
Could someone educate me a bit better on how spotting and shaking exactly works?
Sometimes it works just fine; sometimes it just does not; so I am really starting to wonder what the general rules for spots and shakes are - perhaps people could start off helping me by answering these questions:
1) Is there a minimum or maximum range at which I can spot ships in conjunction with the zoom level while spotting?
Why I ask : Sometimes I can spot ships without even zooming at all;- just clicking on the ship in the distance and it'll register at spotted. Other times I am zoomed in on a ship and it won't spot for the life of me no matter where I'm pointing while clicking.
2) Is there a known bug which prevents someone from succesfully placing a spot?
Why I ask : Like above; often a ship is within 500-600m and no matter what I try it just won't spot. Just clicking the ship;- zooming on it first; trying various zoom levels; aiming for every component on the ship before clicking - nada.
3) When can you spot other ships in (dust)clouds?
Why I ask : Often my crew seems to spot ships just fine in clouds;- but I for the life of me can't seem to do it. I play on pretty low graphics so my clouds are a bit thicker and less transculent;- but even if the ship is in vision I can't spot them. Is there a trick to spotting ships that are in clouds?
4) If the vision ships is partially obstructed; can you still spot them?
Why I ask : I have a lot of trouble spotting a ship if for instance the front end of my own crews ship is only just slightly covering vision;- or their front end is just barely behind an object. Pretty much their entire ship is fully clear in vision but even close range I can't seem to get a spot on it.
5) When do you have a succesful shake?
Why I ask : Often when I'm flying my squid I just try to shake them in clouds; but the open eye never dissapears. Most noteable on dunes when I dissappear fully into dust clouds and exit the other end my ship will have suffered damage but I just haven't managed to lose the spot on my ship.
6) Any additional information
Why I ask : If you have any other things or rules to spotting and shaking I would really appreciate all that information ;- helpful tips or issues you know about
Thank in advance!