I do feel that Muse has nailed CP gameplay really well in both Crazy King and Resource Race. However the King of the hill game mode just, isn't King of the hill. (compared with the traditional King of the Hill mode of other video games)
This wouldn't be a problem except that the vast majority of King of the Hill games play out unbalanced and sluggishly. If you cap the point at the beginning, usually, and I do mean usually, that means you've won the match. This is because it's too difficult to recapture a point, and why I'm about to explain how this game mode isn't technically king of the hill:
Typically in king of the hill type gameplay, if you want to "clock points" you need to actually be in the hill. It shouldn't be a resource with a time cap that continues to give points if you aren't directly defending it. Additionally in typical King of the Hill game modes if an enemy is in the hill you don't continue to clock points regardless, the timer should cease clocking points.
I appreciate that Guns of Icarus is not your typical FPS by any means and shouldn't be regarded as such, this is why I do agree that there should be a timer to cap the point. However, I feel that it should be significantly reduced, require you to remain in the hill to continue clocking points, and not clock your points if an enemy is also occupying the vicinity of the hill. This I believe would silence the "GG", "Oh well now we've lost..." & "Oh my god we can't take the point in time, quick just meat rush them one at a time and get slaughtered like sky-whales." from happening minutes before the end of the match, while making the gameplay more challenging for the defending team, (less boring than sitting just outside the point and spawn whaling the attacking team "Oh God we have to sit in this hill with nowhere to hide, I don't know where they're coming from") and less soul crushing for a team that knows that no matter what they can't turn the game around in time even if they spectacularly obliterate their opponents.
EDIT: Please would a moderator move this topic to Feedback and Suggestions if they deem it necessary.