Author Topic: The Description Game  (Read 238504 times)

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #45 on: April 30, 2014, 08:57:38 pm »
A complicated cave system located in the Abermar Valley, its underground tunnels are hazardous as stalagmites and stalagtites riddle the circling and floors. But it is provides merchants quick passage between the different cities in the region, if one is very knowledgeable of the tunnels. Merchants are not the only ones who also uses the tunnels, bands of raiders and pirates call the caves home and have developed a style of fast flying to travel and attack their prey. The roar of their engines echo along and bounce off the walls creating a horrifying sound to those who hears it. This tactic is used to both scare the traveling merchants and to attack quickly. One such area in the many caves see the most attacks, a single large dark cavern named aptly Banshee's Pass as the amount of noise sounds that of an angry banshee.

Silver Night

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #46 on: May 01, 2014, 12:02:16 am »
One of the oldest events on any historical record, "The Raid of Silver Night" was one of the first major forays pirate fleets made in the Burren prior to the incursion met by the Icarus and her captain Gabriel. The fleet originated in Southern Firnfeld, where the deep crevasses and high mountain ranges would provide ample cover for the gathering of pirate forces. Over the course of 2 months pirates of the northern fringe gathered as they prepared for the trek south. At the time however a majority of the force was aboard some of the few remaining armored vehicles and aircraft of the time. It gained the name "Silver Night" due to the frost encrusted upon them glittering silver under the moonlit sky upon their first encounter. After 10 weeks, no less than 16 settlements were pillaged, over 500 people either killed or had subsequently gone missing, to top it all off 2 experimental airships were looted from their hangers near the waning days of the incursion. Over the next few years pirates would begin fielding these crafts in combat and use them as mobile command stations, often entire pirate groups would collapse after the destruction of their vessels, in fact the final incursion met by Gabriel may as well have ended major pirate raids for the next several decades, due to the number of craft seemingly destroyed by him and the crew that would eventually follow him into Tura. Even though major pirate forces would once again appear, The Burren would be much better prepared to fend them off as they took battle in the skies.

White Glint

Offline Dr Pantaleon

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #47 on: May 01, 2014, 02:25:20 pm »
The White Glint was the name of the flagship of the notorious Anglean captain Clint "Golden Glint" Herring. He got this nickname from the set of shiny gold teeth in his upper jaw. (He lost his original teeth in a terrible fishing accident)
His ship was a very fast and agile one, equipped with six extremely powerful and yet quiet engines. To this day it is not clear where he acquired them. He had the entire vessel painted white from prow to stern and every metal piece dulled or covered with bleached linen, so it would not reflect the sunlight.
Captain Herring used his unique ship to sneak up on unsuspecting ships travelling the foggy skies anywhere between the Chill Sea and the Black Channel.
His immense success was aided by a misconception. Every sailor travelling north knew the story of Golden Glint and White Glint, yet few had ever seen them and lived to tell the tale. Therefore, everybody expected the pirate ship to look like a white, silvery glint among the clouds. They all always realised too late that the ship was simply named after its narcissistic captain.

Galvanic agitator

Offline HamsterIV

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #48 on: May 01, 2014, 02:55:11 pm »
Contrary to the technical sounding nature of the term, "Galvanic Agitator" refers to a ring leader of Anvalan Underground during the Electricity Riots of the mid 1940's. Durring that troubled decade the wealthy of the over city began lighting their homes with electricity generated in vast Acid pools located in the under city. The noxious fumes and occasional ruptured vats caused a severe drop in the standard of living of the poorer citizens of Anvala. In addition wide spread electricity use had not yet made its way down to the lower rungs of society. Certain charismatic individuals convinced large portions of the population that the battery pools and the strange power they produced were heretical and needed to be destroyed. The city watch used the code word "Galvanic Agitator" to refer to such people, believing the population would be fooled into thinking they were referring to a piece of equipment and not the ringleaders of the mob. The last Electricity Riot occurred in 1952 and was mostly attended by board upper middle class teenagers who longed for the the social injustice of times past. By that point zoning laws and the mass production of electric devices had made the generation and use of electricity a positive across the entire spectrum of society.


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #49 on: May 17, 2014, 12:49:09 am »
A broken state of mind, melanders show pilots or crew members wearing a blank expression and going about "business" onboard a ship. Engineers going about repairing equipment that has been repaired, gunners holding down the trigger on an empty turret , to pilots mindlessly turning the helm. Usually contracted after a major battle of sorts, it can be a form of extreme PTSD, reacting to imaginary scenarios playing in their heads. There is no one way to bring them out of this state with treatments ranging from a simple water to the face or extreme therapy. But it cannot be treatable at all as there a re a few cases where crewmen are stuck in this state of mind.

Belmore Ranght

Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #50 on: May 17, 2014, 02:03:30 am »
Hailing from the city state of Belmore, a Ranght is a high position in the cities hierarchy. Often associated with the Militant trading houses, a Ranght's position typically they are the houses voice should the head be "Incapacitated" in anyway such it would bar them from duty for extended periods of time. They typically hold important administration roles within the houses business, organizing expeditions to other cities, meeting with important clients, and more importantly leading war parties against other houses. As the houses are typically competing for the same contracts they often plan against one another, from hiring pirates to raid convoys to attack each other in broad daylight. The city is often thrown into chaos when a house war is in session, wars which often upset the balance of power. The city's ruling council has their hands full keeping the houses going to war with one another, most Ranght's detest the ruling council, thinking that their house should be the one in control. Fortunatly the city militia is under the command of civilian operators, whose loyalty to the council is unquestioned.


Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #51 on: May 17, 2014, 03:26:57 pm »
A local delicacy, Hagishpah originated from Dampfstadt in the Three Bays region. It mainly consist of seafood from the lake where the city resides. A delicate recipe, it has a long cooking time which needs 14 hours to complete, during which spices are added during different part of the process. Visitors to the city claim that it has a distinct aroma because of the blend of the spices and meat. When consumed, the meat is thick, yet tender to bite.


Offline Piemanlives

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #52 on: May 25, 2014, 07:12:38 pm »
Oculevators are large telescope mounted watch towers. Often built into city walls or fortresses they provide an excellent view range to their operators. Oculevators consist of the tower proper, whether this be a prebuilt defensive tower or a purpose made structure. An elevator like device that carries the operator to the scope's control platform. And finally the telescope itself, with several different range of lenses allowing for distance changes, a radiowave device and several signal flags allowing communication with allied forces. The crew consists of the telescope's operator, the radio operator, the signal officer, a single guardsmen, and the elevator operator. This tends to be a dangerous position to hold as more often than not oculevators are high value targets.

The Deep Sea Fish Loves You Forever

Offline Mill Wilkinson

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #53 on: May 25, 2014, 07:47:27 pm »
A classic children's song about a huge fish that resembles a skywhale. While this song may seem ridiculous it does carry some merit, as several bone finds have emerged near Sylka proving that once there were humongous beasts carrying a bone-structure not fit for flight.
Lyrics of this song vary greatly among different regions, but almost every town has a version. Some even claim that a man's origin can be traced from his interpretation of "The Deep Sea Fish Loves You Forever".

The Spiral Slack

Offline Keon

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #54 on: May 29, 2014, 12:08:55 am »
When a clumsy airhand forgets to tie up a mooring line, the rope can be seen below the ship spiraling around in the wind, bright as a flag. While most mistakes caused by spiral slacks are harmless, many mistakes such as a loose hydrogen vent have been fatal. Said airhand is doomed to be called "Spiral Slack" until somebody else joins the crew who is stupider than he or she. Every crew has one, it seems, so common that it's become an unofficial rank in most millitaries, fit only for swabbing the decks and arranging cargo.


Offline Mod Josie

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #55 on: May 29, 2014, 04:36:23 am »
Colonel Raphvitz von Gersch was a madman of his time. He proposed that men take to the skies as do birds because he was short on intelligence and hydraulic balloon gas pumps. He suggested outfitting ships with retractable aerodynamic surfaces that could be used to create lift without the use of lighter-than-air gas. He tested his idea by launching a retired Goldfish class navy runabout off the top of the wreckage of The Leviathan. It had no balloon, only these new-fangled 'wings' that everyone was so suspicious of. The goldfish reached its top speed in the air but fuel was scarce. Sadly, the pilot was unaware of the workings of these wings, and so reversed his engines to a stop. He promptly fell out of the sky to a very bumpy landing.


Offline Dr Pantaleon

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #56 on: May 30, 2014, 11:14:32 am »
When Jean-Jacques Fiz d'Eau first presented his new invention, riggers and ship's carpenters all across the known world drank to his health and thanked whatever gods they prayed to for their kindness.
Fiz D'Eau's Roll-Tacker was a tool that allowed sailors to quickly join together large sheets of cloth, a process that up to this point was done by hand and with needle and yarn. Crewmen would often be busy for days after a battle, simply trying to put the envelope of the balloon back together. The Roll-Tacker shortened this time down to a matter of a few hours. Urgent repairs could now even be undertaken in the heat of battle.

The fantastic device actually looks quite gruesome. A large, curved magazine feeds small tacks onto a rotating, vertical wheel. The engineer using it holds the two grips of the tacker and pushes the wheel along the seam of the fabrics that are to be connected. The tacks are punched into the cloth via a spring-powered mechanism and a supporting awl curves the pins once inside to secure their position.
The only power needed for the contraption to work is provided by a spiraled spring which has to be rewound every two minutes, but savvy mechanics quickly modified the tacker to run on steam, petroleum or voltaic current. The resulting machine could easily work five times as fast as the original, but devices "improved" by less gifted mechanics could just as easily stud the utilising swabbie with dozens of curved nails in a matter of seconds.

Callipygian Purple
« Last Edit: May 30, 2014, 11:17:03 am by Dr Pantaleon »

Offline Shadak Shademore

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #57 on: May 30, 2014, 07:50:42 pm »
Callipygian Purple is a special dye used by those of the order of the Callipygian, a flower though which many aliments could be healed with various parts of the plant. The order of the Callipygian wear robes dyed this particular shade of purple as a way to show their royal background. For to join such a illustrious group of people you must be able to trace your ancestry back to a royal house of the Old Times. Of course many people within the order are no more that ordinary people who have procured fake documents of the royal lines.
Callipygian Purple dye though does possess another odd trait... its growing nature can cause the fabric to stick together or even to the person wearing it. Indeed the leader of the Order cannot remove the cloak due to wearing it for 2 weeks straight. It also turns the skin a bluey purple tinge which only adds fuel to the royal fire as to having blue royal blood in their veins.

Carpicular Tranperigan

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #58 on: June 08, 2014, 07:12:25 pm »
A Carpicular Tranperigan is a revolutionary type of drivetrain that changed the world of airship engines practically overnight. Before its invention, conventional engines had very tempermental methods of power delivery. This often resulted in two engines outputting significantly different amounts of power while on the same throttle setting. This would cause airships to drift off to one side. The Carpicular solution, invented by Chung's Choice, unified the power delivery into a central gearbox which was then applied through a differential.
This type of drivetrain became a matter of controversy within the world of power units. The advantage of this new Tranperigan were obvious and engine manufacturers fought to acquire this new technology. It was eventually leaked when George's Curiosity captured a Pyramidion class airship that carried engines concealing the new power delivery system.


Offline Shadak Shademore

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #59 on: June 24, 2014, 07:01:13 am »
The Engelpin was a invention of chance. During the early years of the war several ships were wreaked on the rocks of the northern fords. One of the sailors, First officer Edward of The Guardian, waited for rescue watching as other ships began to crumble under the constant barrage of the harsh weather. He began work on a way to link ships together to strengthen what little was left and perhaps join the ships together. Although he could salvage a lot of materials but he couldn't put them together in a way that was flexible to withstand the weather but strong enough to keep it together...

That day the Englepin was made... a double ended linking pin system that allowed any material to be attached together. Using the mechanism he managed to rebuild a ship to flyable condition and save the other stranded sailors.

The name was made due to the shape of the pin being like that of angles wings and the initial of the creators name and thus the Englepin was made.

Quental Horsaline