"...removes the intelligence factor from the game. Real gamers find their gun's traverse limits by hours of experimentation in game, not by looking at a handy chart."
I'm not going grind into the meat and potatoes of that (I lie), but from that little quote, apparently every grunt who's ever drawn up a field of fire diagram to figure where to lay their guns for fire interlocking and terrain masking clearly have no idea what they're doing. Hell, I utilize fire overlays for live-fire ranges with fixed lateral limits and known distances just to see what the effective distance and possible errant travel that a round can do. Clearly, I'd much rather find out the traverse limits of my M240 on my vehicle in combat rather than beforehand. /sarcasm
You talk about removing the intelligence factor from the game, but what you describe is more a matter of experience, but seeing as guns' traversal can be changed from patch to patch (I give you the Field Gun for 1.3.1), experience is subjective. This would actually put into the game a legitimate intelligence factor, seeing as it is an inject of data that allows you to better equip and focus your firepower prior to stepping off. Hell, a real tidbit of intelligence would be allowing players to look at enemy airships while still in the Game Lobby (but that would eliminate a lot of the fun factor and add way too much frustration).
Hence my suggestion that it be a toggled option, to allow young hard-chargers who don't need to look at a handy chart or read the instructions from getting their "hours of experimentation" and those of us who like to spend a few minutes configuring an airship that has good fields of fire and hours honing effective air combat getting our, well, hours effectively honing our air combat.
Just saying.

Edit: Also to note, no ill will is meant in my commentary, I usually come of pretty direct and intonation never translates well when typed.