Greetings, fellow captains, greasemonkeys and all!
I am Jacob Fii, the man of a thousand faces (none of which you can see because I'm invisible). I am also the man of seven to twelve voices.
I've been playing since summer and this game has quickly held fast in my nearest and dearest. I have made a lot of fantastic friends and am now helping to organise events for clans and fly with the people I love - which is a blessing.
If you've met me during matches or on the forums you will probably remember me for my propensity to make cat-like purring sounds, use long words and outdated English idioms, crash my ships into anything and everything and know exactly how long we have left before our hull disintegrates into the kind of fine powder one uses to bake a cake - since I am one.
My trains of thought are legendary and travel at precisely 1764 miles an hour on average, with stops for passengers every third junction. They also have no tangible meaning or moral and tend to draw circles or crash spectacularly, just like my airship's vapour contrails.
I look forward to seeing you again in the skies.