So here's an idea that I had while thinking about balance and what goes into deciding which guns to take.
Right now the factors involved boil down to either disable or DPS. And those trickle down into long or short range.
The point is, these are all factors that are about what your guns can do not what can happen to your guns.
The idea is to add differences that effect each gun differently.
For example, the gatling could have 1.2 increased chance to catch fire stacks while say the merc has .7 . Or we could do it a different way and make the max fire stacks different for each gun.
And maybe give the light guns different HP. I don't want to mess with the way damage effects guns as that's more complicated to balance.
So now you have more choices with different results. Sure the gatling is really good but it's real easy to set on fire too. See? Decisions

I'm not sure how difficult this is to implement programming wise, but I would really love to test this or something like it on the dev app.
So that about wraps it up. I definitely want to hear opinions and other ideas related to this. And a basic list of each gun and how it could be effected would be awesome.( Might put one together later)
EDIT: This can be taken further with ammo types as well. Currently the only that gives a debuff that requires the enemy to do anything about it is Hydrogen.