Hi There i am a pyromaniac Teddy Bear engineer, i love warm summer nights filled with flames in the sky and carrosel fireing to celebrate our capture of the point and a 21 hades salute for when we win,
I am a big cake fan my favourte is batternberg which i enjoy with a cup of tea,
I am abit strange because i hear cat noises in my head and i have a strange feeling it is a way to communicate that i don't understand and i always feel like every win i am so happy its like my birthday everyday,
I hope you wont mind them little perks of mine,as i enjoy flying with members of cake such as a strange snail queen a cockney sailor called morty a gentle giant pilot called zander and a friendly guy called jacob whos attire and mustache are very appealing to my fashion sence,
i have heard tails of a pilot by the name of spudnick who flys a mobula pulled by sky whales and fights of narwals but always is on the aft guns and mine launchers,anyhow this is my application i would sign it but my hands are sticky from the bakewell tarts much love Grey T