If there is a situation where there is constantly ships being on the point, then the probably deserve to keep that point.
I will now describe a match where there are constantly 2 R ships on the point and they lose 650-0.
Match starts.
1) B1 and B2 are squids. They rush the point and capture it before R1 and R2 show up. They now 100% own the the point.
2) R1 and R2 arrive and focus fire B1. B1 is destroyed, leaving one B ship on the point and 2 R ships on the point. The timer is not started due to B2's presence. B owns 100% of the point.
3) B2 then uses their pilot tools, 2 engineers camping the hull and the terrain to avoid being destroyed by R. The timer is not started due to B2's presence. There is 1 B ship and 2 R ships on the point. B owns 100% of the point.
4) B1 respawns and rushes to the point. They get to the point while B2 is alive. The timer is not started due to B being present. There are 2 B ships and 2 R ships on the point. B owns 100% of the point.
5) B2 gets destroyed soon after B1 arrives, leaving one B ship on the point and 2 R ships on the point. The timer is not started due to B1's presence. B owns 100% of the point.
6) GOTO 3 unless score is 650-0. Switch B1 and B2 around.
7) B wins 650-0.
R Kills: 22
R Deaths: 0
R Point Presence: 98%
R Point Ship Presence Average: 2
B Kills: 0
B Deaths: 22
B Point Presence: 100%
B Point Ship Presence Average: 1.1
In this match, R has the dominate point position. They are acting defensively, but are actually trying to attack the point. B is acting aggresively, but is actually defending the point. This is completely backwards.
Feel free to plug any timer value you like in, you will see that it makes no difference. The timer is never started, so it doesn't matter how short it is. Make it shorter, it takes B less time to establish their win position. Make it long enough for R to get their before it is captured and the game would end at a time out with no-one fully capturing the point.
Making an argument based on changing the hypothesis (such as B getting totally removed from the point to allow your short timer to come into effect) is moving the goalposts. Explain how my hypothetical situation is a fair outcome
without changing B and R's behaviour.
Given my suggestion, R "defending" the point would eventually cause to go neutral. They would still lose if they didn't change their behaviour, but it would only be 70-0. This reflects who captured the point much better. Extending it to also make R kills increase point ownership for R would cause them to win.
At a minimum, the point ownership should move to whichever team has most ships on it. So R would eventually capture the point because they can maintain 2 ships on it while B can only maintain 1. For example, if there is one ship of each team on the point, it doesn't move (50-50 balance). If there are 2 R and 1 B, it moves towards R (66-33 balance). Capturing the point should simply slow down the timer in the owning teams favour by counting as, say, 50% of a ship.