twiddling their thumbs in the odd chance they'll get to play so we're going to work out bringing the Merc boats into the event and story. They will be flying against the 4 other teams which will alternate each week. However, the bigger event badge prizes will be excluded. So faction winner badge and the war profiteer badge are out. In turn they'd get to be able to select their choices.

This allows us to run 3 matches at 30 mins length. The Mercs get to play, and teams will be able to play in 2 matches instead of just 1, just not every week. The Merc boats will be bouncing back and forth between both sides of the conflict depending on who they are playing.

Merc boat pros:

-Choice of badge selection, or possible merc badge (will update once Muse gets back to me)
-Ability to play for both factions


-Excluded from faction and final battle prizes