Author Topic: Just a thought...  (Read 5114 times)

Offline Squidslinger Gilder

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Just a thought...
« on: October 14, 2013, 07:27:17 am »
Ya know how many patches has Muse dedicated or utilized for tweaking the Pyra and either buffing or nerfing it to balance it? Just about every patch for a long time now. No matter what Muse does it never works. Why? Because the other ships are so much worse off atm that to totally balance the Pyra you'd have to turn it into a tissue paper battering ram with guns that fire little white flags with "BANG!" written on them. Ok I exaggerate a lot on that but the point is the nerf train isn't working.

So heres a proposal all the way out of left field that no one could ever foresee coming.

Instead of constantly spending tons of time and patch after patch trying to tweak a ship so you can make others viable. How bout...I dunno...buffing the other ships instead? Leave the Pyra alone and just focus on fixing some of the problems on the others so they are capable on a competitive level again.

Its not that I'll do the leg work for ya...

Squid - Speed, acceleration, and agility returned to classic form
Spire - Rebuild time on hull lowered, turn rate, and vertical movement buff
Mobula - Hull HP and armor buff so it doesn't you know...fall apart in the air whenever it hits a grain of sand.
Junker - Do nothing
Goldfish - Do nothing
Galleon - Do Nothing

Thats 3 ships and nothing really complex to fix. Take them one by one if you must and roll them out each patch, maybe finally inject some life into vessels which need it a lot more than the Pyra. You want a healthy competitive scene right? Then lets see it. Or is this Guns of Pyramidion Online?

It is a wonderful dream to imagine things fun once see groups like Polaris returning to their Spire using glory, the Mobula actually behaving like the flying tank beached whale turret that it could be, and my Shinryaku! battle cry finally making sense again!

Offline Imagine

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Re: Just a thought...
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2013, 11:24:01 am »
If you had been bothering to pay attention to the competitive scene recently, you'd know that the Pyra isn't the one that rules the skies. Other than the Wolfpack (whom, I would argue, win because of their hyper aggressive playstyle that many haven't been able to figure out, not just because of their Pyra usage), there's really no team that consistently plays and wins and uses exclusively Pyras. Hell, if anything, Pyras might be more of an issue in newbie games more than anything else.

Could a few other ships perhaps do with some tinkering? Maybe, but I think your Guns of Pyramidion Online is laced with extreme hyperbole.

Offline Alistair MacBain

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Re: Just a thought...
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2013, 11:39:59 am »
Well Pyra is not as good as u state it gilder.
The thing why many say pyra is overpowered is its low skillcap.
You dont need much to point ur front on the enemy and let it stay. But taking all into account its not overpowered.
A Squid can be run in competetive and i have to take my tophat off for the ducks (sorry guys not sure whom of you it was) who figured out a technic to utilize the Squid in competetive.
Spires were actually played by the thralls and the rhinos in the anvalan conflict recently but i think its not clear how to utilize it on a highlvl. Rhinos and thralls tested it out but i would still say a galleon is the better sniping ship.
Well the mobula needs sth thats true but thats not the point here and im not totally sure how to fix the issue.

The pyra isnt a problem. A junker can probably outduel a pyra with the right build and a galleon is the way better sniping ship.
Only thing i could think off thats a bid odd on the pyra are the hitboxes of the topdeck guns. Its pretty hard to actually disable them even if your shooting a manticore you can somehow totally miss this guns.

Offline Captain Smollett

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Re: Just a thought...
« Reply #3 on: October 14, 2013, 01:26:44 pm »
Only thing i could think off thats a bid odd on the pyra are the hitboxes of the topdeck guns. Its pretty hard to actually disable them even if your shooting a manticore you can somehow totally miss this guns.

Interesting you mentioned that, rumor has it that it will be fixed next patch.  In higher level play that'll definitely knock pyra down a few pegs.


The squid doesn't move the way it did in the past, but neither do any of the ships. 

Do I miss being able to fly my pyra around like a fighter jet zipping all over the map, sure.  Do I miss being able to make intricate turns and rapid altitude adjustments in my galleon, absolutely; and do I miss being able to put my squid in any area of 3d space whenever I feel like, of course. 

I think we're all nostalgic for parts of the game we enjoyed months ago, double flak merc galleon was super fun to use when it was completely broken in 1.1, just like all sorts of other game mechanics, but at the end of the day, the game has changed and in regards to balance definitely for the better.  The game is better balanced now than it ever has been as long as I've been playing goi.  The squid has lost some agility but so have all the other ships and the squid has definitely not lost its edge.  It's difficult to use, but definitely still competitive and can still 1v1 any ship in the game with the right loadout.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2013, 01:30:00 pm by Captain Smollett »