Author Topic: The Description Game  (Read 196412 times)

Offline RedRoach

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #75 on: November 03, 2014, 07:43:39 am »
Warning to all Merchants flying the skies this day: Watch out for the League Vermin that stalk the dusty skies, and seek to burn and pillage!

These vermin fly about on ships aiming to pull us down to the ground by popping our balloons and force us into hand-to-hand combat, where they will be able to use all of their hellish brute strength to overpower us, like beasts of the sand. They prey on the defenseless who venture so much as lay a toe inside their sandy pit, and recently their raids have expanded further and further. Watch out for the signature rush of a single, scrapped ship to warn you of any incoming League Vermin though, because for all their strength, they're severely lacking in a reasonable mind. Conversely, be worried for your life should you be captured by one.

Jin-Riaand Ammunition

Offline Canon Whitecandle

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #76 on: November 11, 2014, 10:01:01 pm »
Warning to all Merchants flying the skies this day: Watch out for the League Vermin that stalk the dusty skies, and seek to burn and pillage!

These vermin fly about on ships aiming to pull us down to the ground by popping our balloons and force us into hand-to-hand combat, where they will be able to use all of their hellish brute strength to overpower us, like beasts of the sand. They prey on the defenseless who venture so much as lay a toe inside their sandy pit, and recently their raids have expanded further and further. Watch out for the signature rush of a single, scrapped ship to warn you of any incoming League Vermin though, because for all their strength, they're severely lacking in a reasonable mind. Conversely, be worried for your life should you be captured by one.

Jin-Riaand Ammunition
F*** the Arashi.
Jin-Riaand Ammunition-
Jin-Riaand, or Spirit-Wrath, is the Yeshan term for Lochnagar shot. Some black market ammo suppliers use the term 'Jin shot' to refer to improvised Lochnagar illegally cooked up by independent arms suppliers. Real Jin-Riaand is different from Lochnagar in name only, but Jin shot is a much more volatile cocktail, which depending upon the recipe can melt a gun emplacement into a dripping puddle of slag.

Doolean Manufacturing

Offline BdrLineAzn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #77 on: May 09, 2015, 12:59:36 am »
Doolean Manufaturing is the leading company for surface vessels. As airships rule in the Age of Air, there is still a small need for surface ships. Located in the bay city of Andelata, Doolean Manufacturing design and builds ships from fishing vessels and and small transports to combat naval ships. Not as long as those found on the sands of the Dunes nor carry the same amount of firepower, Doolean combat ships are large enough to dock a Goldfish class airship and enough guns to take on a Galleon class. Their main source of profit comes from both the Order and Guild as both faction extensively use the waters around them. As well as fishing and coastal trade companies surrounding Abyssal Gulf.

« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 01:04:09 am by BdrLineAzn »

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #78 on: May 11, 2015, 01:41:36 pm »
Hassum is a volatile chemical used in Lesmok ammunition.  It is stabilized with the addition of the other compounds, but it is responsible for the odd ring shaped waves emanating from the barrel of a firing weapon.

Logic cogitator

Offline DJ Logicalia

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #79 on: May 11, 2015, 06:35:27 pm »
You want me to do what?

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #80 on: May 11, 2015, 07:31:43 pm »
Cogitate, obviously.  Pay attention!

Offline Carn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #81 on: May 11, 2015, 07:53:19 pm »
Who do you want logic to cogitate with exactly? I think we all have a right to know.

Offline ShadedExalt

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #82 on: May 11, 2015, 10:21:23 pm »
B. Not someONE, someTHING.

Offline DJ Calvary

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #83 on: May 20, 2015, 09:53:35 am »
Logic Cogitator- A one of a kind room where DJ Logicalia goes to think on  life, the universe and everything. It's true state is never truly known as it does continuously change to Logicalia's liking much to the cabin boys expense

The great tale of Captain Aramoth

Offline Mod Josie

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #84 on: May 21, 2015, 03:37:19 am »
The Great Tale of Captain Aramoth is a book that you will likely find on practically any airship that is fancy enough to carry a bookshelf which is actually used to house books instead of boxes of spare bolts and washers. People who sit and listen to the tale will feel an otherworldly dread creeping through them if they listen to the tale more than once because, even though the title is the same, the story is always different each time.
This book is a prank, agreed upon by a large coalition of shipping companies and factions as a great way to muck around with crew members that they don't like. The covers of the book are easily transferred to any other book so that it may take on the identity of the infamous Aramoth's Tale.

Some defectors have insisted that the book is in fact completely blank. Captains or officers that are in on the joke simply make up a tale from scratch each time. Such reports have remained unconfirmed.

Sever The Lenning Line.

Offline DJ Calvary

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #85 on: May 21, 2015, 09:53:14 am »
Sever The Lenning Line is a common saying that is used to imply that what ever is being done is able to have disastrous effects in the situation at hand.

Loch in the gat? Well you might as well sever the Lenning line while your at it!

The phrase itself is referencing a event in which the Yeshian navy's supplies was cut mid campaign by Arashi Pirates at a small settlement with the name of Lenning. This forced the Yeshians to go and send a sizable force back to defend the settlement from attackers and in the end taking heavy losses during the battle effectively ending the offensive.

The world famous Ionized ship combobulator

Offline David Dire

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #86 on: May 21, 2015, 10:46:16 am »
Sever The Lenning Line is a common saying that is used to imply that what ever is being done is able to have disastrous effects in the situation at hand.

Loch in the gat? Well you might as well sever the Lenning line while your at it!

The phrase itself is referencing a event in which the Yeshian navy's supplies was cut mid campaign by Arashi Pirates at a small settlement with the name of Lenning. This forced the Yeshians to go and send a sizable force back to defend the settlement from attackers and in the end taking heavy losses during the battle effectively ending the offensive.

The world famous Ionized ship combobulator


Offline SwordintheSpud

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #87 on: May 21, 2015, 02:08:38 pm »
The World Famous Ionized Ship Combobulator is a device created by crazy inventor, Deadalus. Supposedly the device can power a ship by using ionized particles. Deadalus goes around the world showing it to different audiences, but many scientists consider it a impossible hoax.


Offline Carn

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #88 on: May 23, 2015, 07:14:35 pm »

A term used for when a crew member is being lazy and talking to much. "Will you quite Habgobbing and get back to work?"

Electrostatic Spindle

Offline lolTSM

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Re: The Description Game
« Reply #89 on: May 23, 2015, 07:30:53 pm »
The electrostatic spindle is a balloon component that acts similar to a gyroscope, keeping the ship upright at a right angle to the surface.

Shark toothing