Salutes go to Skrimskraw, Classy Titan and GearsW for helping with the making of this Guide!
So, you've come here because you heard that the Junker is a light version of the Galleon, great for Skywhaling with a Harpoon up front and because you like trifectas. Well, all of those can come true, except the first one. The Junker is much more than a light version of the Galleon, and it allows and actually bids for a different playstyle. If you thought a Goldfish was versatile, you haven't played Junker enough. Don't think yourself so much as a Captain aboard a Junker, but more a Tinkerer. There's hardly something this ship can't do.
Ship Stats and Resilience
Hull Health: 500 Hull Armor: 700 Balloon Health: 1200 Acceleration: 1.1 m/s² Radial Acceleration: 6 deg/s² Vertical Acceleration: 3.3 deg/s² Max Speed: 26.5 m/s Max Turn Speed: 9.0 deg/s Max Vertical Speed: 10.5 m/s Mass: 200000 Hull Profile: 350 m² Balloon Profile: 988 m²
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SpeedDon't laugh - Junkers are slower than a Galleon, but faster than a Spire. But they have the second fastes acceleration, just after the Squid. This means you can't outdistance other ships in the long run, but you can quickly get ahead of them and position yourself at a good angle. Using Kerosene always has an impact, but the Junker will still feel slow in the beginning. It's turning speed isn't the fastest either, but you'll find that the gun positions on it make it easy to keep your broadside trained on the enemy.
Hull The Junker feels like a tough and tanky ship, it's Armor and Hull rating aren't that high compared to others, but especially the high Armor allows it to take some hits before it goes down - in the Junkers case, a Gatling takes about 3 clips to break the armor. You can use the Balloon on all ships to cover your hull from being hit and get valuable repair time, but on the Junker even more so - the Huge balloon covers all of the ship from above. The repair hardpoint for the Hull is on the top deck, in the middle of the ship - it can be reached quite easily by whoever mans one of the broadside guns on the top deck, and what's special, it can be hit and repaired from the lower deck as well if you stand just under it! From front and behind it's profile is quite slim, but if you point your broadside at the enemy, they're sure to not miss a single shot on your hull as well. Still, it takes up to 3 rounds of a Gatling to take a Junker's Hull armor down.
BalloonRectangular and huge, taking up more than half of the ship - the Junkers trademark is it's huge balloon. It doesn't have more health than the other Ship's balloons, but it makes for a much easier target. All of the Ships balloons can be used to cover the lower decks from enemy fire, but the Junker's ballon excels at it. Situated just above the Helm, it can be kept in shape by the Pilot which will often be necessary - stray shots have a tendency to hit the balloon on the Junker, and if anything on your Junker is taking hits, chances are, the balloon will get some damage from it too.
EnginesThe turning Engines on the upper deck are protected by the Junkers balloon, Engineers will often wonder how everything aboard the ship can be red on the HUD and the Engines are nearly at full health. If they get damaged however, repairing them costs valuable time because you have to ascend the ladder up to them - they can't be hit from the lower deck like the Balloon can. The Main/Accelerating Engine is at the lower Deck, wedged in between 2 light guns. Ideally the Gunner down there can take care of them, but the lower deck is suspectible to AOE damage and you'll often find that Engine damaged next to the Guns.
Guns3 Guns at the top deck, 2 at the lower - or, in other words, 2 on every broadside and one for the front. If you are approaching a enemy ship head on, your broadside guns are relatively secure, but once you turn your broadside to bring the 2 light guns down there to bear, they'll take hits too, often simultaneously. Maintaining fire on a Junker is often a choice between having the hull down to half it's armor, or getting the guns on the broadside working again. Checking them continously, especially during a fight is absolutely necessary - unless your enemy carries a Mercury they won't be down in one shot, which gives your Engineers time to keep them in a good condition and firing.
Examples on Loadouts
Junkers are probably the most versatile ship out there when it comes to useful weapon loadouts. Their speed hinders them somewhat, but there is a huge variety of light weapons and the possibility of a trifecta (3 guns firing on the same target) on a Junker, as well as the slender profile of the Junker which allows it to quickly point at least one gun at any attacking ship - unless it's at the back, the Junkers blind side. Don't let yourself be fooled by it's ragtag appearance, the Junkers foremost purpose is probably robbing and piracy, but it can hold it's own against any other ship just as well. Hit and Run tactics are not viable for this ship, because there's no option for a quick getaway. You have to prepare for full scale combat when you select your loadout, keeping in mind that you can support on long and mid range, but destroy just as good with your broadsides.
Loading out a Junker can be complex business, but for the purpose of getting you set up with your piece of Junker we'll keep it simple here - Your front gun is a utility or support weapon. Unless you take a Mercury Field Gun, which quickly loses it's effectiveness once you bring your broadsides to bear, you won't go on a killing spree with it. What you will do is trying to cause havoc on the enemy ship before your other weapons lock on the target. Shatter damage works very well here, because Artemis Rocket Launchers or Banshee Light Rocket Carousels can either take out components of the enemy ship in mid and close range and possibly allow a trifecta, or damage various parts of the enemy ship, keeping their Engineers busy before you hit them with something worse.
The broadsides are what you use to cripple or destroy enemy ships with, and they are the most dangerous side to approach a Junker on. Your front gun may hinder a advancing enemey, but it won't inflict enough damage to destroy them. The Junker isn't very fast to turn, but especially with a Phoenix claw fast enough to switch broadsides around even mid combat - be wary though, the Junker is tough, but not so tough to survive a Pyramidion firing at close range you while you turn. 2 weapon hardpoints at every broadside recommend weapons that work together well - gatlings and mortar/flaks are the prime example for this, but also dual shatter damage (banshee/artemis, banshee/banshee), etc. will work wonders. Don't forget that you've got 2 broadsides, too - just as on Galleons, having one side for close range and one side for long range is a viable strategy. | 
For the example here we'll take a very simple, quite common Junker loadout:
Front: Banshee Light Rocket Carousel
Left Broadside: Mortar/Gatling
Right Broadside: Mortar/Gatling
This build has no long range options, it relies on the Junker's relative toughness to get into mid or close range with the enemy ships and then quickly dispatch them with firing Gatling and Mortar on their hull. The mortar is more difficult to aim than a flak here, but even without the right choice of ammunition it's fairly quick to get into and much more devastating than the light Flak.
Let's cover the single positions of the Loadout screen aboard the ship in more detail:
Top Deck - FrontThe Banshee Light Rocket Carousel provides a firework starter for any ship that's about to be engaged by this build. With shatter damage, in the best case to a variety of components aboard the enemy ship coupled with the chance of starting a fire, the aim is to get the Engineers on the other ship busy and hold them off from firing back while the Junker turns into position. When pursuing a enemy ship, they aren't as good as a Mercury Field Gun or a Artemis Rocket Launcher on taking out engines, but damaged and burning engines will still slow the other ship down.
Top Deck - Starboard and Port On the top deck the Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun. The Mortar would have a better firing position from this deck, but a Gatling does it's job much faster than a Mortar and therefore the top-deck Engineers don't have to stay on the gun too long and can keep repairs in check better. Once the Hull Armor of the enemy ship is down, the Gatling won't do so much damage anymore and the Mortar has to take over.
Lower Deck - Starboard and Port
The Mortar is typically placed on the lower Deck, together with the Gunner. With the amount of components on the top deck, the 2 Engineers are better suited for gunning there and one can always quickly run down to help, for instance when the Main Engine goes down. To correct it's downward ark, gunners will have to aim high with the Mortar, but the high ammunition it carries allows for some practice shots. Other than that, bringing a Pipe Wrench is - as always - advisable for the Gunner, because it will make it much easier to keep the 2 guns and the Engine on the lower deck in good health.
You will be able to easily be a threat to other ships with this loadout. It's simple and straightforward, the Mortar is a bit difficult to use but rewarding, the Banshee lacks the punctual damage the Artemis and Mercury have, but can also be used without much practice and will surely set something on fire once you're hitting. Once you look at your own Junkers loadout though, you'll realize that there's much more that can be done - If you switch out one broadside of this loadout, for let's say, an Artemis and a Mercury, you have a effective long range side, while still keeping your devastating close range damage on the other side.
A more versatile and "complicated" Junker loadout looks like this:
Front: Beacon Light Flare Gun
Starboard Broadside: Mercury Field Gun / Mercury Field Gun
Port Broadside: Scylla Mortar/ Whirlwind Light Gatling Gun
With one side for long range and one side for close range, this build already makes better use of the 4 light weapon hardpoints on the lower deck. The defining piece is the Beacon Flare Gun, which can be used for offensive means (hitting a Balloon with it will drop 10 stacks on fire on it), but more importantly can be used for illuminating clouds and breaking enemy ship's cover from afar - and thus giving the Mercury Field Guns a firing solution.
 | Top Deck - Front The Beacon Flare gun has one of the widest weapon arcs, and the useful function of lighting up spaces of the map. With it's long reload time it's not optimal for combat use, but with this build it's more for helping with map control. As one side of the Junker specializes in long-range sniping, the Beacon Flare Gun eliminates the cover that enemy ships can gain from hiding in clouds. Scoring a shot on a Balloon with it also is a great diversion!
Top Deck - Starboard and Port On Starboard is one of the two Mercuries, the positioning here doesn't make a big difference for them as their limited arc only becomes a problem in close range encounters. When you're using the Mercury though, your enemy will be a long way off and effectively hindered to come any further by having two mercuries fire at their ship. On the portside the Gatling sits as the usual Hull-Armor destroyer for close to mid range encounters if a enemy ship sneaks past the Junker.
Lower Deck - Starboard and Port On Starboard, the second Mercury Field Gun - it works exactly the same as the one above, sniping targets from as far away as possible. A single Mercury already is a threat, if you manage to get both of them firing at the same target though, they'll effectively be crippled or soon destroyed. As with many other light weapons, a single one can deal some damage or distraction, but they only get devastating if used together or in conjunction with others. On port we have a Scylla Double Barrel Mortar waiting for the Gatling above to pierce the enemies hull before it unleashes explosives on them.
Summed up, this build focuses on map control. With the Beacon Flare Gun and the Mercury Field Guns you can effectively sit and defend a spot and wreck any ship that tries to approach you. If that fails, you still have one side with close range weaponry to put up a fight!