I am not the most experienced player, but the more I play, the more I appreciate Light weaponry over Medium ones. In my humble and maybe incorrect opinion, their little clips, loading time, slow projectiles and general clumsiness in movement and firing arcs for only slightly superior damage is a bad compromise. It is even moreso since they now recoil so much when firing them. Give them a Spire, and most gunners will prefer manning the light weapon on top instead of the clumsy beast below.
Also, Medium gun emplacement have like three times less choice for outfitting them. What's missing in this category, is a quick-firing, short-to-medium range weapon, reasoneably accurate, that either has a good magazine or a shorter reload. Something like a quad Gatling, or a quick-firing harpoon Ballista. Anything, really, to make them even desirable.
I would be glad to hear some of the vets' comments and tips about Medium weaponnery.
PS - I know there must have been some threads around this subject, but I didn't feel like necroposting anything past the first two pages.