We actually decided to reserve the cake's recipy as an official start of special Glowwater's cuisine.
So, Ladies and Gentlemen, I am proud to provide you this recipy:
Glowwater Cake.
Boil one pod of vanilla in half cup of whole fresh milk. Put the pod out and let the vanilla milk to cool down. When it becomes cool, break two eggs there and whip the mixture with a fork. Add some sugar or syrup by your taste.
Put 2 cups of flour, a pinch of soda and 4 large spoons of cocoa into a large bowl and mix it. Pour the milk and eggs mixture there and mix untill smooth constnstence. If you are Nutella Maniac , time to add it there!
Pour the mixture to baking form and bake for 20-30 minutes at 180°C . When it is ready, take it out , wait until it cools down and slice it to a three layers.
While the bisquit is cooling, make the filling. You need some mascarpone cheese, cream and 1 teaspoon of sugar powder for it. Ratio is dependin on your personal taste, if you like think filling, take more mascarpone, if you prefer it liquid, take more cream. I usually whip this with a fork (oldschool yeah) and it takes about 40 minutes to get the filling whipped properly, but if you have those hi-tech things like mixers, it will take about couple of minute. You also can add some almond liquor to it, but be careful, more than two spoons can kill the cream.
Cover cake's layers with filling but dont merge them yet.
Now the most important part. As all other parts of cake are not sweet, cherries are getting caramelised. Usually, I make a syrup of half cup of sugar/half cup water amd two teaspoons of flour and pour it to flying pan, when is becomes thicker, I place cherries to syrup and then quickly pull out one by one , quickly placing them on layers , not allowing cherries stick to each other. I cover the top layer fully with cherries to make it look cool. Then I merge layers, and decorate the cake with cream and chocolate. Then a cake needs to spend soem time in fridge, so cream will make the layers softer. Then it is ready to serve <3
Skrim said it is the sweetest picture ever