On a Spire it makes sense though since as a Glass cannon - Weapon's Plat you want as many guns pointed at the same direction as possible, hence why it's a reasonable request for this ship. It's not the same deal.
Is it though? Maybe it is, but you musst not forget the mobula.
The spire has 3 guns facing forward and one of them is a heavy weapon. Making it pretty much better than the mobula sense the mobula cannot turn for crap.
So is the spire a gun happy ship or is it a gun combo happy ship?
This is the thought process of applying the 45 degree buff on the lower left gun. It will help, but it harms other roles (not just spire roles but other ship roles).
The spire allready is able to kill and it is able to destroy i just think it needs to perform better. If that gun gets a 45 degree buff, i will be happy but you will see less uses of the mobula, heck maybe even the galleon.
The spire today is reliant on its guns, its combos work, they work but got damn it is just not enough. So what do you do? Dodge, fly up, fly down, spin, near miss. Once succesfull, it will work, your guns will have room to attack again. But, that is also just not enough. You dodge slowly, you barely escape the shots.
I still think acceleration boost to the spire is a much safer choice of a buff than a 45 degree on the gun. If that 45 degree gun is there trust me, spire will be good and will be better than the mobula and the galleon.